I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 134 Jiang Hou's Careful Thoughts

Chapter 134 Jiang Hou's Careful Thoughts

Ye Da thought that Jiang Hou and the others were going to have a small stove, but in fact they were having a meeting.

Including Jiang Hou, a total of nearly 20 people sat in a huge conference room somewhat dull.

"Since July this year, the number of monster attacks in Qinzhou has doubled year-on-year, and the intensity is getting stronger. In addition, the number of old monsters has also increased. We have lost many good players."

A 50-year-old man with a gray beard sat in the first seat, smoking a cigarette, and said leisurely.

Another person said: "Liangzhou is the same. There are many mountains and forests in Liangzhou, so there is a lot of pressure. The outside world thought that the mountain fire three months ago was caused by donkey smoking. In fact, the archaeological team dug up an old totem. I went to see it myself. Solved, almost didn't come back."

The level of people here is not low, and some secret information from the outside world is just an exchange of recent situations here.

One person suddenly looked at Jiang Hou and said: "The East China Sea is the most peaceful place, except for the incident of the spirit child."

As the leading big city in Kyushu, Donghai is not surrounded by wild mountains and wild forests in the true sense, but a large number of urban agglomerations.

According to the law of "the more human activities, the fewer ghosts and ghosts", the East China Sea is indeed much more peaceful.

Its own jurisdiction is also small, and it is not as good as other local special affairs departments to manage a state.

In contrast, places with many mountains and forests like Liangzhou and Qinzhou have seen the most obvious changes in the past year. Perhaps there are not many things revealed in the society, but these high-level personnel in the special affairs department know it well.

Jiang Hou said: "One Lingzi incident is troublesome enough. If a little hero hadn't been born out of nowhere, I'm afraid hundreds of people would have died. Compared with that, I want to go to Liangzhou to put out the fire."

In fact, everyone has small concerns in their hearts. Donghai, Huajing, and Xiyu are the three municipalities directly under the central government. The local special affairs department is not as good as a city's special affairs department.

This means that they are never short-handed, and the strength in their hands is always tight.

In particular, many tasks in the Special Affairs Section are dangerous, and insufficient manpower means that casualties will increase.

Moreover, when young people have a choice, they tend to tend to develop in big cities like Donghai, and the population siphon effect is the same for spiritual enlighteners.

After all, spiritual enlighteners are also human beings, who also need to eat and sleep, buy a car and a house, and enjoy life.

This kind of pettiness is not to say that they want to bring down the East China Sea Special Affairs Department, everyone is in the same system, it is not so dark, but they want to dig some talents and equipment from the East China Sea Special Affairs Department, and it is best to buy some The enlightenment comes out.

Taking Donghai as an example, there are only five S-level spiritual enlighteners, and there are more talents below.

It is said that several S-level spiritual enlighteners in the East China Sea are about to become civil servants, working in offices every day. Isn't this a waste of resources?

The 50-year-old man with a gray beard handed Jiang Hou a cigarette and said, "Xiao Jiang, I will be second-tier in a few years, so you come to Qinzhou to preside over the overall situation?"

As a rising star more than ten years ago, Jiang Hou was once well-known in the special affairs departments of various places, regardless of his personal ability or spiritual enlightenment ability. Later, he was qualified as the chief officer of the special affairs department of a state, so it was not a big problem.

After all, the special affairs department is different from other systems. Strength is not the only criterion for consideration, but it is also the most important part.

Besides, if Marquis Jiang goes to serve in Qinzhou, shouldn't he bring some old subordinates with him?Don't come with all your resources?

Jiang Hou took the cigarette but did not light it. He held it in his hand and pondered for a while, then said, "To tell the truth, senior, I plan to take off the captain's burden after a while."

The man with the gray beard was stunned: "What do you mean? You're only 40 years old, you're a pick? Now is a special period! Are you crazy?!"

Jiang Hou shook his head and said, "I'm going to concentrate on being an instructor and fight for a way out for the future."

"Relying on the 'Dawn Project' that you created before? It is very important to train young people, but we must also solve the immediate problem first."

When it came to this topic, Jiang Hou was a little enthusiastic, and said to everyone: "Everyone, I am the general manager and instructor personally, and the Shuguang Project enjoys the best training treatment. Do you have any outstanding young people in the world to recommend to me? ?”

