Chapter 32
During the lunch break, Ye Da rejected the canteen bureau again. After saying goodbye to his classmates, he came to a block west of Tunghai University.

The retro red brick houses along the street reveal the unique charm of the East China Sea, and each small shop is uniquely decorated.

The price is also very beautiful.

Ye Da's destination is a coffee shop here.

It's the kind of small shop with a 90% gross profit for a cup of coffee.

After Ye Da replied to the news in the forum last night, the other party replied almost instantly, and invited Ye Da to come here to meet today.

Ye Da didn't refuse. He didn't have class in the afternoon and set off directly from school.

Outside the cafe.

"From now on, you can't come out without my permission, and you can't perceive anything in the outside world, can it be done?"

Although Liu Xiaoqian was puzzled, she returned to her arm obediently.

She didn't know why Ye Da came here, and Ye Da was not going to explain to her.

Pushing open the glass door, retro music came, and a boss-like man in a barista apron nodded, as if he had greeted the guests.

Maybe at noon, the target customers of the coffee shop are all eating boxed lunches in the office building. At this time, there are not many customers inside, so Ye Da quickly locked on the person by the window.

A woman of extraordinary beauty.

A decent dress outlines the most mature and attractive curves, delicate makeup, wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, sitting by the window in a daze.

"Is Li Siyue right?"

The woman turned her head. Perhaps Ye Da was different from the visitor she imagined. She was slightly taken aback, but quickly adjusted, and said, "Hello, Ye Da is right."

Ye Da nodded, opened the seat and continued.

"any drinks?"

"Water will be fine."

The woman raised her hand to the owner of the coffee shop and asked him to take a glass of water.

Then the two fell into silence, and the atmosphere became awkward.

Ye Daneng felt that the other party was a little nervous, and kept pinching the skirt on his legs, his legs were entangled, and his body was a little stiff.

After a long while, the woman finally spoke: "I didn't expect Xiaoqian to have a nephew as old as you. He is also studying at Tunghai University."

Ye Da repeated the lie he had prepared yesterday: "Liu Xiaoqian is my distant aunt."

"Auntie, didn't you expect that your nephew would be so big in a blink of an eye?"

Calculated according to the time, as Liu Xiaoqian's classmate, Li Siyue should be about 30 years old. Although this age is not old, Ye Da didn't see any signs of aging on her face. His intuition told him that the powder on the other party's face might be more than ordinary. University students have high living expenses.

Not to mention her bag, her sunglasses, her clothes and jewelry, even though Ye Da didn't understand, the only customer at the other table in the store was a little girl, who glanced at Li Siyue from time to time, as if she was very envious.

If a woman can make girls younger than herself envious or even jealous, it means that she is really well maintained.

And very rich.

"I left a message under the post, but I didn't expect anyone to reply to me."

Li Siyue took a sip of coffee and said, "Although I have graduated for a long time, I still visit the school forum occasionally. To be honest, I even forgot to post that post."

The boss put the "water" in front of Ye Da. Ye Da twitched the corner of his mouth and said he would like a glass of water. He brought me a bottle of "Bali water". The one sold here is probably more expensive than a cup of coffee, although Ye Da is not bad at it. Pay some money, but still feel like I've been tricked. "Liu Xiaoqian and I were in the same dormitory. I was the oldest in the dormitory. She called me Sister Siyue at that time. After Xiaoqian disappeared, no one in her family came to school. Unexpectedly, her distant nephew came here ten years later. .”

Ye Da keenly grasped the information in it, and said indifferently: "Our two families are not too close, so I don't know much about the things there, but my aunt was very good to me before, and now I'm in Donghai again Going to college, I always want to inquire about it.”

Li Siyue nodded and said: "It's understandable. In fact, I still don't know what happened to Xiaoqian. After all, she disappeared suddenly, but your appearance made me confirm some bad things. Xiaoqian, she is. Confirmed Has he passed away?"

Ye Da thought for a while and nodded.

Did pass away, and then spent ten years sinking in school sludge, asking me for three black ices for breakfast in the morning.

