Chapter 15
After hanging up the phone, the helpless Ye Da had no choice but to lie down in the refrigerator. The difference this time was that the inside of the refrigerator radiated the glow of spirit particles.

This refrigerator was originally "modified" by Ye Jianguo with a unique secret method for Ye Da, and it has the ability to repair Ye Da's body.

However, this kind of spiritual child fluorescence Ye Da has not been seen for a long time, only appeared when he was wearing a zombie face at the first time, and the remodeling of the corpse had not yet been completed.

The appearance of fluorescence shows that the refrigerator of "Sunshine Cold Fresh Meat" is repairing his body. I hope that, as Ye Jianguo said, the traces on his hands will be repaired tomorrow morning.
The atmosphere at 18.5° was very pleasant, and it didn't take long for Ye Da, who was thinking randomly, to fall asleep.

Because he went to bed early, Ye Da woke up at six o'clock the next day, rubbed off the icicles on his body, and looked at his arms immediately.

Sure enough, the jet-black folds on the arms basically disappeared.

But for later consideration, he had to figure out what to post.

The first class was at [-] o'clock, which was still early. Ye Da installed all the cameras he bought before, connected to wifi, and installed software on his mobile phone, so that he could receive abnormal information of motion detection at any time.

In order to avoid further problems, Ye Da wore long sleeves today. The weather in early September was a bit strange, but it was acceptable.

There were no accidents in the one-day class, and I listened carefully to the lectures, and rejected the cafeteria bureau in the same way.

After the last big class in the evening, Ye Da deliberately stayed on campus for a while, and waited until there were few pedestrians before walking towards the wooden bridge that had a problem yesterday.

He's going to try again.

At this time, the sky was darker than yesterday, so Ye Da turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and walked along the road yesterday.

Sure enough, when he walked to the wooden bridge yesterday, he felt a sharp pain in his right hand.

Just like last night, the stinging pain was far beyond what the "corpse" should have, as if someone had cut his arm open with a knife when he was still alive.

Ye Da's breathing became short of breath, but he continued walking with a frown, and found that once he left that area, the pain gradually subsided.

Then turned around and the pain got stronger and stronger.

For the sake of beauty, the wooden bridge is bent at right angles every three to five meters. After several tests, Ye Da locked in the location of the source of the anomaly through the degree of pain.

In the middle section of the wooden bridge, there is about two to five meters of water on the right side.

This small lake is neglected, the water is abnormally turbid, and it is surrounded by unknown aquatic plants and reeds. Judging from the situation of fishing for mobile phones yesterday, it is not very deep, but the situation below it is completely invisible.

After searching around for a while, Ye Da finally found a wooden stick that was thrown here. It should be the handle of a shovel thrown away by construction workers.

The wooden handle with a thick arm is close to the height of a person. Considering the length of the arm and the edge of the bridge, it can be used.

Enduring the pain, Ye Da picked up a long stick with one hand, ready to stir in the water to see if he could find anything.

Suddenly, a gentle voice came from behind.

"Ye Da, right, he's still at school so late."

Ye Da shook his hand, and the wooden stick was so good that it didn't fall into the water.

Looking back, Ding Yong, the substitute teacher of the ancient literature appreciation class, was looking at him with a smile on the other side of the small bridge.

I don't know when it came.

To Ye Da's surprise, in such a dark sky, he recognized him at a glance.

Ye Da quickly took back the wooden stick and said with an embarrassed smile: "Hello, teacher. I picked up a good stick and can play with it casually."

Ding Yong just smiled like this, feeling full of oppression.

It seems to say again: Do you think this is reasonable?

Ye Da: That's very reasonable!

He subconsciously played a circle with the stick, trying to prove that what he said was true, but he hit the wooden bridge, made a "bang" sound, and stopped abruptly.

Ding Yong: ...

Ye Da: ...

If embarrassment had a numerical value, I'm afraid it would be over the top here.
Just when Ye Da was about to lose his temper, Ding Yong finally pushed his glasses and said:

"Ye Da is really childlike. I thought that even boys would not do such things in college. Although the campus is safe, there are not even street lights here. It is better not to stay too late to avoid falling into the lake. Chuuya is not good."

