I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 234 Underground Waterfall

Chapter 234 Underground Waterfall
"Moshan" is a well-known tourist scenic mountain in Jiangzhou. Countless towns along the way make a living from tourism. Farmhouses and homestays are everywhere, and they have been developed a long time ago.

The entire Shanmo Mountain is a tourist attraction, so Ye Da is a little worried about whether the place where the camp is located has been passively soiled.

In my memory, the entrance of the formation here is a hole in the ground. If it is changed into a toilet, I don't know that the lack of a foot in the Tongtian formation will not affect it.

Relying on the direction of the mountain, Ye Da repeatedly recalled the content of that memory, and finally found this position after spending more than an hour.

The wooden sign reads: "Fairy Cave".

actually a well
There is also a note on the side, saying that this place was originally a water well. Hundreds of years ago, the fairy in the sky was demoted to the mortal world and fell into the well.

Obviously, this place was still an unpretentious cave 150 years ago.
This kind of story is basically forcibly compiled by the scenic spot department for the tourism industry. It is just like some scenic spots pointing to a stone and insisting that it is a turtle or a tiger. Ninety percent of these so-called legends are for tourism in recent decades. compiled by industry.

Even the person who named this wellhead fabricated the story, more or less deliberately wanted to make people think about it, to rub the edge or something.

A dry well called "Fairy Cave"?It's better to call it "immortal toilet".

"That's it?" No matter how Wang Weiwen looked at it, it was hard to think that the mouth of the well with no water had anything to do with the big array that Ye Da said.

Ye Da turned around and said: "The original hole should not be so small, anyway, I have to go down."

"Do you want to use the ability?"

"Being not."

Ye Da observed for a while, then jumped in, with Wang Weiwen watching the wind from above.

Below the wellhead is a hollow with a size of more than ten square meters. There are only rocks and broken soil, as well as some garbage thrown in by tourists.

There are even quite a few coins.

Looking around, it was indeed consistent with what he saw in that memory, and Ye Da confirmed that this is one of the 81 positions.

But the real goal is still below.

On the edge of this space, there is also a small hidden hole, the entrance is only the size of a bucket, and it extends downward in a crooked way. Not to mention people, cats may not be able to pass through it with normal means.

Therefore, the workers in the construction of the scenic spot changed the top to the wellhead, but they didn't find it, or didn't care about the things below.

In that memory, Ye Jianguo and the "Northern Master" both used unknown methods to get down, which was a bit similar to earth escape or space ability.

As for what the bottom looks like, Ye Da doesn't know either.

Because in that memory, from the perspective of my possession, the person suspected of being a boy in white, every time he brought the "Southern Master and Northern Master" to a position, he just sat cross-legged and never really entered the core area. It was for Ye Jianguo and the two to investigate by their own means.

Looking at the rock hole the size of a bucket, Ye Da thought for a while, but gave up digging down with brute force, and called Wang Weiwen down instead.

Taking out the writing brush he got from Chen Jiu, Ye Da said: "Stretch out your hand, and develop an ability like earth escape."

This pen was specially made by Chen Jiu for Ye Da, and it has similar functions to the previous one. However, at Ye Da's request, the function of "writing with Yin Qi" was specially enhanced, and it lasted longer, and the handwriting was clearer. Certain adjustments can be made by controlling the amount of Yin Qi injected.

It is specially used to write skill descriptions in Wang Weiwen's palm.

Commonly known as open hang.

After a while, Ye Da wrote a paragraph in Wang Weiwen's palm: "Tudun: Make yourself and your teammates have the ability to travel through rock and soil layers."

After thinking about it, I wrote a few more abilities that might be useful in the future.

It's cool to open and hang for a while, and it's cool to keep on and on!

As Wang Weiwen's spiritual enlightenment ability was activated, two groups of fluorescent lights flew out of his palms and disappeared on the two of them. Ye Da immediately felt that the ground was no longer hard, as if there was a jelly-like feeling.

The next moment, Ye Da was in front, and Wang Weiwen was behind, and they merged into the cave walls one after another.

The feeling of Tudun is a little different from what I imagined. The soil is not pushed away, but superimposed with Ye Da, similar to the feeling of passing through a wall.

In addition, the line of sight is blocked. I knew that I should add a visual description when writing.

Although he has the ability to escape freely, Ye Da still explores down the bucket-sized hole, otherwise he will easily get lost.

The small hole was winding and winding, much longer than expected. It was not until 10 minutes passed, and the straight-line distance was probably several hundred meters, that Ye Da felt that he had escaped from the earth escape state and came to a dark space.There is no light here, and even Ye Da, who has a certain amount of night vision, can't see anything. This is pure darkness.

But Ye Da heard the sound of splashing water.

"Old Wang, the entire lighting technique."

The lighting technique was written before. With Ye Da, Wang Weiwen is like a magician with unlimited skills. The only limit is the amount of mana.

Wang Weiwen put his hands together, and a huge white ball of light separated from his palm and flew to the top of this space.

It also allowed the two of them to see the whole picture here.

It turned out to be an underground waterfall!

This space is very large, probably nearly [-] meters long.

Endless clear water gushes out from the top of the cave, draws beautiful tracks in the air, and then forms a deep pool on the ground.

There are only sporadic moss in the whole cave, and the rest are damp rock walls.

"Underground river? This is where Moshan's underground water system is located!"

A huge ball of light illuminates this rare underground waterfall, making it look like a fairy cave.

Beautiful, yet simple and mysterious.

Ye Da sighed: "If this place were called 'Fairy Cave', I think it would be quite appropriate."

Look at the water, how clear it is!

Wang Weiwen looked around and said doubtfully: "Although it is magical, I don't seem to see anything special."

Ye Da stretched out his hand towards the waterfall, which was just ordinary water, very clear and cold.

Then the focus can only be on that deep pool.

With this amount of water, this space has not been filled, obviously there are other exits from the deep pool.

When we came to the edge of the pool, the water in this pool might feel tens of meters deep, but the water surface was stirred too violently by the waterfall, so we couldn't see the scene below clearly.

Ye Da thought for a while, then simply lay down by the pool and stuck his head down.

It wasn't too deep, Ye Da opened his eyes after feeling that the water was over the ears and the world was quiet.

With the light ball of the lighting technique and the water being so clear, Ye Da could see the bottom of the pool at a glance.

At a depth of tens of meters, there is a flat land covered with moss. The light of the lighting technique is refracted through the water surface, and then reflected on the bottom of the pool, sparkling and beautiful.

Looking further into the distance, Ye Da realized that this is not a deep pool. It is said to be one of the entrances to an underground lake. There is a vast expanse in front of me, hundreds of meters away, hidden in the deep darkness.

Some transparent small fish and shrimps are swimming at the bottom of the pool.

Suddenly, Ye Da noticed an unharmonious line directly below the bottom of the pool.

Look attentively
It seems to be a rectangular object, covered with moss, almost blending with the bottom of the pool, it is extremely difficult to distinguish.

This thing is too square, it looks like a man-made object, Ye Da observed it carefully for a moment.

More than two meters long and less than one meter wide
About one meter high. There is a gap in the middle.
Isn't this a stone coffin! !

Ye Da hadn't had time to be surprised yet.

The lid of the sarcophagus was slowly pushed open from the inside
A pair of gray eyes met Ye Da's eyes.

 Evolution failed, still two updates.

(End of this chapter)

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