Chapter 205 Glass Beads

After a day of training, from Ren Shilin to Wu Fei, to Zhou Meirong and Li Zifeng, they were all in a state of exhaustion and collapse. They didn't even have time to say goodbye. Basically, after everyone finished, they had to go back to rest on the spot.

So in the end only Ye Da and Wang Weiwen left together.

Ye Da wasn't all wasting time either.

He got a marble.

Today is over for the time being, and tomorrow will continue.

When I left the headquarters of the building, I happened to meet Zhuang Man's mother and daughter who also finished the day's content, and Li Youren who was in charge of testing Zhuang Miao's ability.

It can be seen that they are also quite tired this day, and the little girl Zhuang Miao is a little listless.

Li Youren said: "It's such a coincidence, we just finished."

Ye Da asked curiously, "What was the result?"

Li Youren said: "Not surprisingly, she is indeed an A-level spirit enlightener. Your judgment is correct. Considering her age, it is so rare!"

Without Ye Da asking, Li Youren explained by himself:
"Zhuang Miao's ability is very complicated. It probably combines the functions of suppressing intuition, suppressing rationality, and controlling physical desires. The strength of the ability is undoubtedly A-level. During the test, I specially found a thinking system B who was prepared and possessed a certain degree of spiritual defense ability. A super spiritual enlightener, still unable to get rid of the influence of Zhuang Miao, this is a brand new ability that has not yet appeared, and the official name has not yet been determined, but I personally named it, called: Blind Love"

"Blind love. Sounds so high-end."

It sounds much more awesome than physical enhancement.

"What about the trigger conditions?"

"Visual contact."

Ye Da has several good guys in his heart.

Same as Li Siyue.

That's really powerful, even a little scary.

"I'm already very tired today, so I'll let them go back to rest first, and I need to come back tomorrow to finish the test and go through the registration procedures by the way."

Judging from Zhuang Man's expression, he is very happy. It is naturally something to be happy about her daughter joining the youth training camp so smoothly.

For the vast majority of parents in Kyushu, being able to join the youth training camp is a cherished and huge opportunity.

Zhuang Man whispered to Ye Da: "I will treat you to dinner later, and I will treat you."

In terms of emotion and reason, she should thank Ye Da again in private.

Ye Da looked at Zhuang Miao whose eyelids were fighting, shook his head and said, "Take the child back to rest, it's not too late to celebrate tomorrow."

Zhuang Man looked at his daughter's appearance, and could only nod his head.

After bidding farewell to everyone, only Ye Da and Wang Weiwen were left.

When we had a car before, we could go back together.

Now I only have one skateboard.
"I haven't been to school recently, what are you busy with?"

Wang Weiwen thought for a while and said, "There is something."

This is equivalent to not answering Ye Da's question.

Ye Da stepped on the skateboard and said, "You know, you can ask me for help when you need it, right?"

Wang Weiwen smiled and said, "Of course, I know."

Ye Da nodded, but saw no movement, and the skateboard accelerated away by itself.

Back home, Ye Da checked the status of the beetle for the first time.

Looked like he was dying.

Ye Da was very satisfied, and changed another body at night.

In this case, the progress may be faster than expected.

After tidying up, Ye Da took out the glass marbles Jiang Hou gave him.

The size of a walnut, it looks a little strange.

Looking at the light, I feel that there is still a layer of something inside, but it is vague and vague, and it is not very real.

According to Jiang Hou, this thing infected his spiritual enlightenment ability.

The word "infestation" is special.

It reminded Ye Da of Xin Yi, the pendant that took her away from the Lingzi incident.

The other party also gave him one that was said to be of the same style, but Ye Da did not carry it with him, but put it in the cabinet.Could it be said that if the spiritual enlightenment ability reaches a certain level, it can affect items and retain the effect for a long time?
This should not be a means that S-ranks must have.

After playing with the glass beads for a while, Ye Da didn't feel anything except the faint warmth in his hands.

He closed his eyes for a moment.

"Still not working. No response."

Jiang Hou said that it was his first time to do this, and holding the marbles in his hand should be able to be affected to a certain extent.

But now it seems that it has failed, or the impact is not obvious.

Ye Da put the marbles away and decided to ask Jiang Hou tomorrow.

Jiang Hou returned home.

In winter in the East China Sea, the house is also icy and cold.

But with Jiang Hou's physique, don't worry about it.

Taking off his coat, Jiang Hou put on his boots and walked directly into the living room.

He has a house in Donghai, and it can be regarded as a mansion, with a large flat of nearly 200 square meters and luxurious decoration.

After all, he is one of the top ones among all the spiritual enlighteners in Kyushu, and he is also the captain of the special affairs department. In other states, he can even compete for the chief officer of a state.

Even if Jiang Hou didn't deliberately accumulate wealth, it was enough to maintain a decent life.

Although he has been a little out of business recently.

The sixth team of the special affairs department belongs to the team managed by Jiang Hou. He has not dealt with work for a long time.

With the help of Jiang Hou, the original old subordinates gradually shifted positions.

The Sixth Team of the East China Sea Special Affairs Division, which was once fully functional, adequately manned, and made a lot of achievements, is now close to existing in name only.

Jiang Hou's current subordinates, except for some civilian members who assist in liaison, are only the Shuguang Squad, which is not an official force.

This also led to dissatisfaction above.

Colleagues and old leaders all felt that Jiang Hou seemed to have a problem with his thinking, but recently strange things have happened frequently in Kyushu, and the East China Sea has not had a few days of peace. Talk to him afterward.

But Jiang Hou didn't care anymore.

Opening the almost empty refrigerator, Jiang Hou took out a leftover meal and threw it into the microwave to heat it up.

Then on the shelf behind the TV, pick out the disc.

This is a little hobby of his. Although CDs are a bit outdated and hard to buy, he likes the feeling that there are boxes of CDs filling up the bookshelves, and you can choose from them.

"Which one are you looking at today?"

Following the movement of his fingers, his sight gradually came to the edge of the shelf, and a photo frame came into Jiang Hou's eyes.

On the photo frame, Jiang Hou hugged a bright and gentle young woman, and the two were smiling happily.

At that time, Jiang Hou was younger and did not wear blindfolds.

Jiang Hou paused with his fingers, and after a while, he gently put down the photo frame.

"It's quick, it's quick. Give me a little more time."

Jiang Hou finally chose a CD.

"Internal information: records of common spirits and monsters in Kyushu"

On the back of the black box, there is a line of small characters written: It is strictly forbidden to spread outside.

This is obviously not something like a commercial movie circulating on the market.

Jiang Hou pushed the disc without any decoration into the machine, and sat back on the sofa by himself.

When the content on TV officially started, Jiang Hou took off his blindfold.

The dark red wound was exposed.

And inside the eye socket, there is actually a glass bead.

The picture of the TV is reflected in the glass beads through reflection.

Among them, deep.

A tiny jellyfish shadow, flashing away.

(End of this chapter)

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