I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 128 The world after death is just as exciting

Chapter 128 The world after death is just as exciting

Ye Da trained alone all day on Saturday.

In the words of Li Youren, the other four have participated in the youth training camp for many years, and have already mastered a lot of basic knowledge, but Ye Da is different, there are many gaps.

It's not that he's good at it, but that he hasn't been exposed to these things before, so he needs to make up lessons separately.

Ye Da also realized the difference between official training and wild ways in society.

With a mature system and a solid plan, there is no secret or not, only whether you can learn it or not, and whether you have talent.

Some things that spiritual enlighteners in the gray area need blood lessons to know, are just routine knowledge that must be understood in the youth training camp.

For example, 5 self-rescue methods in the face of mind control enlighteners.

A complete list of the characteristics and weaknesses of energy-based spiritual enlightenment abilities.

The rule is a 7-step vulnerability analysis method for spiritual enlightenment ability.

These are the experiences of those "lone wolf" spiritual enlighteners, which may take a lifetime to sum up.

In the youth training camp, it is recorded in detail in a book, and anyone can read it.

Of course, whether you can remember it and use it reasonably depends on your personal level.

More such as the use of various firearms, the use of special equipment, vehicle driving, tactical analysis, etc., Ye Da has not yet started, but they can all be learned in the future.

Hmm. A question mark about firearms.

Moreover, Ye Da, as a member of the Shuguang team, enjoys super preferential treatment. Each class is explained one-on-one by an expert. If you have any questions, you can ask them to solve them at any time, and even a practical demonstration often happens.

Ye Da was in a state of yin qi all day long, and his progress was fast. All the teachers said that he was a genius with strong comprehension ability. In just a few times, he might be able to catch up with the other four people who had been training for many years in terms of knowledge.

In addition, in the use of weapons, Li Youren said that tomorrow there will be a staff member of the special affairs department who is a master of sticks for training.

Although Ye Da plans to use the special alloy stick to do "black ice transformation" in the future, it will be of great benefit to learn how to use the most simple stick.

It was not until night that Ye Da finished his full day of lessons. Like a sponge, he quickly absorbed all the knowledge.

However, Jiang Hou didn't show up all day. I heard that there was some trouble in the East China Sea. The two important figures suddenly had mental problems last night. Matters attention.

Ye Da thought it should be caused by Li Siyue's death.

The disappearance of Li Siyue himself should have been noticed, but I don't know how long the aftermath will last.

Zhou Meirong and the others finished earlier and had already gone back. Ye Da refused Li Youren's offer to see him off, and left the headquarters of the youth training camp alone.

I took a taxi and reported an unfamiliar address.

"1850 Jiangkang Road"

After driving for nearly 40 minutes, Ye Da came to an old building.

Liu Xiaoqian floated out, the bewitching and beautiful her appeared for the first time since her revenge last night.

"Is it here?"

Liu Xiaoqian looked at a small dim window at the corner, and nodded with a complex expression.

More than ten years ago, a little girl who loved ancient poetry sat behind that window every day, holding a collection of poems left by her father to read.

According to Su Yifei's memory, he killed Liu Xiaoqian's mother 9 years ago.

Although Liu Xiaoqian recalled her own memory and remembered the address of her home, she didn't know how her mother's funeral was handled, including who the home now belonged to.

But there are lights in the windows, which means someone is living there.They did not rush up and knock on the door, otherwise they would not be able to tell clearly. Instead, they waited for another hour. After the window was turned off, Liu Xiaoqian floated up, while Ye Da waited downstairs.

After Liu Xiaoqian evolved into a "ghost", she has the ability to "enter the dream" and can control the dreams of the sleeping person. It may be because she has extra illusion ability, so Liu Xiaoqian seems to be particularly strong in this respect.

She was going to use this method to confirm her mother's affairs.

Half an hour later, Liu Xiaoqian floated back with red eyes.

This house was a dormitory allocated by the state-owned factory where Liu Xiaoqian's father used to work. Later, after his father died, Liu Xiaoqian's mother, who was married from another place, bought it here at all costs, so that the mother and daughter could have a comfort nest.

After Liu Xiaoqian's mother passed away, there were no immediate family members of Liu Xiaoqian's family in Donghai, so the house was inherited to Liu Xiaoqian's mother's distant relative, a person Liu Xiaoqian had never met.

Of course, the inheritance of inheritance is more complicated, and some property rights and cash exchanges are involved in the process. After all, the house fell into the hands of their family.

That family got a flat in Donghai almost out of thin air. Although it was not big, it was not cheap after all, and they were very particular about their work. They arranged Liu Xiaoqian's mother's funeral well and buried her in a mausoleum in Donghai.

The young man who lives there now has just come to East China Sea. In terms of relationship, he wants to call Liu Xiaoqian a little aunt, because he is her nephew.

The world is always full of coincidences.

According to the request of his family, this person would also go to visit Liu Xiaoqian's mother's grave during festivals, and the location of the cemetery was also obtained in this way.

There are not many mother's belongings left, and they were put in a box full of dust. Liu Xiaoqian took a bunch of her mother's favorite bracelets from it. It is said that it was a gift from her father as a sustenance.

After that, Ye Da called the car again and went to the address of the cemetery.

In the deep cemetery, the night is extraordinarily cold.

Liu Xiaoqian condensed her figure, brushed off the dust on the tombstone bit by bit, and looked at the picture of her mother on the head of the tombstone, tears dripping down.

Ye Da picked a piece of foxtail, used water vapor to condense it into a black ice flower, and inserted it in front of the tombstone, clasping his hands together to show respect for the deceased.

Liu Xiaoqian cried for a long time.

Ye Da didn't speak, just stood not far away, even the big herring and Xiaoqing seemed to have sensed the atmosphere, stopped playing, and obediently surrounded Ye Da, not bothering Liu Xiaoqian.

Ye Da found that the scars on Xiaoqing's body had completely disappeared, and seemed to have healed under the nourishment of "Shaoyin".

After a long time, Liu Xiaoqian wiped the corners of her eyes and said to Ye Da: "My benefactor, I have thoughts that I want to dissipate."

Unlike last night, after paying homage to her mother's tombstone, Liu Xiaoqian felt that everything in her life seemed to be over.

Relatives, enemies, and memories of 20 years of life are no longer remembered. It seems that everything that used to be a living person has no meaning.

The big herring seemed to understand. He wagged his tail anxiously and looked at Ye Da, hoping that Ye Da could speak to stop him.

However, Ye Da was just silent and did not take any action.

"But I also want to be with Engong and Xiaoqing. There is a dilemma, Engong, do you want me to be by your side?"

Ye Da bounced a piece of black ice in the air, and Liu Xiaoqian subconsciously caught it and put it in her mouth.

Matching its current strange and beautiful appearance, it feels silly and cute.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

"You are free to dissipate if you want, but since you are hesitant, it is better to watch while walking."

"The world after death is just as exciting. I have experience."

(End of this chapter)

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