I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 126 Route Planning

Chapter 126 Route Planning
Even if I ask for two days off, I don't have to go to class tomorrow, because it will be Saturday again soon.

But for Ye Da, there is still training for the Suguang Project on weekends.

Climbing out of the freezer and wiping off the ice on his body, Ye Da stretched.

Liu Xiaoqian was still in a low mood, hiding in "Shaoyin", Ye Da was going to give her some time.

After feeding Xiaoqing a few pieces of black ice and changing into a loose sweater, Ye Da left the house.

Zhou Meirong was already waiting for him at the gate of Xingfuli.

Zhou Meirong wore a pleated skirt, and her slender legs were particularly conspicuous in this season, but people around her turned a blind eye to her, as if she had lowered her presence a little. If she hadn't already known that she was waiting for him at the gate of the community, Ye Tatsuya might not be able to see her at a glance.

Looking at the other party, Ye Da asked the question that the gay man couldn't solve through the ages: "Isn't it cold?"

Zhou Meirong gently pulled something on her thigh, and showed it to Ye Da: "I have a bare-leg artifact!"

It makes sense that technology makes beauty.

Zhou Meirong lived not far from here. She had visited Ye Da during class before and made an appointment to set off together on weekends.

Zhou Meirong called the car, but Ye Da was not polite. After getting in the car, Zhou Meirong adjusted his presence to normal, which scared the driver staggering, and the steering wheel almost missed the target.

Wasn't there only one person in the car? !

I must be too tired. After taking this order, go home and rest.

Zhou Meirong looked at Ye Da's face curiously, and said, "You're so handsome...ah no, I mean...you look a little tired?"

Ye Da nodded, he didn't rest until dawn last night, and recently "Aunt Li" didn't open for roast meat, and the restaurant three blocks away was not good, so he wasn't very active in eating.

"By the way, have you thought about the future training direction? It may be decided today."

Ye Da wondered, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Meirong pointed to herself, the nude pink on her nails was the same color as her lips.

"For example, when I was in the youth training camp in Jiangzhou, it was the first formal training when I entered the camp, and I determined the direction of development. It’s limited, isn’t it, so planning a development path is very important.”

Zhou Meirong, Wu Fei, and Li Zifeng all carried out step-by-step ability development with a clear direction.

This kind of ability development is not the kind of meditation practice in the novel. In addition to one's own ability, it also needs to involve one's own knowledge, equipment assistance, and even tactical thinking.

Taking Zhou Meirong as an example, in addition to constantly improving his own abilities, he also needs to learn knowledge of weak electricity, electronic components, and hacking, all of which are necessary for his A-level "weak electricity control" to play its fullest role.

And the "sense of presence" of B-level needs to involve some psychology and body language observation in order to better play.

To give another example, Li Zifeng's ability is developed in the direction of "super sniper" + "combat command". He needs to be proficient in wind speed measurement, optical observation, tactical command, cartography, etc. He needs to learn more than ordinary There are even more snipers, and it won't be easy just because they are spiritual enlighteners.

The biggest difference between the official training system and the gray zone Nakano Luzi spiritual enlightener is that there is a strong backing team to provide support and a comprehensive knowledge system to supplement.

Zhou Meirong imagined based on Ye Da's situation and said: "Your development direction may be similar to Team Jiang. You two are really similar. No wonder Team Jiang wants to drag you into the Dawn Project no matter what."

Ye Da suddenly asked curiously, "What is Team Jiang's development direction?"

Zhou Meirong said: "It's already difficult to define the level of the Jiang team. I only know that before he became the captain and S-level spiritual enlightener, his general direction was 'attack'."

The two arrived at the headquarters of the "Youth Training Camp" building that they had visited once. Wang Weiwen and others seemed to have arrived earlier, and sent a message telling him to go directly to the fourth floor and Zhou Meirong to go underground.

Ye Da arrived on the fourth floor, only to find that it was a shooting range.

In the specially-made space, countless weapons with long guns and short cannons are hung on the wall, and ground wires extend to the distance as auxiliary, and there are various targets at the far end.

A middle-aged man in a white coat greeted Ye Da gently.

"Hello, Ye Da, right, I'm Li Youren."

Ye Da shook hands with Li Youren and said, "Where is this?" "Since you have never received professional training before, you need to make a judgment on your situation today to find the most suitable training route for you. As you can see , this is a shooting range, have you ever touched a gun before?"

Ye Da shook his head, at least he had never touched an iron gun.

"Although the spiritual enlightener itself has various powerful abilities, in modern society, if most of the troubles can be solved with a gun, it will be much more convenient and the cost will be lower. For 90% of spiritual enlightenment criminals, guns are still enough deterrence."

Ye Da simulated in his mind, the scene of himself jumping off the helicopter and firing wildly with Gatling in one hand and RPG in the other.

Fuck it feels so dick!

"Some unscrupulous spirit enlighteners in the society mostly use cold weapons and some self-made equipment to fight. That's because firearms are strictly regulated, and every bullet has a source, and the cost of use is extremely high, but as members of the Dawn Squad, these are not Question, the use of firearms during missions is allowed."

Ye Da rubbed his hands, a little excited, he had never touched an iron gun before!

"Then let's start with the simplest pistol."

Li Youren took out a pistol from the equipment keeper on the side.

Ye Da looked a little familiar, it seemed that the "special enforcement team" used this kind of equipment, which was regarded as standard equipment.

Next, Li Youren explained to Ye Da how to use the pistol in detail, and Ye Da listened very carefully, and even blessed himself with a state of "yin energy concentration".

The youth training camp does not play fake games, there are enough bullets, and live ammunition will be loaded directly after 20 minutes.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Ye Da held his breath and concentrated, and fired three shots in a row.

10 meters away, the target was unharmed.

The scene fell into silence for a moment.

Li Youren pushed his glasses fiercely, poked his head out, and looked around wonderingly: "Where did you go?"

Ye Da was also puzzled: "Empty ammunition?"

"how is this possible"

Li Youren took Ye Da's pistol and pulled out the magazine to confirm.

"There's nothing wrong with the bullet. How can it escape from such a close range? The problem is that there are no bullet holes in the other targets."

Li Youren touched the back of his head, feeling a little weird.

There are no holes in the wall!
There was a drop of cold sweat on Ye Da's forehead.

It just felt quite stable.

Bullets~ Bullets~ Where are you going?

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Three more shots.

The 10-meter target finally broke the defense.

The lower right corner was rubbed with burrs.

Li Youren couldn't believe it, stopped the practice, and walked into the shooting range. He insisted on finding the missing bullet!
A few minutes later, Li Youren dunked a warhead from a blind spot in the shooting range.

"This is not right, how can this ballistic trajectory deviate to such a place?! Is this the bullet turning technique that has been lost for many years?"

(End of this chapter)

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