A captain in Jiangzhou was dissatisfied and said: "I haven't settled with you for fooling an AB grade from our Jiangzhou to the East China Sea. Zhou Meirong was abducted by you after we trained him for so many years."

Jiang Hou said dissatisfied: "Is there any responsibility for the youth training camp? If they want to come to Donghai, they can come. That's because I specially invited her to let her feel my sincerity."

Everyone wanted to grab Donghai's wool, how could Jiang Hou get it on him, no one responded to this topic, and it gradually faded away.

It's just that Jiang Hou's actions made them somewhat concerned. Although special methods were used in special times, it seems that Kyushu has not reached this level.

What is Jiang Hou's enthusiasm for the "Dawn Project"?
We are all senior members of the Special Affairs Section, so there should be no information gap.
For everyone's lack of cooperation, Jiang Hou didn't take it seriously, so many people came this time, don't you recommend it, and I won't go looking for it myself?
A plan took shape in Jiang Hou's heart.

Just put a little pressure on those five young people. ______________________
The dinner in the cafeteria ended amidst the noise. Nearly a hundred young people, if they hadn't run out of wine, might still be able to eat for a few more hours.

The five members of the Shuguang Project were assigned to three rooms, and the conditions were no worse than those in a hotel. Wang Weiwen shared a room with Ye Da, Zhou Meirong shared a room with Wu Fei, and Li Zifeng, who was unlucky, shared a room with Jiang Dui.

It wasn't until close to 11 o'clock in the evening, when the five of them knelt down three times in a row, Zhou Meirong typed 1 and sprayed 5 with his spiritual power, and when there were more *s than words in the chat box, Jiang Hou appeared and called the five of them to have a chat. meeting.

"In short, gestures are indispensable."

Ye Da turned off the phone, regardless of the record of 050 above, Xindao really had such a experience.

"However, the members of youth training camps in various places are of different ages, and their spiritual enlightenment abilities are also diverse. Many of them are children. Maybe each state's youth training camps should select a few to participate."

Li Zifeng raised his hand and said, "What should I do? Send me live ammunition?"

His strength is all in the firearms, but this kind of exchange between enlighteners should not give him a full set of equipment, right?

Jiang Hou raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you want me to bring you your special sniper rifle? Let you shoot a child ten kilometers away and blow them up?"

Li Zifeng put down his hand and said, "Isn't that bad?"

"Nonsense, you are a deathmatch conference in a novel. It's just a drill. It's just a test of melee states. Cold weapons will not be allowed to be used."

There are all kinds of talents in the youth training camp, and not all spiritual enlighteners are suitable for close combat. Zhou Meirong, for example, is considered an "ordinary woman who can beat women" in combat. Meaning and no reference value.

Engaging in this kind of competition is to show the enthusiasm of a young man, mobilize the heart of competition, and refresh the spirit.

Each team also chooses one or two representatives.

"It's fine for Ye Da and Wu Fei to participate in this aspect. I have confidence in you."

Ye Da and Wu Fei looked at each other.

"Also, after that, five of you should enter Luoyun Bay together, where a special venue has been prepared."

Jiang Hou took out his mobile phone, opened the map and showed it to everyone.

Yunzhou Lake is very big, and the part close to Luoyun Mountain has a small bay extending inland.

I can't feel the size on the map, but it's definitely not small.

"The whole place is surrounded, and there are some aquatic monsters. It should be for you to try to deal with those things."

Now Ye Da finally became interested.

I'm a little curious what kind of ghost it is.

Like Zhao Daxian?How powerful is it?
It's not like Hu Er, right?
Then it’s not called training. It’s more like calling it a slaughterhouse.

Jiang Hou didn't reveal any more, but put away his phone and said, "Others, there are always some other trainings. Since you have come to so many youth training camps in many states, even regular training will rank you. I only have one request for you. .”

Jiang Hou stretched out a finger, and said: "In all events, as long as there are some, you must be the first, and you will be named as the Shuguang team!"

In the middle of the night, Luoyun Bay is muddy.

A figure slowly emerged from the quagmire, but its body was spotless.

If Ye Da was here, he would be able to recognize this one.

Former substitute teacher Ding Yong.

After the man got out, he looked around and said to himself: "Why are there so many spirits here? Are they officially kept in captivity? A spirit reserve?"

"Forget it, it's just an experiment anyway."

 Today I must evolve back to the three beasts, and there is another chapter to see if it can be released later.

(End of this chapter)

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