i created the old gods

Chapter 52 The Deep Diver Reappears

Chapter 52 The Deep Diver Reappears

The vast sea, at a glance, is the endless blue sea and blue sky.

Occasionally, a breeze blows, and huge waves spread from far to near, and finally disappear at the end of the line of sight, which looks quite spectacular.

In the blue sky, several seagulls flew past from time to time. Their sharp eyes like eagles carefully scanned the sea level, looking for their prey.

Far away from the seagulls, several low-altitude drones were also searching the sea level. The targets they were looking for were not just a few fish.

The yacht was traveling in all directions on the sea, and the soldiers on the yacht were loaded with guns and ammunition, and they all looked a little nervous.

Only one person looked quite confident, as if he had arrived in heaven.

He is the key figure in the search team, Captain James.

As a deep diver loyal to the U.S. government, he naturally has to do things for the U.S. government, and the two deep divers who escaped the capture of the U.S. military became a worry for the Massachusetts government, so they must be captured. Bring to justice.

The Massachusetts government only figured out the identity of one of them, Zhao Quan from China.

As for the identity of the other deep diver, they did not figure it out: the two of them got together before the accident, and there was no information that could indicate the identity of the other person.

Boston has recently lost more than 4 people, and trying to find this person through missing persons is even more impossible.


About 50 meters under the sea, Zhao Quan suppressed his breathing with a hint of pain and used force to dig out the bullet that had been shot in his body.

Zhao Quan was no stranger to being able to breathe underwater, but Peter was astonished as if he had discovered a new world.

"Quan, is this the bottom of the sea?"

Looking at the surrounding seascape, Peter felt a sense of wonder: "I originally thought the seabed should be crystal clear, but I didn't expect it to be like this."

It is turbid. Although deep divers have special blessings underwater and can see the underwater scenery clearly, the water quality still hinders the vision.

After that, he seemed to suddenly think of something. He looked at Zhao Quan nervously and said, "By the way. Is your injury okay?"


Zhao Quan shook his head, threw away the pulled bullet, and frowned: "We should leave now, we are still very close to Boston."

Peter asked, "Where are we going?"

"I want to go to China. Do you know China?" Zhao Quan said after thinking for a moment.

"Of course I know. I'm not a monkey living in the mountains."

Zhao Quan breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "Well, listen up, there are many ships chasing us behind us now, and our movements in the sea are not fast. Our main purpose now is to leave Boston and go ashore, and find a way to leave the United States. "

Peter, who was still worried at first, completely believed Zhao Quan after seeing the army shooting at them. Seeing Zhao Quan speak like this, he solemnly nodded and said: "If it weren't for you, I would have died in Boston. I heard. your."

Zhao Quan smiled happily without thinking too much.

Their most important task now is to avoid being hunted by the US military.

The United States is the largest country in the world today. The US military has many methods and it is definitely not something they can escape.

Submarines, rescue boats, and aircraft patrolled. If Zhao Quan had not been surprised, the American army should have blocked this area long ago and dug three inches into the ground to look for them.

So far, there is only one way.

"The attendant of the Lord of R'lyeh, the god of the deep divers, the mysterious legend of the seabed!"

"Father God Dagon, please save your people!"

Zhao Quan had no idea what Dagon's honorific name was, so he could only pray in a Western way according to the format of the god's honorific name.

Peter knew nothing about it, but seeing Zhao Quan's serious state, he also prayed together.

At the same time, in R'lye on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, Jingchuan had already felt Zhao Quan's prayer.

In fact, everything in Boston is under Jingchuan's observation. Five of the nine deep divers have already chosen to join the American government.

There were also two very unfortunate people who were dissected and studied.

Looking at Dagon standing aside, Jingchuan nodded slightly. The deep divers who had been lingering around Lalye suddenly woke up from their stillness and began to dive quickly in the direction of Boston.

Dagon's figure gradually began to become illusory.

On the throne, Jingchuan yawned, stood up, and looked in the direction of Boston with a smile on his face.

I haven't done anything for a long time, so I just used Dagon's clone to test how well the American warships can fight.

The battlefield is in the ocean, which is Jing Chuan's domain. Even if hundreds of nuclear weapons are released at the same time, Jing Chuan will be able to remain unscathed.

The search ship is driving calmly on the sea. In the waters near Boston, there are already five search ships conducting searches.

In addition, there is an integrated aircraft carrier battle group fleet in Boston Port.

The Massachusetts government was under a lot of pressure to invite five search ships, with nearly 3000 manpower to conduct the search, and it will only be carried out for three days.

After three days with no results, they had no choice but to cancel.

White mist suddenly filled the vast sea, making it impossible for them to identify their direction.

"Captain, our radar has failed!"

In the command center of the search ship, the crew was already in a mess. The captain of the search ship had frequent wrinkles on his face. He didn't know why there was white mist.

Faced with this situation, the captain could only order: "Turn on the bright lights and prepare to return! Let the submarine do the rest. It is none of our business."

"Monster! There are monsters!"

After turning on the bright lights, the crew members on the ship were stunned and looked at the surrounding sea illuminated by the light. They fell into panic.

On the foggy sea surface, terrifying heads emerged one after another. Those heads looked like humans, fish, and even more like frogs!

These monsters have scales all over their bodies, gills on both sides of their necks, and webs between their five fingers, and their entire bodies have a dark green appearance.

A pair of huge eyeballs protruded, glowing with a strange light that was difficult to describe in words. These monsters sometimes emitted incomprehensible sounds from their mouths, which were sharp and terrifying.

These monsters are slowly approaching the search ship.

After seeing the appearance of the monster, the captain shouted to the left and right: "Be careful, this is the monster attacking Boston!"

"Enemy attack! All members are ready to fight!"

Hundreds of soldiers on the search ship equipped themselves with weapons and began shooting at the monsters on the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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