I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 101 The Aurora Project, the Essence of the Eastern Sea Enlightenment

Chapter 101 The Aurora Project, the Essence of the Eastern Sea Enlightenment
In the conference room, the four young men sat upright, and when they saw Jiang Hou coming in, they all looked sideways.

Wang Weiwen didn't seem surprised to see Ye Da, and gave Ye Da a smiling look.

Jiang Hou ignored Ye Da who was standing at the gate of the meeting room, and walked forward step by step.

"Eclectic, without restrictions, gather the best young spiritual enlighteners in the East China Sea! The purpose of the Dawn Project is to cultivate powerful spiritual enlighteners who can stand on their own. In other words, it is to find and cultivate geniuses!"

Coming to the head of the meeting room, Jiang Hou's majestic body turned around, leaning on the table and said with burning eyes: "Ye Da, let go of your doubts and join the Shuguang Project. I can develop 100% of your potential!"

Ye Da felt that Jiang Hou meant something.

And this aura!What kind of bloody battle?

Among the four, except for Wang Weiwen who knew some inside information, the other three were a little curious about who had such a big reputation, and the captain personally lobbied, quite reluctantly.

After seeing Ye Da's face, they were thoughtful. It seemed that he was the guy who single-handedly solved the Lingzi incident some time ago. He was more handsome in real life than online.

This record is convincing, after all, no matter how proud they are, they will not think that they can solve the Lingzi incident alone.

At the same time, several people also had expectations for Ye Da's joining. "Dawn Project" is a new project in the youth training camp. Every member is an elite among the elites. The four are powerful spiritual enlighteners, but they did not show up. Similar to the bloody plot of "why is this person so annoying", but it has a feeling of "this kind of person joins us, which shows that we are really good".

But Ye Da was a little embarrassed.

Whether it is the Suguang Project, whose name is very powerful, or the youth training camp, it is undoubtedly attractive to young people in Kyushu. Just two words "future" are enough.

Analogous to the earth, it is equivalent to a college student. The official sent someone to say, "You will definitely become an excellent scientist in the future. Now enter the Chinese Academy of Sciences system to study." , we will do our best to train you. "

Generally speaking, this invitation represents "future", and when viewed separately, it represents money, social status, life value, and the most important "opportunity"!
But these are not important to Ye Da, or in other words, they are not the most important things at this point in time.

His main task is to complete the practice of "Entering the World", and the side task is to complete his university studies.

If Jiang Hou's invitation happened after the completion of "The Way of Living in the World", Ye Da would be happy to have a bright future in Kyushu. After all, he will get married and have children in the future. A man must have his own career and work to make money.

You can't rely on Ye Jianguo to support your wife and children, can you?
But now, Ye Da is always worried.

Jiang Hou seemed to have seen Ye Da's thoughts, and said confidently: "Xiaoye, according to the file, you came out of Xiangxi County, Liangzhou, and it was only when you came to Donghai that you realized that you were a spiritual enlightenment, right?"

Ye Da nodded cautiously. Could it be that his apparent identity has been found out?The other party wants to threaten himself?

Jiang Hou continued: "Having experienced the hostage-taking, the viaduct battle, the Yunzhou lake monster, the library enlightenment incident, Ye Da, you are not a little bit curious about the nature of this world?"

Ye Da looked up at this majestic and rough man.

"The reality hidden in the daily life, the mysteries of the past and the present, the world is far wider than you imagine. And only by joining the youth training camp can you get in touch legally and reasonably, instead of passively waiting for the next disaster to strike , Waiting for the coveted person to do it, Ye Da, take the initiative to take a step, you will not regret it."

Yes, he doesn't care about the future, money, or status, and even slightly rejects joining official forces, even if it's just a non-mandatory youth training camp.

But there is only one thing that moves him the most.

That is curiosity.

Kyushu is different from the earth, and it is already different from the Ye family in the second life.

He wanted to know how such a bizarre world developed into modern society.

He wanted to know what the ocean was like, and whether it was full of monsters as he had guessed.

He wanted to know what the essence of the spirit body was, and why Chen Jiu called him Yin.

He also wanted to know how strong Ye Jianguo was and when he would be able to beat him up.

Wonderful Kyushu, Kyushu with extraordinary power, there are too many things he is curious about.

Meeting Jiang Hou's scorching gaze, he recalled that he repeatedly reminded Ye Da to let go of his worries.

Ye Da sighed.

It's so boring to look forward and backward.

The most important thing is that it has attracted the attention of the authorities, and even the captain of the special affairs department came to block the door. Simply refusing will only make it more troublesome.Besides, Marquis Jiang was right. It would be too stupid to passively wait for the next disaster to strike in Kyushu, which is already an extraordinary place.

He wants to live an ordinary life, but he has to smooth out some things first, and use the power of the youth training camp to strengthen himself first, and there is no conflict.

Looking at Jiang Hou's burning eyes.

"Will it affect the class?"

Jiang Hou said calmly: "Everyone is a student, so naturally I won't let you give up your studies."

"Is there a trial period?"

Jiang Hou grinned: "The government is not a devil or some evil force. You can leave whenever you want, but you have to seize the opportunity if you want to. Moreover, this is just a training plan, not a life-and-death certificate."

"What is the purpose, to deal with the special operations team prepared by the mastermind behind the scenes?"

"I said, this is just a training program, do you read too many novels, and you don't have the power to enforce the law."

Ye Da and Jiang Hou looked at each other for a moment.

"Okay, I can join, but I don't guarantee how long I will stay."

"it is good!"

Jiang Hou clapped his hands: "Then let me introduce a few companions to you!"

"Wu Fei, we all call her Xiaowu, A-level spirit enlightener"

Jiang Hou pointed to a cold girl with short hair, contrary to the easy-going title, maybe 172, she looked unsmiling, staring intently, and said nothing.

"Zhou Meirong, logistics expert, A/B-level dual-ability enlightener."

A sweet girl with glasses and braids waved at Ye Da kindly and smiled, as if she was curious about Ye Da.

"Li Zifeng, long-distance hand, double B-rank spiritual enlightener."

A boy with a short cut looked very lively, showing his canine teeth to Ye Da.

"Wang Weiwen, an A-level spiritual enlightener, I don't need to introduce this one."

Wang Weiwen smiled at Ye Da.

These are definitely the most outstanding young spiritual enlighteners in the entire East China Sea. Although the level does not represent all of them, the few sitting right now are considered luxurious.

The probability of enlightenment is three in [-], but how many of the enlighteners can reach B-level or even A-level?

This Dawn Project, I'm afraid it really wiped out all the geniuses among the young spiritual enlighteners in the East China Sea and even the surrounding area!

Jiang Hou pointed his thick fingers at himself.

"As well as myself, the initiator and person in charge of the Dawn Project, Jiang Hou, the captain of the Sixth Team of the Special Affairs Division, temporarily taking the position of instructor, and an S-level spiritual enlightener."

All eyes turned to Ye Da.

Ye Da moved his lips, and finally pointed at himself with a smile: "Ye Da, double A-level spiritual initiate, join temporarily."

Jiang Hou laughed loudly and said: "This kind of worry is unnecessary! If you want to leave in the future, it must be because I didn't do my job well! You are all geniuses I have carefully selected!"

"Then, it's rare that five people are here today, so let's start the first mission of the Suguang Project directly!"

Everyone was taken aback, so fast?
Ye Da was even more surprised, I didn't even sit down yet!
Jiang Hou waved his hand.

"On the first day, keep it simple."

"Let's get to know each other's abilities."

(End of this chapter)

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