Chapter 193 Business
".Why can humans take our things at will, but we can't take any human things, even if we don't steal or rob?"

Hu Niang pulled the little fox back behind her, and whispered: "Xiao Qi! Stop talking."

The little fox just wanted to vent his dissatisfaction.

It likes here, likes the gate hole of this "Yam Village", likes all kinds of light boxes that glow at night, and likes to run on the roof with its brothers and sisters.

In the past, it could only stand on the mountain and watch the human children below the mountain play and run in the lights, while enduring hunger and cold.

"No! I'm going to say it! Human beings are not good things. This world is just because there are too many human beings."


Hu Niang slapped the little fox on the face.

The fox called Xiao Qi sat directly on the ground.

Hu Niang was angry at first, and then she looked at Ye Da in fear.

"Xiaoqi, I told you to stop talking!"

You must never hate humans. This is the deep-rooted warning line in Madam Hu’s mind.

Not because they love humans.

But because hating humans will only lead them to death.
This Kyushu is, after all, the Kyushu of mankind.

Xiao Qi covered her face with tears rolling in her eyes.

Wei Yueming stood in front of the little fox without a trace, and said cautiously to Ye Da: "Children are ignorant, so don't take it to heart."

Ye Da shook his head, naturally he wouldn't argue with a little fox.

"It's me who came here this time, and it may be ordinary people next time. It will be a matter of time before you are discovered. Besides, whether you can use this building here has nothing to do with whether there are people in it. It's very difficult to possess. anything."

Wei Yueming nodded bitterly.

In fact, he has been out of touch with human society for decades, and sometimes his ideas are outdated and even weird.

At the beginning, he still thought that his idea was quite reliable, and he could earn a hundred or a hundred by selling some things from the mountains in some places, but as things progressed, Wei Yueming himself gradually felt that this was not the case. It's over.

Especially Madam Hu and Lao Ma, they made this place so fancy.
"That's all. I will take Madam Hu and the others back to the mountains. After all, we can't stay here."

Hu Niang and Lao Ma lowered their heads in frustration.

Ye Da said to Wei Yueming: "As long as they don't harm people, they don't have to worry about their lives if they are discovered. You must keep this in mind and never harm humans, even if humans are at fault first."

Very selfish statement, but life-saving.

Spirit monsters hurt people and lead to death.

But when people kill spirits, they will be on TV.

"But you are different. You are a zombie. If you are discovered like this, there will definitely be problems."

Wei Yueming nodded: "Actually, I seldom come down. Even if Hu Niang and the others open a shop, I'm only on the top of the hill over there. I'm already used to my ghostly appearance."

Wei Yueming pointed to the purple-haired corpse spots on his face, and said to Ye Da: "It's enough to have Madam Hu and the others talk to me. I really envy you. You can walk freely in the human world."

Ye Da thought for a while and said, "Can you take me to the place where you woke up?"

Ye Da was a little curious about what kind of place could breed a zombie, even though it was a junior zombie.

Hu Niang and the others stayed in the "Yam Village" to protect the safety of Zhuang Manzhuang and Miao's mother and daughter, while Ye Da and Wei Yueming walked towards the mountains.

Going together, there is also the little fox that Wei Yueming has been coiling in his hand.

This little fox seems to be unable to speak yet, and looks not much different from a wild beast, except that his eyes are more agile, peeking at Ye Da from time to time.

There are not many roads on this mountain, but it is not difficult for Ye Da and Wei Yueming. Even though Wei Yueming is not strong, his physical strength and endurance are far superior to those of a living person. "How many years have you been awake?"

Wei Yueming recalled it for a while and said, "Five years? In fact, staying in the mountains is really not sensitive to time. I only know that it has indeed gone through five winters."

Wei Yueming woke up earlier than Ye Da.

The two of them, a fox, walked towards the distant hillside, not afraid of the dark.

After walking for about 30 minutes on the road, Ye Da was taken to a cave by Wei Yueming.

This place is far away from human habitation, looking down from the mountainside, there is no light at all, and there is no trace of human activities at all.

Only in the far distance was a dim band of light, and Ye Da guessed that it was a section of road.

The location here is probably a barren hill that no donkey can find and no villager will enter.

The cave where Wei Yueming wakes up is on the back of the mountain, near the top of the mountain. It is a natural stone cave.

The cave is not deep, less than 30 meters, and there is no light at all. It is estimated that only beasts, spirits, or zombies like Ye Da can see clearly.

As soon as he entered here, Ye Da felt that the Yin Qi around him was indeed much stronger.

If the Yin Qi value of ordinary places is 0 during the day, and the Yin Qi value of the funeral parlor is 2 at night.

There's probably a 7 or 8 here?

The most important thing is that the Yin Qi here does not seem to rely on corpses or other messy things, but is purely due to the natural structure.

That is, only zombies or spirit bodies can clearly feel it. For ordinary people, when they enter here, they will only feel that the surroundings are abnormally cold, and they will feel obvious mental pressure, which is very uncomfortable.

Ye Da stretched out a hand, and a little bit of Yin Qi lingered on his fingertips, Wei Yueming's eyes widened when he saw it.

"You can actually control this energy? I can only feel it, but I can't control it."

Ye Da said: "It's not difficult, you just lack methods."

Since Wei Yueming woke up in this cave, he hasn't made much progress in the direction of "zombies". Even because he hasn't eaten blood for a long time, no one has told him the relevant information, so it's not necessarily true that he has been regressing.

Wei Yueming pointed to a shallow pit in the cave and said: "That's where I came out, and I slept here most of the time. I couldn't sleep in other places, and I always wanted to eat living things. I will be much calmer here."

Ye Da walked around the shallow pit and confirmed that it is indeed a strange natural terrain, not someone carved a formation or something like that, or there is a mass grave hidden below.

At this time, Ye Da noticed that beside the shallow pit, there were still a few rusty iron knives, which were almost completely corroded.

In addition, there are some torn clothes, corrupt ropes and the like.

"what is that?"

Wei Yueming was taken aback for a moment, and touched the back of his head.

"Those are probably left by the people who killed me."

"I got out of class and was hit on the back of my head on the way home. They probably took me here to dump my body. It wasn't until almost 50 years later that I woke up again."


With a knife in the back of his head, he was still lying in ambush on the only way. Obviously, it would not be an accident.

Wei Yueming showed an expression of reminiscence: "Who knows, I, a foreigner who teaches in a mountain village elementary school, may be very hated. After all, I will pull those young children out of the fields and force them to attend classes instead of doing farm work. , I have quarreled with many families, and it is not an exaggeration to say that people hate dogs."

Ye Da picked up a handful of soil, and the yin energy had been generated in the cave for many years. After a long time, even the soil was moistened by the yin energy.

"Don't you want to make money? I can recommend a business to you."

(End of this chapter)

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