I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 225 A pair of friends

Chapter 225 Two pairs of friends
"No one has the right to ask others to take pity on me, and I never ask others to take pity on me. No matter how much pain I suffer, I grit my teeth and resist it! But when I stand up and take revenge, please don't jump out of a group of idiots, go Ask me to pity the enemy!!"

Every time Luo Chao said a word, he took a step forward, and Wang Weiwu was overwhelmed by his momentum, so he could only retreat step by step.

"Of course, it's normal for you, a flower in a greenhouse, to be afraid of this. It's okay, Wei Wu, I still consider you a friend, and I am willing to open the door to a new world for you."

"Whether you come from a wealthy family or you are an orphan like me, you are just living under the sad surface of this world. Only with extraordinary power can you truly live. Weiwu, I am willing to give you a chance. A truly alive person." Chance."

As he spoke, Luo Chao stretched out his hand, and a hole opened at the pulse point of his wrist, and a strange jellyfish-like creature got out of it, stretched its tentacles, and floated on Luo Chao's hand.

This weird scene made Wang Weiwu sweat on his forehead.

"I prepared this specially for you. You don't need to do that kind of dangerous back-brain surgery, just let it get in from your pulse. You won't be affected by the God of Mercy, but you will become the same as me. All the same, merciful son of liberty."

The body of the God of Mercy was in Luo Chao's hands, constantly twisting its tentacles, as if it had found an interesting prey.

On the other hand, the shining energy beam turned into a large net for a while, and turned into a hard rock for a while. This is the power of the Yashen Technique, no, it is far stronger than the average parasite.

"And this is the extraordinary power you dream of. It is more powerful and more likely than the ability to enlighten spirits. It can make you truly alive."

Luo Chao looked at Wang Weiwu calmly.

One hand is the seed of extraordinary power.

One hand is the fruit of extraordinary power.

Then quietly waited for the answer.

Wang Weiwu only looked at Luo Chao's hands, the strange creature with claws and claws, and the gorgeous energy.


From a young age, I dreamed of my spiritual awakening every day and night.

Later, in the day after day of disappointment, I gradually became impatient.

Awakening is possible from 6 to 30 years old, but the later the awakening, the lower the upper limit.

He was born in the royal family, with a strategizing father and a dazzling elder brother, he did not allow himself to be ignored by everyone.

Young people can't wait for the time, always want to run ahead of the time, just feel that one day later, will let himself be looked down upon by his parents and brothers, so gradually began to take detours, spiritual awakening has become his obsession.

The grades that were once acceptable have plummeted, the once cuteness has become surly, and obsession has disturbed the young man's heart.

That's why he pinned his hopes on all kinds of crooked ways and believed in the so-called spiritual enlightenment surgery.

But now, the thing that once haunted her dreams and kept her awake at night seemed to be right in front of her eyes.

He didn't know how strong Luo Chao was, but it was enough to make his brother feel troubled, which was enough for Wang Weiwu to agree.

After all, his earliest purpose was to gain the approval of the spirit enlightener brother.

However, seeing Luo Chao's white hair.

Seeing the playful smile on Luo Chao's face, it seemed that he was sure he would accept it.

Wang Weiwu's eyes suddenly became firm.

From fear at the beginning, to panic, but now calm down.

He moved away his reluctant eyes and looked at Luo Chao: "You don't actually want me to accept it, do you?"

Luo Chao frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"If you really want me to undergo transformation, you should use more deceptive methods, or use force, instead of letting such a strange creature show its teeth and claws at me. Or maybe you actually want to scare me away."

Luo Chao sneered unnaturally: "I don't know what you're talking about!"

But Wang Weiwu suddenly said firmly: "Luo Chao, do you dare to swear?"

Luo Chao said jokingly: "What oath? I swear I won't harm you? You are really a coward."

"No! I swear that every one of the dozens of disappearance cases related to you is someone who bullied you? Is each one worth taking their lives to get revenge?"

Mentioning these people, Luo Chao's emotions also showed up: "Why should I swear?! What qualifications do you have to ask me to swear? Even if someone is not, so what, the weak will eat the strong! This is how the world works."

"No! This world doesn't work like this!"

Wang Weiwu shouted loudly.

Luo Chao subconsciously took a step back.

