Chapter 236 Pendants
Jiangzhou, Moshan Scenic Area, the Fairy Cave is hundreds of meters underground.

Ye Da touched the big silver-haired ball on the back of the female zombie.

Not to mention, the texture is still very soft, like the top silk, and the hair quality is even better than in the shampoo advertisement.

It seems that the only threat at the bottom of the pool is that this woman is frozen. Now that the crisis is over, it's time to find out.

In order to facilitate sinking to the bottom, he specially carried a Xuanshui stick as a counterweight, while Wang Weiwen kept watch on the shore as usual, and accompanied the female zombie.

And a certain guy who has been raised for a long time and only knows how to eat and act cute is finally coming to life.

The huge herring spirit plunged into the pool, shaking left and right excitedly.

This kind of place is its home field. No matter how strong Ye Da is and how good he is at swimming, can he beat him?
Relying on the ability to touch the spirit body, Ye Da grasped Xiaoqing's translucent dorsal fin, and with the same mind, gave Xiaoqing an order.

Go and see the coffin first.

With a flick of the silky fish's tail, Xiaoqing took Ye Da to dive quickly, and easily reached the bottom of the pool tens of meters deep in a few seconds.

Ye Da let go of his hand, and stood firmly on the bottom of the water under the weight of the Xuanshui stick, looking at the coffin.

The material should be stone, which looks extremely heavy, and the outer wall is tens of centimeters thick.

The moss on it was wiped off, but no special traces or symbols were seen.

Its interior also looks ordinary, empty enough for a person to lie on.

But Ye Da observed repeatedly, and there was always a special sense of familiarity, and he couldn't grasp the idea in his mind for a while.

In the end, Ye Da's heart broke, and he simply lay down in the coffin, occupying the position where the woman had been before.

The next moment, a familiar yet faint sense of comfort came.

The sleepy kind.

Just like the freezer at home!
Sure enough, it was Ye Jianguo's handwriting!

This female zombie should be placed here to guard the position, and this sarcophagus is the key to its long-term standby.

Otherwise, if you have been trapped at the bottom of this water for hundreds of years, you should have been weak long ago.

Zombies also need to eat.

After pushing, the sarcophagus is extremely heavy, but it is not unshakable, but this is not the point right now, the more important things should still be inside.

Ye Da gave Xiaoqing an order in his heart, Xiaoqing turned a corner in the water, and led Ye Da to go deeper into the bottom of the pool.

The small fish and shrimps with transparent bodies backed away one after another. They had never seen such a huge creature before, and fled away one after another.

After swimming inward for tens of meters, finally, a different structure appeared.

It was a circular stone platform.

It has a radius of five or six meters and a height of three or four meters, like a short and huge stone drum.

Or a round chess table.

Because the stone platform is very large, Ye Daling Xiaoqing walked around it first, and found that the side is simple and round, just like the sarcophagus, without too many decorations or inscriptions, but it is clearly at the bottom of the pool, and there is no moss on the surface of the stone platform. The natural color of the smooth stone is exposed.

Being dragged by Xiaoqing to swim directly above, the complex lines on the surface of the stone platform came into view.

The mountains, rivers, and water are completely visible on it, and the simple engraved lines produce a kind of Taoist and natural charm, like a masterpiece of landscapes from a long time ago, and like even more ancient traces of wind erosion.

The patterns on the stone platform are extremely dense, and the patterns are faintly divided into nine different areas.

Ye Da observed intently for a moment.

Although not sure, it seems
Does it portray the entire Kyushu?

This kind of expression similar to ink lines is very abstract, and it is completely different from modern maps, but Ye Da is [-]% sure that this depicts the whole picture of Kyushu.

The huge stone platform with a radius of five or six meters was the size of a room, and Ye Dade approached it, watching while swimming.

Following the vague north-south orientation, Ye Da slowly searched for where Jiangzhou should be.

"This is Mo Shan?" On the stone platform, Mo Shan was summarized by a few traces, and there was something placed on the spot representing the "Fairy Cave".

A white jade bead.

The beads are flattened up and down, and there is a hollow in the middle. .

"Abacus beads?"

Ye Da didn't hesitate to touch it directly. In fact, since just now, he hasn't touched the slightest bit of the stone platform. He just swims and observes in the water from a distance.

"The 81st position was taken by the boy in white with the Northern Division of the Southern Sect during the rebellion of the alien tribes. The coffin was obviously Ye Jianguo's back-up man. The stone platform represents the core of the formation, so the abacus bead will be the "Northern Division". Master's back-up plan?"

In that memory, the headless boy in white asked himself to memorize the positions of 81 positions, and led him to come here. Could it be that he wanted to destroy the formation?
But what reason do I have to destroy this formation?
What does all this have to do with me?

The person who knows the positions of the 81 positions must be me somewhere, or is it just a coincidence?

Ye Jianguo clearly knew about Jiuyin and Juantian, but he chose to hide the headless spirit body from him and stayed in Jiuyin, and then he didn't know his origin.
Ye Da, who was in a mess in his mind, didn't notice that there was a faint light emitting from a pendant in the collar on his chest.

The light is extremely hidden, and with the transparent texture of white jade, it may not be able to be found in front of the eyes, let alone hidden in the clothes.

Ye Da had never carried this pendant before. It was unforeseen when he came out this time. Ye Da took all his belongings with him before hanging it around his neck.
Huajing City, one of the three municipalities directly under the Central Government of Kyushu.

It is also the political center of Kyushu.

The prosperity here is as prosperous as that of the East China Sea, and the economy is prosperous. Nearly 2000 million people are active and struggling in this city.

But compared to the East China Sea, this place has an extra sense of weight.

Yes, sense of weight.

This is a very mysterious feeling, and it is also the background color of this city.

But in the entire Kyushu, this place is undoubtedly the core of the core.

A skyscraper with 81 floors on top.

The entire floor of nearly 3000 square meters has been turned into a private space and decorated into a residence that can make ordinary people dumbfounded.

Any vase by the corridor may be an antique from 500 years old.

In the study room, a 40-year-old man with a lean face, a tall and straight figure, and a calm and self-assured presence, was looking at the continuous flow of traffic and endless neon lights below his feet, wondering what he was thinking.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the study.


An old man with gray hair pushed the door in and bowed.

"Boss Xin, the pendant you gave to Miss has responded."

In an instant, the middle-aged man suddenly turned his head and stared at the old man.

"Are you sure!"

The old man said in a deep voice: "I'm sure, the pendant has never been used before, so it can't be wrong."

The middle-aged man called Mr. Xin immediately asked, "Can you confirm the location?!"

The old man shook his head: "In order not to let that Ye Da notice, I only kept the most basic abilities for the sake of caution."

The middle-aged man frowned, his face uncertain.

After a while, as if he had made some decision, he turned his head back to the direction of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

"Standby, leave tomorrow morning."

The old man still lowered his head: "Dare to ask where Mr. Xin is going?"

"Liangzhou, Xiangxi."

(End of this chapter)

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