i created the old gods

Chapter 41 The Mother of Worms

Chapter 41 The Mother of Worms
In the dark sewers, there was cross-flowing sewage everywhere. American soldiers carrying flamethrowers cautiously advanced in the sewers.

Their heads are equipped with advanced night vision devices, and they can clearly see the scene in the sewer.

"Shit, why is our company responsible for coming to the sewers to kill some bullshit monster?" A fire breather walking at the front complained.

There are ten people in their group, four flamethrowers, four assaulters, a team doctor, and a commander.

They were a little angry. After all, dirty work like sewers was handed over to American "elites" like them. It was really annoying.

"Okay, stop complaining."

The fire-breathing soldier with him optimistically burned to death a few bats that were trying to get close to them, and joked: "Look at what we are doing now, does it look like the American team that starts to die in those Hollywood monster movies?"

As soon as these words came out, the originally laughing team fell silent, as quiet as death.

"If you can't speak, don't speak. Shut your bitch, you bastard!"

The commander intervened forcefully, scolded the fire-breathing soldier with a crow's mouth, and then said: "Keep pushing, we will finish investigating this area soon!"

“Think of the food, beer, and girls in New York City!”

Encouraged by the commander, the soldiers of this small team reluctantly cheered up and continued heading deeper into the sewers.

The pungent smell of corruption in the sewer became more and more intense, and the fire-breathing soldiers at the front frowned, a little dissatisfied: "If we had known it was so stinky here, we should have asked the government for gas masks!"

While complaining and moving forward, no one said anything else: they also felt that what they said was quite right, and they were not even given a gas mask.

The sewage was flowing freely, and the American soldiers waded through the sewage and moved forward cautiously. Although they joked too much, no one wanted to become cannon fodder.

Gradually, a scarlet color appeared in the sewage, and the pungent smell became stronger as it went forward.

The soldiers were not fools. They looked stern after seeing this situation. The commander even warned: "Be careful, something may happen here."

The entire team became alert. The ten people stood on the spot and slowly advanced in a formation that seemed to be in a defensive posture.

Let's talk, let's make trouble, and we still have to take it seriously when we encounter problems.

As they went deeper and deeper, the sewer began to tremble slightly, and ripples appeared one after another in the sewage.

In the invisible distance of the sewer, a lot of small, crazy things were rushing towards them!

"Watch the front! Watch the front!"

Looking at the swarm of worms coming here like waves, all the soldiers in the team were a little scared. The four commandos had already started shooting towards the end of the sewer!

Bullets are effective against most creatures on the earth, but when faced with small creatures, they appear so humble.

The bullets sank into the swarm of worms, like a stone sinking into the ocean, unable to hit any waves. The swarm of worms was not hindered by the bullets at all and continued to devour the team!

The sewage was surging. When the worms were approaching, the fire-breathing soldier chose to spray flames without hesitation. Brilliant flames instantly emerged from the flamethrower, quickly forcing back the worms that were close to the surroundings, revealing roughly the same distance as the team. Three meters apart.

"Where did these damn bugs come from?!"

The fire breather, who was the first to complain, was manipulating the flamethrower to drive away the worms while yelling curses.

"Lieutenant, what should we do?!"

The team slowly retreated to the rear. The commandos held SCAR rifles and pointed vigilantly at the worm swarm in front, asking the team commander, a young soldier who had just graduated from the military academy.

The second lieutenant made a decisive decision and said, "Retreat and return to the ground. The situation in the sewer is too serious. You must report it to your superiors!"

I don’t know what happened in the sewers. After entering, the signal was not very good. The second lieutenant could not contact the superior officers and colleagues and other teams.

"My best friend, who was also my classmate at school, died in a bloody battle with monsters in Boston. It sounds like a very honorable name, but I know that he committed a stupid mistake and caused the entire army to be annihilated!"

After the second lieutenant ordered the retreat, he shouted loudly: "I will not make the same mistake as him. We want to go home together!"

These words brought an inexplicable sense of security to all the soldiers. At this moment, this young man who graduated with honors from the military academy became the commander of this squad.

"Yes, Lieutenant John!"

Listening to the loud slogans of the team members, Lieutenant John had a wonderful smile on his face.

Then at this moment, a brief roar suddenly roared out from the sewer. Then, for some reason, the flamethrower carried by a fire-breathing soldier exploded instantly, and the other connected fire-breathing soldier was instantly hit by the flames. Devoured and turned into a blazing fire!


Screams rang out from the two team members at the front. They desperately threw themselves into the sewage, trying to let the sewage extinguish the flames on their bodies.

Although the sewage quickly extinguished the flames, the worms also swarmed forward, and within a few seconds, two white bones appeared in the sewage pool of the sewer.

The sudden attrition caused a slight panic to Second Lieutenant John, but he still followed the officer's instructions and said in an orderly manner: "Don't panic! Maintain the formation, otherwise we will all die here!"

However, just when Lieutenant John thought he had stabilized the situation, a behemoth appeared in the center of the swarm of worms, shattering Lieutenant John's illusions.

The huge thing's body was covered with lumps of rotting flesh and blood, with yellowish pus dripping continuously. The bloody mouth at the front of it flashed with sharp fangs.

Its abdomen seems to be constantly giving birth, and one worm after another is quickly added to the worm group. Looking around, the worm group seems to be endless!
At this moment, Second Lieutenant John, who had little combat experience to begin with, was so frightened that he untied the grenade he was carrying, threw it with all his strength, and then roared: "Throw the grenade and run!"


Grenade detonated in the sewer, countless worms were killed by the grenade, and a disgusting yellow liquid with an unknown smell was everywhere.

However, for a huge swarm of worms, the number killed by grenades is very small.

The members of this team had already taken advantage of this opportunity and ran away.

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(End of this chapter)

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