I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 34 Building No. 42

Chapter 34 Building No. 42
Xingfuli is an old community, all of which are staircase rooms, the highest floor is the sixth floor, and some are on the fifth floor, generally four households on one floor.

This also leads to the need for more buildings and occupies a larger area.

According to Ye Da’s observations during this period, the largest building number has been lined up to 68. I don’t know if it’s arranged in order. The road inside is still turning. In the community, there are often takeaway boys who are anxious and dizzy and turn to ask for directions. Wang Weiwen needs to find someone It is not surprising that he leads the way.

"Let me see, Teacher Wu is in Unit 42, Building 3, Room 601"

Wang Weiwen turned around, trying to find a sign to confirm the general direction, but he didn't see anything for a long time, and looked at Ye Da blankly.

Ye Da: "This kind of old community will not have signage, but the ones near the south gate are all small numbers. It is estimated that more than 40 numbers are on the north side of the community."

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the community became quiet again, which reminded Ye Da of some bad things.

Every time he passed a corner, Ye Da subconsciously walked a few meters away to see if there was any guy holding scissors behind the corner in advance.

Wang Weiwen looked at Ye Da strangely: "What's wrong?"

Ye Dagan laughed twice: "It's nothing. There is a little problem with the security of this community. Just in case."

Wang Weiwen also laughed a few times, and didn't ask any more questions. Maybe this is the reason for his good popularity. He doesn't know how to ask questions and is very friendly.

It's a pity that the two walked around the community for a long time, but they couldn't find Building 42.

In other words, I didn't even find the buildings starting with 40, so I was completely at a loss.

Wang Weiwen wiped the sweat from his forehead, dumped the things in his hands, and said depressedly: "What's going on? Even the old man passing by doesn't know where Building 42 is. How about we go back to the gate and ask the security guard?"

Ye Da was also quite puzzled. He felt that the entire community was almost gone, so why couldn't he find it?
"Then go to the Ximen security room. This is the closest to Ximen, and I haven't been there before."

More than half of the street lights in the community were broken, and today was a cloudy day. Many roads could only be seen clearly through the dim light from the windows of the houses, and there were many old bicycles and battery cars parked.

Ye Da's vision at night is fine, but Wang Weiwen's vision is already deep and shallow.

Even though he was in the middle of a busy city, he actually felt like walking through mountains and rivers.

After a few more turns and turns, just when Ye Da was about to lose his sense of direction, Wang Weiwen pointed to the sign on the wall and said excitedly: "Finally found it! How could it be here!"

On the mottled wall, the dim "42" looms.

Ye Da looked around, 28 on the left, 51 on the right, but 42 in this building.

The devil knows how to arrange it
Oh, by the way. Even ghosts don’t know.
Did I forget something?
The road before No. 42 was even darker, not even the windows were bright, and there were also battery cars parked below. Ye Da asked Wang Weiwen to follow him.

"Without you, I would probably be trapped here today and I wouldn't be able to get out. Thank you very much. I'll treat you to dinner later."

Ye Da: "It's not that sleepy, but today is quite evil, and I don't usually feel so crooked."

"Even in the same community, most people only remember how to get to their own building and what number it is. It's not surprising that the route is more complicated when planning this kind of old community. Otherwise, I wouldn't ask you for help directly."

The two walked downstairs to Unit [-]. The dirty corridor door stood in the darkness, and behind the iron gate was a dim corridor that Ye Da could not see clearly.

Wang Weiwen reached out and clicked on the keyboard for a long time, but there was no response at all. Ye Da tried to pull the iron door directly and opened it.

"The corridor door should be broken, so just go up and knock on the door."

Even though he said that, Wang Weiwen looked at the dark corridor in front of him and didn't move at all.

The front looks like a huge mouth of an abyss, and the turbid air rushes towards your face.
Wang Weiwen coughed lightly: "Mm, ghosts are just people who were not familiar with Lingzi in the past, and had a wrong understanding of the weirdness of the old days, but now that all evils have dissipated and ghosts have disappeared, there is no such thing for a long time."

Ye Da: "I think what you said makes sense. How about I go in front?" Ye Da is not afraid of any monsters. Even if they are real, they may not last as long as him.

Wang Weiwen: "No, no, no, if I hadn't asked you, Ye Da, you wouldn't have spent so much time. How could I let you go ahead? I'll do it!"

As he spoke, he stepped forward with difficulty.

Ye Da saw Wang Weiwen's stubbornness, but didn't say much, just followed behind.

He saw no danger.

It's an old community, the light is dim, the corridors are dilapidated, and the air is turbid.

Isn't it normal?

How can there really be any monsters? Otherwise, happiness could just change the name to A Nightmare on Elm Street.

The two went up to the sixth floor, obviously not very tall, but Wang Weiwen, who was in good health, was slightly panting because he had been subconsciously restraining his breathing.

601 is a household on the side, which enjoys a small corridor alone, so an additional iron gate is added, which is quite common in old residential quarters.

The two knocked outside the iron railing, and there was no response for a long time. They opened their mouths and shouted a few words, but there was still no movement.

Could it be that Teacher Wu died inside?
The atmosphere became more and more weird.

"The teacher in the department didn't make it clear when he sent the message. Maybe Teacher Wu is not at home? Sure enough, this kind of thing should be discussed in person. It was my negligence that I didn't go to the teacher to check."

Wang Weiwen squinted his eyes and looked inside, pointed to the wall and said, "Is that a doorbell?"

A black round lump hung on the wall, which looked a bit like an old-fashioned doorbell, but Wang Weiwen stretched out his hand for a while, and his clothes were dirty, but his arms were still a little short of length, and he didn't know how to design it. , or not a doorbell at all.

It's all here, and after spending so much time looking for a building, it is natural to try it, Ye Da asked Wang Weiwen to step aside and try it himself.

The design of this "doorbell" was really inconsistent. It was stuck at the limit of an adult man's arm. Ye Da's hand was slightly longer, but there was a chance.

"Can you press it?"

"It seems to be possible, I will try."

Ye Da, who was a little irritable, secretly increased his strength, and the entire iron fence was slightly deformed, but it was not very conspicuous in the dark.

Just when Ye Da was about to touch the "doorbell".
The next moment, a chain of fire lights up in the darkness.

Pi Lian wrapped around Ye Da's outstretched arm for an instant, and then tightened it suddenly. The huge force made Ye Da stagger.

After a short confrontation, after all, the sharpness of the horse training was beyond imagination.

Ye Da's arm snapped off.

be quiet
The sound of a broken arm falling to the ground became the only sound in the corridor.

Ye Da and Wang Weiwen were both stunned.
Ye Da took a closer look, and found that it was an extremely thin steel wire, which seemed to have matte paint on it, even if he had some night vision, it was extremely difficult for him to spot it.

And the Pi Lian that flashed by just now is the fluorescence of the spirit.

Behind the iron railing, the anti-theft door of 601 slowly opened, and a figure with a hood appeared, pulling the steel wire, and Ye Da's arm that fell on the ground flew into his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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