I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 111 The Fox's Tail Leaked Out

Chapter 111 The Fox's Tail Leaked Out
The inside of the secret door is not as gloomy and dark as Ye Da imagined, but a place that looks like an office. People from the [-]th and [-]th are sitting in the soundproof glass room, some are on the phone, and some are writing.

Completely look like a serious company.

Zhou Meirong blinked at Ye Da, and left the team in such a grandiose manner, and went to find clues by herself. Old Zhou and everyone around her didn't feel anything unusual. If she hadn't blinked at Ye Da deliberately before leaving, Ye Da It is estimated that they will not realize Zhou Meirong's departure.

Lao Zhou led Ye Da and Wu Fei into a tea room, where Ye Da met the so-called Master Hu.

Thievous eyebrows and a mustache, he doesn't look like an expert, but looks like a fortune teller at Caishikou.

Master Hu, who is dressed in a mandarin jacket, is there.

"I heard that Brother Ye is in an emergency, so I made an exception and asked Lao Zhou to invite you over."

Ye Da leaned on the sofa, did not touch the tea, and said, "The introducer should have said that my dad was in a car accident and he couldn't wake up in the ICU. He is looking for a way to save his life. What can you do?"

Master Hu took a sip of tea enjoying it, and said, "It can be done, but not everyone can do it."

Ye Da raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

"Believe it or not is not what you say, it depends on your sincerity."

Ye Da pretended to be disdainful: "Just say how much it is."

"Don't talk about money, talk about fate."

Just when Ye Da was puzzled, Master Hu said: "88 fate."

The scene was awkward for a while.

Ye Da almost missed the conversation.

Shameless, it has to be you guys
Lao Zhou on the side was hesitant to speak: "Master Hu, this is against the rules."

Master Hu recited the mouse whiskers, and glanced at Lao Zhou. As if he had received some message in his mind, Lao Zhou shut up immediately, even with a happy expression on his face.

This Master Hu is weird, he seems to be able to transmit sound through his mind.

Wang Weiwen's voice also came: "Ye Da, I blocked a few listeners just now, and after some inquiries, I have never heard of Master Hu. He may be the key person."

Ye Da looked at the master who had a mischievous eyebrow and a mouse eye, and said:

"So it's the 'fate', then I must be your 'fate' person, the kind of 'fate'."

Master Hu nodded in satisfaction and said, "Then, can you let me witness Dependent Origination?"

This is for capital verification.

Ye Da faintly felt something was wrong, the progress was a little too smooth.

However, capital verification is not that easy, and Ye Da didn't have the capital to do it for him.

Really treat him as a rich second generation who is stupid and rich, and you can spend money as you say.

Just as he was about to say a few more words, Wang Weiwen's voice came from his ear.

"Ask him for the card number."

Ye Da:? ? ?
"We can't miss this opportunity, and we don't have much money. Let's see what this master Hu is from."

After a few minutes, Master Hu glanced at his mobile phone and saw that 10 Yuan was credited to his account. He nodded with satisfaction. Sure enough, he is a fool with a lot of money.

"Then tomorrow, Young Master Ye and I will go to see your father, and with some tricks, your father will definitely save the day."

Ye Dabuyi said: "Tomorrow can't be done, today must be. Every hour in the ICU is dangerous."

After pestering for a long time, Master Hu finally nodded reluctantly, and agreed to go and see tonight, but because of lack of preparation, there was no guarantee that he would be rescued immediately.

Now it was Ye Da's turn to be surprised.

This guy really dares to go
Does he really have the ability to save people?

Could it be reverse fishing?Or is the liar self-hypnotized?
At this time, Zhou Meirong has also collected all the criminal evidence and personnel information in this den, leaving it to be used when he catches them all in the future. Now let's take a look at what Master Hu is.Master Hu didn't take anyone with him. Even Lao Zhou moved away and walked toward the garage with figure-stepping steps and humming a tune.

"Brother Ye, which car is yours?"

Ye Da pointed to the black SUV in the corner.

Master Hu glanced at it and thought: This car can't have a hundred W's, it's really a "destined" person.

Looking back, find a way to make another fortune!
But on the surface, he still has to maintain a superior demeanor, as if he has seen the market without being surprised.

Taking Ye Da to open the door for him, Master Hu nodded in satisfaction, moved his buttocks and sat on it, don't tell me, the car is a bit high, and his hips are stretched.

Looking at the treachery almost written on Master Hu's face, Ye Da always felt that it was outrageous.

Too naive, right?And he looks a little silly, acting so carelessly, what kind of evil is he doing, it's better to enter the factory with big screws.

Can such a naive criminal really cheat money?

Master Hu sat in the back seat, smiled slightly and said, "Brother Ye, let's go without delay."

Suddenly the car door was opened, and a blue-haired gangster appeared in a blink of an eye, and grabbed Master Hu's hand.

"Hey~? Who are you? What are you doing?"

The door on the other side was also opened, and Li Zifeng quickly got into the car and restrained him with his other hand. The short Master Hu felt two iron clamps pinching him, and instantly stood up from side to side.

"Hey, little brother Ye, what does this mean?"

A hard object pressed against Master Hu's back, making him stiff.

Master Hu's figure trembled a little.

"Is there any misunderstanding in this? Which way do you guys go?"

Ye Da flicked his nails and said, "I've done so many shitty things, but I'm just thinking about it? Why did I find you so hard?"

"You don't come here to seek revenge, you're wrong, you're wrong!

"Yes, then you have to seize the opportunity."

Just as he was saying "bang", a big withered yellow tail appeared under Master Hu's buttocks.

The whole person was a section high out of thin air.

This scene stunned everyone.

Including Master Hu himself.

Master Hu: "It's finished."

Immediately afterwards, a warm smell of urine came from inside the car.

A few kilometers away, Jiang Hou was driving.

The phone rang, showing that the caller was "Xiaoye".

"Ah, Xiaoye, how does it feel to make a plan by yourself for the first time? Did it go well?"

"What?!! Caught a monster!?"

 Yesterday's 107, which was posted at 7 o'clock, was reviewed at 11 o'clock. It may be because the system has become stricter on the review of this book due to the recent ban.

  I really didn't mean to write anything forbidden, but the review always makes people confused.

  So these few papers were written tremblingly and revised many times.

  But if you hurry up and hurry up, you can do it in the third watch. From now on, try to be a third watch beast!A three-shift beast with guaranteed quality and quantity!
(End of this chapter)

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