"If revenge has no measure, then revenge is nothing more than venting, Luo Chao! Don't pretend to be an avenger! You are just a reckless venter! You have nothing to do with those who block you in the alley." The difference is, he bullies you when he is strong, and you bully him when you are strong, and you even implicate irrelevant people!"

Every time Wang Weiwu said a word, he took a step forward, but Luo Chao could only step back step by step.

"You talk about the law of the jungle, you talk about social rules, Luo Chao, you are also a victim of the law of the jungle, and now you want to support this kind of rules instead?"

"Everyone has the right to vent, as long as he can bear the corresponding consequences, but those unscrupulous venters please don't come to win sympathy! Luo Chao, you keep saying that you don't expect others to pity you, but you always talk about revenge , this is to win sympathy!!" Luo Chao suddenly felt fear for some reason.

He was afraid of this person who was obviously an ordinary person and could be killed by himself.

Because of Wang Weiwu, he has no place to live!

With tears in his eyes, Wang Weiwu shouted:
"You are just a coward! Luo Chao! You are just a coward just like me, avoiding problems, venting wantonly, pursuing crooked ways, but not daring to face up to the problem! You can actually resist a long time ago! You just dare not, because you are afraid of pain !"

"Just like me, I have so many ways to get recognition from others, but I don't work hard myself."

Luo Chao subconsciously swung his fist, furiously towards Wang Weiwu's face.

However, when his eyes swept over Wang Weiwu's tearful eyes, his fist stopped in front of him.

Wang Weiwu looked at Luo Chao's fist without fear.

He said softly: "Luo Chao, stop, I sent your grandma to a nursing home, and she misses you every day."

"Shut up!"

Luo Chao roared angrily, unable to restrain himself any longer, he swung his fist down.

He didn't want to hear the word "grandma", that was the person he had the most complicated feelings about.

"My Chao Chao, your dad beat you again? Grandma will help you settle the score!"

"Chao Chao, what do you want to eat? Grandma will make it for you!"

"I'm so miserable. Without mom and dad, you still have grandma, and grandma will support you!"

"Who are you? Why do you look so familiar?"

"You bastard! You should go to your prostitute mother! You two killed my son! You are not my grandson! You are not my super!"


This punch contained anger.

The current Luo Chao is no longer what he used to be. His physical strength is no less than that of a spiritual enlightener with a physical system. Wang Weiwu couldn't react at all when he saw the fist coming at him rapidly.

If this hit hits, I am afraid that Wang Weiwu started with a concussion, and the vegetative state is not capped.

at this time.

A hand appeared out of nowhere and firmly caught Luo Chao's fist.

There was a wave of waves in the air, revealing the figures of Ye Da and Wang Weiwen.

Under the moonlight, the figures of the two were taller and taller than Luo Chao and Wang Weiwu.

Ye Da squeezed Luo Chao's fist and gradually increased his strength.

Luo Chao felt as if his hands had been stirred into the rolling mill, and his body unconsciously began to squat down.

The other hand patted Wang Weiwu's shoulder: "Boy, I'm impressed with you!"

Wang Weiwen also took a rare look at Wang Weiwu, as if he had discovered something completely new.

"Wei Wu, you did a good job."

Fortunately, it is the Wang family.

Wang Weiwu blushed first, then he felt a little ashamed for what he said just now, but now he can't control so much.

"Luo Chao! Come and surrender with me."

Luo Chao's face became more ferocious, and his veins bulged.

"Wang Weiwu! You betrayed me? Lured the two of them over?!"

Wang Weiwen is no stranger to him. He has met many times recently, and he has heard about Ye Da for a long time. It can be said that the first and second destruction of the "Eternal Life Society" in the East China Sea were all caused by Ye Da.

Wang Weiwu hurriedly said, "I didn't betray you!"

He really didn't. It was a coincidence that he met Wang Weiwen and Ye Da today.

His only friend, however, apparently didn't believe it.

Luo Chao's eyes gradually turned cold, and the slight touch that had appeared because of Wang Weiwu's words quickly disappeared.

Only coldness and resentment remained.

"Very good... It's a shame that I still think about you and want to help you gain strength so that you can truly live. It's great that you repay me like this. It's great that this world is indeed like this."

Ye Da squeezed the opponent's fist and said, "It's not up to you to judge how the world is. When did the world promise you that there would be no suffering and peace of mind to enjoy happiness? Kid, worry about yourself first."

(End of this chapter)

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