After speaking, he stopped crossing the wooden bridge and turned around and left.

After confirming that Ding Yong had really left, Ye Da finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It is not easy to endure the pain and talk nonsense.Fortunately, the abnormal pain reached the "living person" level, but Ye Da's brain was still at the "zombie" level, and his tolerance for pain was very high.

After waiting for a few more minutes and confirming that there was no one around, Ye Da began to try to explore the water with a stick.

The embarrassment is over, I must come up with a result today!

Three strokes to the left and three strokes to the right, basically it felt like muddy water. The muddy water was stirred up even more muddy, and the yellow-black suspension surged up one after another.

With the mobile phone flashing on, Ye Da felt like he was poking the toilet. The yellow and black suspension was very immersive. Mosquitoes were flying around Ye Da. pain.

Just when Ye Da was about to give up, suddenly there was a foreign body sensation from the other end of the stick. After poking it several times, the foreign body became loose, and it didn't seem like a big rock.

He applied force directly, but the thing was pierced through.
After thinking for a moment, Ye Da relied on brute force to pick up the foreign object directly without a fulcrum with one hand.

A yellow-brown skeleton covered with rotten sludge and water plants was picked out of the water by a wooden stick and landed on the water plants beside it.

The skeleton only had the upper body, and the place where Ye Da stabbed it was exactly the rib of the skeleton, and one of its ribs was broken.
next moment.

A faint blue light floated out from the bones, and before Ye Da could react, it penetrated into Ye Da's arm.

The annoying stinging disappeared instantly.

But Ye Da's expression was not happy, but even uglier.

Big trouble now
In the Ximen security room, Uncle Qin was eating peanuts with his legs crossed.

Among the four gates of Tunghai University, the north gate is next to the commercial street, the south gate is facing the main road, and the east gate is facing the student dormitory. Only the west gate is the easiest. Years of Andrew's experience.

There is nothing outside the west gate, and the door is opened several times for the leaders all day long. Usually, there is nothing to do, just listen to the radio and check the mobile phone. At night, when there is no one, you can drink a little wine.

Many dare not drink too much, but no one talks about a bottle of beer to soothe one's throat.

These are all experiences, which can save young people who are interested in the security industry from detours for decades.

Lifting his legs up on the table, Uncle Qin thought that Principal Liu smiled at him again today, and he felt very happy. It's a pity that Qin Tianze is a man with stories, otherwise in these twilight years, it might not be impossible.
"Boom boom boom!"

Uncle Qin almost fell off his chair, and when he turned his head, he saw a handsome young man with a pale face knocking on the glass.

"What's the matter?"

The handsome young man held up a wooden stick, which seemed to be the handle of a shovel.

"Master, this is a wooden stick I picked up at the artificial lake, because it was very easy, so I played with it."

Uncle Qin's mind has not turned the corner. He doesn't know what this young man wants to say.

"What do you mean, you want to show me playing with a stick?"

"No, I didn't practice long enough to be good at playing, but I thought I was so handsome while playing, so I wanted to take a short video of myself as a souvenir, isn't that reasonable!?"

Uncle Qin thought: Is this reasonable?Isn’t this Tunghai University?It's not Donghai Elementary School.
But it barely makes sense.

no!What is this young man going to do?
The young man held up a mobile phone covered in mud again.

"I put my mobile phone on the wooden bridge to take a video, but I didn't stabilize it, causing the mobile phone to fall into the artificial lake. This is also reasonable, right?!"

Uncle Qin: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"Master, please answer my question first, and you can say whether it is reasonable or not. If you interrupt me later, it will become chaotic."

"Okay. That makes sense."

"Then I was anxious to use a stick to fish for the phone, isn't it super invincible and reasonable?!"

Uncle Qin snorted coldly, he could tell that this kid was playing tricks on him:

"so what?"

Let's see what tricks this kid wants to play.

"Then while fishing for the phone, it's reasonable to accidentally fish out a corpse, right? I don't know what's in the lake. Isn't this a coincidence! So I came to report to you, look at me The logic chain is very complete."

"Oh~ I see, isn't it just that I fished out a corpse? When I was young, Tiantian... Huh? What did you say you fished out?"

(End of this chapter)

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