Li Siyue's hand shook for a moment, and the spoon in the coffee cup made a crisp sound. Then he sighed and said, "Okay, it can be considered that the long-term heartache is over."

Ye Da said, "Did she do anything unusual before she disappeared?"

Li Siyue was immersed in her emotions for a while before replying: "No, it was just very sudden. I remember it was winter, so I went to class as usual, and the queue for meals in our grade dormitory was not full until our dormitory was full, so there were only three Personally. There was no class that afternoon, so everyone dispersed. I went shopping, another roommate probably went to meet her boyfriend, and Xiaoqian, we thought she went to the library."

As if trapped in a distant memory, Li Siyue's eyes drifted out of the window.

"Liu Xiaoqian is different from us. We got a diploma from Tunghai University and chose the ancient literature major with a low score, but she really likes it. It is said that she won some awards in high school and appeared on TV. She is the one among the three. We study most seriously, and even go to the library to check various ancient books and materials when there is no class, but to be honest, we are not focused on our studies."

Li Siyue pondered for a long time.

Ye Da didn't urge her, it's hard to remember exactly what happened 10 years ago, Li Siyue needs a little time.

While waiting, he looked at the ingredient list of "Balishui" in front of him, and found that it was not water at all, but "edible spices" were added, so he had to give up his plan to drink it. What kind of feedback will my sense of taste give, and it will be embarrassing if it is sprayed out.

But this seemingly "high-end" thing is nothing more than that, a special drink for "pretentiousness".

Li Siyue continued: "I bought some things in the commercial street that day, and then I was the first to return to the dormitory. It was normal that no one came back at that time. When the door was closed at night, another roommate saw that her boyfriend had come back, but Liu Xiaoqian did not come back. At the time, I thought it was a little abnormal, but I didn’t go looking for it because there was actually some estrangement in our relationship. Seeing her working so hard, I always felt ashamed. Sometimes people don’t live up to their expectations, and they don’t want to see others working hard.”

As if she felt that Ye Da was younger than herself, or that the memories were rolling in uncontrollably, Li Siyue revealed a lot of secrets in front of the young man she met for the first time.

Ye Da still listened quietly.

"At that time, all I wanted to do was get a diploma from Tunghai University and find a rich man to marry, and her efforts always reminded me how lazy and unfulfilled I was. This included the other person as well, a woman who was superficially affectionate. In fact, the atmosphere in the dormitory is very strange.”

"Xiaoqian didn't come back all night, and she was absent from all classes the next day. It was almost impossible for her to happen. The phone was still turned off. That's when I realized something went wrong, so I posted that post. There was no response to the post, and I chose to call the police on the third day, and I was also recalling whether there was anything unusual before Liu Xiaoqian disappeared, but no matter what I thought, there was nothing."

"Afterwards, I don't know. The police didn't find her, and there seemed to be no news from the school. Even the things left in Liu Xiaoqian's dormitory were not claimed until her senior year. I always felt that her family was a little strange. Even if the person leaves, the things should still be taken back, but I don’t have her family’s contact information.”

After telling a story, Li Siyue finally pulled away from her emotions and seemed to have calmed down. Feeling a little embarrassed to reveal her heart to a young man so much, she picked up coffee to cover it up.

And wiped the corners of his eyes.

I don't know whether to wipe the tears or the floating powder.

Ye Da asked some other questions, such as whether Liu Xiaoqian had any feuds, but most of them did not get answers. Ten years have wiped out a lot of memories. What Li Siyue said now is mostly subjective feelings plus some polish.

Ye Da also asked if Liu Xiaoqian was a spiritual enlightener, and got a negative answer.

"No, she is just a literary girl who loves ancient Chinese."

Ye Da entered the state of "Yin Qi Concentration", sorted out the information in his mind, and found that he had not gained much, and most of the doubts had not been answered.

Finally, Ye Da asked: "If it's convenient, can you give me the contact information of another roommate? I want to know more about it. Don't worry, if the other party disagrees, I won't bother you."

Li Siyue, who was completely back to normal, pushed up her glasses, raised the corners of her mouth and said, "Another roommate also died, just one month after Liu Xiaoqian disappeared."

(End of this chapter)

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