i created the old gods

Chapter 54 Aircraft Carrier (recommendation ticket requested)

Chapter 54 Aircraft Carrier (recommendation ticket requested)
"Huh? Is Karenli confused? Why did you come to my patrol area?"

A search ship traveling on the sea suddenly found traces of another search ship on the radar, which instantly made the captain of the search ship fall into doubt.

He quickly communicated with another search ship through the radio: "This is DODG-231, please DODG-118 return to its own route and don't come closer to us!"

"Please DODG-118 quickly leave the waters near us and return to the normal shipping lane! I repeat, please DODG-118 quickly leave the waters near us and return to the normal shipping lane!"

When a ship is traveling in the sea, like an airplane, it cannot stop on the spot and can only choose to move forward. There is no such thing as stopping or retreating. If they want to retreat, they can only adjust the direction of the ship.

This is also the reason why in many maritime disasters, ships do not stop when they are about to hit an obstacle.

Moreover, the ship's U-turn requires a large amount of buffer time, and it is impossible to turn around just as soon as it is turned around.

Therefore, the captain of the 231 search ship is so nervous.

The impact of a ship appearing on its original route without any communication is immeasurable.

As the search ship No. 231 continued to call, the search ship on the opposite side did not respond or make any movement. It continued to drive straight towards them, looking shaky and very dangerous.

"DODG-118, what are you doing?! If you hear it, please reply! Karenli, you cousin-raised dog, reply me!"

Seeing the DODG-118 search ship getting closer and closer, the captain of the search ship No. 231 was already panicking. He called frantically to the captain of the search ship No. 118.

The survival rate of a shipwreck is very low. Search Ship 231 does not want to become a shipwrecked ship and have all its crew members buried underwater.

"Captain, something's not right!"

The crew member in charge of the navigation warning receiver suddenly felt frightened, and his voice was trembling: "Captain, the deck of No. 118 is full of monsters!"


The captain was stunned for a moment, then asked: "What kind of monster?"

The crew member did not speak, but the captain went directly to the navigation warning receiver and saw the deck of the search ship No. 118 through the screen.

The deck of the search ship No. 118 was full of monsters with fish heads but frog-like behavior.

His pupils suddenly shrank, his brows furrowed, then he took a deep breath and said, "Notify the soldiers on the ship to prepare for battle!"

All the soldiers took action. They were in the front of the search ship, armed with various individual weapons, and attacked the opposite ship!
Countless bullets poured out, and the scales of the deep divers could withstand most of the bullets, so their bullets did not cause any damage to the deep divers.

"RPG preparation, blow up search ship No. 118!"

Looking at the No. 118 search ship getting closer and closer to him and the unknown number of deep divers flickering in the surrounding waters, the captain of the No. 231 search ship gritted his teeth and shouted: "Quickly request the Boston Port. Reinforcements! We are definitely no match for them!"


As the RPG rocket was launched, it was detonated on the search ship No. 118. The fire shot straight into the sky, and a strong explosion sounded in their ears!

The five transferred search ships were originally civilian passenger ships. They were temporarily recruited and adapted. They did not have any strong protective measures at all. With a few RPG rounds, the search ship could be destroyed directly!

Looking at the No. 118 search ship that turned into blazing fire, a smile gradually bloomed on the face of the captain of the No. 231 search ship, but the next moment, his smile disappeared.

Although the No. 231 search ship was on fire, exploded in many places, and had holes everywhere, it did not sink. Instead, in a strange posture, it was directly urging them to crash into it!

"No, we're about to hit it!"


The military flags on the sea level of the Atlantic Ocean contrast with the white clouds in the sky. A few flying seagulls fly in the wind, and the water and sky are the same color, leisurely and contented.

The sea breeze blows from the sea level, carrying a strong smell of sea, and white waves surge onto the beach from time to time.

Group after group of soldiers patrolled around the command center of the aircraft carrier, while Rear Admiral Bell, the commander of the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier battle group of the U.S. Third Fleet, leisurely drank coffee and enjoyed a sunbath.

The Third Fleet's jurisdiction covers approximately 5000 million square miles of the western United States and the North Pacific.

This region is home to major oil transportation and maritime trade lines and is critical to the economic health of the United States and its allies in the Pacific Rim.

There are four aircraft carrier battle groups under the Third Fleet, and the Nimitz aircraft carrier battle group is just one of them.

It is such a significant fleet. The commander, Major General Bell, does not quite understand why the Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet asked him to mobilize the fleet to Boston Port, just to prevent something that might happen.

Can something happen?
Has Boston lobster mutated?

And even if the Boston lobster mutated, what did the Second Fleet and the Home Defense Fleet of the Atlantic Fleet do?
But this is good, they can also breathe a sigh of relief, experience the local customs of Boston, and taste the world-famous Boston lobster.

"General, we received the distress signal from search ship No. 231. After the distress signal from search ship No. 231 ended, contact with search ship 231 was lost."

"Not only that, we also tried to contact four search ships No. 118, No. 239, No. 263, and No. 298. These search ships all lost contact with us."

At this moment, his subordinate's report disturbed his good mood. Rear Admiral Bell frowned: "All five search ships lost contact?"

An hour ago, they exchanged orders with search ship No. 231. Several other search ships also delivered intelligence within half a day. How come they all lost contact in just half a day?
Rear Admiral Bell's mentality has changed from irritable to serious. He sat upright and said seriously: "What was the last distress signal from the search ship No. 231?"

The soldier responsible for receiving the information said: "They encountered the No. 118 search ship, but all the people on the No. 118 search ship disappeared. They encountered a ship of monsters. They reported that they were fighting the monsters on the No. 118 search ship. Engage and request reinforcements from us.”

"Monster? Is it the green, half-human, half-fish, somewhat frog-like monster mentioned by the Massachusetts government?"

Major General Bell felt a little confused. He had never seen such a monster before, only in military videos.

The monster in the video didn't make much achievements on land, but it may be in a different state in the sea.

"Entering a state of war, let's see what these monsters are capable of!"

Rear Admiral Bell had already applied for action to the Pacific Naval Command. Following Rear Admiral Bell's order, the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier took action from Boston Harbor and headed to the sea.

Twenty-ten minutes after the Nimitz marched, Major General Bell issued the first order after entering a state of war: "F/A-10A fighter jets will attack and search the nearby sea. Once enemy traces are found, they can make their own judgments whether to proceed." attack!"

Twelve carrier-based F/A-18A fighter jets took off from the runway and headed into the distance to begin the first round of missions.

Fight the Deep Ones from the air!
 Thanks to Xuan Kuangzuo for the 1000 starting coin reward.

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(End of this chapter)

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