I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 207 Is This Reasonable?

Chapter 207 Is This Reasonable?

Loud crashing sound.

At the top of the elevator, Ye Da, who landed on the ground after falling rapidly, shook his head and quickly took a defensive posture.

He left his backpack and skateboard in the training room just now, so Xuanshui stick and other messy things were not on him.

"Information Department? Can you hear me?"

Unsurprisingly, there was no response.

Law seekers, invaded the youth training camp?

How dare they? !

No, it's because of me?With special means?


To save Bai Ying?But Baiying is not with her now? !
Ye Da held his breath and listened for a while, then opened the elevator door with both hands.

Then froze.

It was actually a forest outside.

Ye Da stepped out and looked around.

It's a mountain forest.
Take a step back and check again.

It's an elevator
Is this reasonable?

Negative 69th floor, your whole cave is also reasonable, what is the mountain forest?

Even though Ye Da was already mentally prepared, even if he knew that it would be difficult for a Dharma seeker to make a move, he still felt a little stuck in his thinking at this moment.

There are towering giant trees, and the faint sound of birds and insects.

The elevator is in a depression, and the situation in the distance cannot be seen.

Ye Da pressed his right hand, and two stone needles appeared in his hand, ready to be thrown out at any time.

There is always something wrong in this mountain forest.

The most important thing is that it is impossible for the seeker to send him here just to let him look at the big trees and listen to a few birdsong.

The stone needle was caught in the fingertips, and Ye Da explored outward.

The elevator in the mountains and forests became his coordinates.

Soon, the peace of the mountain forest was broken.

Countless black shadows advanced in the dense forest on both sides, stepping on the fallen leaves, making a "salsa" sound.

Sure enough, there was an ambush.

When the enemy jumped out, Ye Da was stunned.

A spider the size of a millstone.

No, it was spiders the size of countless millstones.

Youth training camp building, second basement floor, elevator room.

An extremely strong man, almost reaching the ceiling, and a girl in a high school uniform watched the elevator jump continuously, displaying numbers like convulsions.

"Have you sent it away?"


The muscular man said disdainfully: "Is it necessary to be so cautious? It's just a college student with some talent."

The high school girl said: "Jiuying and Fuzhu are all in his hands. You can't be too careful. We don't have time to tangle with him. After all, there may not be any strong people in the youth training camp of the Donghai Special Affairs Department here, but Once it reacts, it will definitely be a method of thunder."

The muscular man's voice was as rough as steel: "Then you have to react."

The high school girl said: "Jiang Hou, the only one who often comes here, has also been led out of the East China Sea. It will be safe here for a short time. You can go. I need to guard the 'Unlimited Elevator' here. You should be enough by yourself." ."

The muscular man twisted his neck, his huge body was split in the middle, flesh and blood surged, pulled the sticky silk thread, and split into two, becoming two identical muscular men.

Then split again, making four.

Four turned into eight
A large number of the same voices sounded, creating a reverberation.

"Yeah, I'm enough alone."

In the training room, the four young men were stumbling around like four dead dogs.

Ren Shilin: "Ah, I wish I had just come to Donghai and it has become like this."

Li Zifeng was doing eye exercises and said, "Who brought eye drops?"

Ren Shilin: "I hope Ye Da has lost his way on the road of life, and it is best never to come back." As he said this, he glanced at the pack of fear gummies that no one had touched.

Dogs don't eat!

Zhou Meirong was lying in the corner, swiping her phone to watch the side news, but suddenly she couldn't do it, and asked in confusion, "Why is there no signal?"

Although it is underground, the youth training camp has naturally enhanced the signal, and I have never encountered this kind of problem before.

Wu Fei raised his head and said, "Me too."

Just as he was speaking, the door of the training room flew out.

The pure metal gate of hundreds of kilograms flew directly for more than ten meters.

It was kicked away and violently destroyed.

A few young people obviously did not expect this scene to happen, this is the youth training camp building!

So they lost their immediate vigilance and were just a little stunned.

The thick smoke dissipated, and a majestic figure who was somewhat distorted walked in slowly.

Shaved and beardless, about 40 years old, bronze-colored skin, muscles so strong that they are almost distorted.

The muscular man turned his head to look at the four astonished young men, tilted his head and thought for a moment.

"At this age? A trainer in the youth training camp? Forget it, maybe he knows some useful information."

As he spoke, he walked towards the four of them.

No matter how unbelievable it is now, the four of them know that this is the enemy.

Wu Fei drew out her dagger, Zhou Meirong instantly lowered her sense of presence, and Ren Shilin raised her sour hands.

Li Zifeng was the worst. He didn't have anything to grab, and he couldn't fully display the strength of a top sniper, so he could only focus on his guard.

However, the muscular man looked at Li Zifeng who seemed to be the oldest among the four.

The next moment, he rushed out.

Li Zifeng couldn't react at all.

He saw the opponent's movements clearly, but his body couldn't keep up!

Huge palms had already grabbed Li Zifeng's neck and lifted him up.

Li Zifeng immediately used counter-grasp, but the opponent's arm was thicker than his waist, everything was in vain.

The muscular man said slowly: "Let me see what you know."

Li Zifeng felt a strange force coming from the opponent's arm, making him weak all over.

"Bang!" A loud noise.

The muscular man was suddenly sent flying by a giant earth-rock hand.

Ren Shilin put his hands on the ground, gritted his teeth and said, "Aren't you a little too arrogant!"

The giant earth and stone hand several meters high contained terrifying power. Ren Shilin relaxed his carelessness without hitting a hit, and immediately controlled the giant earth and stone hand to pursue the victory, trying to make the opponent lose his resistance as quickly as possible.

However, after the muscular man was knocked into the air, he quickly adjusted his figure in the air, and then waved his hand casually.

The earth-rock giant hand collapsed in an instant.

"As a miscellaneous soldier, there is something, but not much."

He was greeted by swift, deadly blades.

It was Wu Fei who came.

Now that it has been confirmed that it is the enemy, Wu Fei will not hesitate, making a move is a killer move.

The muscular man's right hand snapped and fell to the ground.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

For most enemies, this kind of injury is enough to establish a victory.

It looks oppressive, but it's actually nothing!

I thought it was an enemy with invincible defense like Team Jiang.

However, in just one breath, with a burst of flesh and blood, the right hand of the muscular man grew out again.

After moving his wrist, shaking off the unknown sticky liquid, the muscular man remained expressionless.

The four young men were breathless.

This regenerative ability
Isn't it much stronger than Ye Da's A-level super-speed regeneration? !
(End of this chapter)

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