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Chapter 188 The Progressive History of Gray Star

Chapter 188 The Progressive History of Gray Star
During the period when Megan was repairing the spaceship, Xuanhuangxing was attacked by starry sky monsters many times, causing a large number of casualties and economic losses.

Maybe, as Gao Fei guessed, there is a nest of starry monsters somewhere in the universe. If you want to avoid being attacked, you must destroy the monster's nest!
I haven’t been to the ruins of Tianjing City for a few days, and it’s already very different.

Factories are rising from the ground, and vehicles transporting goods come and go.

Inside the factory, the production lines are busy and orderly, producing various mechanical parts.

Gao Fei, who came to inspect the work, nodded frequently, fully affirming the achievements of the construction work in the past few days, and repeatedly emphasized that the construction work must be solidly promoted and sufficient space resources should be left for the long-term development of the industrial base in a clear-cut manner.

At the same time, we must also strengthen the construction of transportation and road networks. As the saying goes, infrastructure construction, road construction first, breaking through traffic bottlenecks, and smoothing external connection channels are the top priority, which is related to future development plans. We must not take it lightly and do things carelessly.

Gao Fei's guidance made Shen Rong, the main person in charge of the industrial base construction, feel warm in her heart. She was greatly moved and said happily: "Why do you fucking talk so much? How about you come?"

Gao Fei waved his hands repeatedly and pointed out with a smile that professional matters should be left to professionals. He, a layman, did not dare to point fingers.

Shen Rong agreed from the bottom of her heart and nodded frequently: "Then why don't you shut up?"

In the cheerful atmosphere of the inspection, Gao Fei also discovered an unexpected big guy. It is understood that this big guy provides electricity, an important resource that maintains the operation of the industrial base.

From Megan's introduction, Gao Fei learned that this is an energy generation and conversion device called a magic energy furnace. The power source of the spacecraft is also provided by the magic energy furnace.

Regarding the mana furnace, Megan gave a detailed introduction and inevitably talked about the history of Gray Star.

Gao Fei learned from this how Gray Star changed from a magical civilization to a semi-technological and semi-magical civilization.

The reason is that 1000 years ago, several spaceships crashed on Planet Gray. Through the wreckage of these spacecraft and the damaged unknown energy power furnace, the Gray people extracted an energy called magic energy from the planet's specialty magic crystal.

This energy is polluting and extremely damaging to living things. During the research process, several areas of Gray Star were severely contaminated by magic energy and turned into an unsurvivable wasteland.

As a result, the Kingdom of Lot tried to block technology. However, the mechanical wave revolution was unstoppable, and a chaotic war swept the world on Gray Star.

This war ended with the demise of the Kingdom of Lot and its replacement by the Kingdom of Barres, which supported technology. Since then, science and technology have achieved unprecedented development, and magic has gradually declined.

After 1000 years of exploration, the use of magic energy is finally safe and controllable and appears in every aspect of daily life.

For example, there is a miniature magic energy furnace placed in Leo's mechanical arm, which can release powerful energy attacks without the need to recite spells or use mental power to communicate with the elements between heaven and earth.

From this aspect, the overall strength of Gray Star is stronger than that of Xuanhuang Star. As long as it is equipped with magic weapons, it can have good combat effectiveness.

After learning this information, Gao Fei is ready to take the spaceship to the universe to find the monster's lair.

For safety reasons, Gao Fei believed that it would be safest to take Mi Jia with him.

After he left, there would be no one in Xuanhuangxing to be Leo's opponent. What if Her Royal Highness lost her mind and took hostages as a threat to try to restore her free status?
This matter has to be cautious.

Gao Fei's reasons are so full of loopholes that Shen Rong doesn't even bother to expose him. Don't talk to me about all the nonsense. I don't know what you are planning?

I'm really afraid that Leo will take hostages and cripple, kill, or poison him...

There are many ways, is it so troublesome?


You are the body of the greedy princess!
Shen Rong knew very well that there was nothing she could do to stop Gao Fei's dream of forming a harem, but as long as she was here, she would not give Gao Fei a chance to be alone with Mi Jia!
However, when she was half-conscious after being repeatedly ravaged by Goofy, this hateful guy seized the opportunity to sneak away.

That night.Mijia was coerced by Gao Fei and reluctantly boarded the spacecraft. She controlled the spacecraft and headed to the vast universe.

By the time Shen Rong arrived, it was already too late.

As for the warrior captain who was known as the strongest man in Gray Star, he was beaten half to death by Gao Fei and had to lie down for at least several months before he could get out of bed, thus eliminating all future troubles.

"This bastard!!"

When Shen Rong was stamping her feet in anger, Gao Fei was sitting leisurely in the spaceship drinking coffee.

Mijia, who was sitting in the driver's seat, glanced out of the corner of his eye from time to time, his hands and feet sweating nervously.

"Why do you keep peeking at me?"

Gao Fei put down the coffee cup, put his elbows on the table and held his face, looking at Mijia with a smile.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. I just let you fly the spaceship without any thoughts."

Of course Mijia doesn't believe this argument. She can indeed fly a spaceship, but her skills are very average. There is obviously a captain with excellent piloting skills, but she is a rookie?
Gao Fei seemed to have guessed what Mi Jia was thinking, and said with a smile: "Your captain is not as pleasing to the eye as you are. What's more, he and I don't understand each other's language."

Mijia pursed her lips and said, "I can translate."

"There is obviously a chance for two people to be alone, why would they want to join a third party?"

"Do you think this is okay?" Mi Jia said, "You have a very close relationship with that Director Shen, but you want... don't you think you are bad?"

“Everyone has the right to pursue love, I just want to do what every man dreams of.

Besides, no matter how many sisters she has, my love for her will never change. "

"It's hard for me to accept it." Mijia is a person with deep traditional concepts, and she cannot accept that kind of chaotic relationship.

"It doesn't matter. If you can't accept it now, you'll get used to it later."


Mijia's words are full of toughness.

"Let's not talk about this anymore, let's talk about business." Gao Fei stirred the coffee cup with a spoon and said slowly: "Actually, you were not attacked by the star thief, right?"

Mijia's hand couldn't help shaking: "I don't understand what you mean."

"You can't hide it from me. I've seen through you a long time ago." Gao Fei said with a smile: "Since arriving at Xuanhuang Star, each of your faces has been filled with relief. This is not the feeling you should have when you lose your freedom."

Mijia lowered his head and said nothing.

"What happened to Gray Star?"

"I..." Mijia hesitated for a while, and said, "I came here as an escape."

After a pause, she continued: "My father was seriously ill, and my brother and I competed for the throne. Since the Dark Church supported my brother, I lost and had no choice but to escape from Gray Star in a spaceship."

(End of this chapter)

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