Chapter 45 Mother
Fan Zhiqiang, the name of an ordinary man.

Li Xiulan, the name of an ordinary mother.

The story is not complicated. Li Xiulan's husband passed away, leaving a posthumous child. Li Xiulan, who was unaccompanied, insisted on giving birth to a child even in poverty. She named him Zhiqiang, hoping that he would not be weak because of having no father.

Li Xiulan relied on part-time jobs to raise her son firmly in the era of material scarcity. Although she was suffering, she supported the child's growth all the way, but because of her hard work when she was young, she had many diseases in her body. She didn't even die before the age of 50. If you dare to go to the hospital, you have to carry it yourself when you are sick.

His son, Fan Zhiqiang, is also considered to be successful. He went to university, achieved certain achievements, and became a successful person in the eyes of others. However, his son must have his own life and family, get married and start a family. The son lives in Daping with his wife.

Fortunately, in the same city, it is not too far away.

Good times are not long.

In middle age, Fan Zhiqiang's marriage broke down, he was frustrated in the business, and gradually became dissipated. He often got drunk late at night, worried that he would have accidents while drinking, so Li Xiulan set rules for him.

"If you get drunk outside, you must remember to come back to Happiness. Mom will open the door for you no matter how late it is."

A few days ago, Fan Zhiqiang drank until early in the morning and drove after drinking. He parked the car indiscriminately at the entrance of Xingfuli. After Li Xiulan opened the door for him, Fan Zhiqiang locked himself in the bedroom and fell asleep.

On the same day, Li Xiulan, who was making sober soup for her son, suffered a cerebral infarction and fell down in the kitchen. Fan Zhiqiang, who had fallen asleep, was next to the door without realizing it. Li Xiulan lay on the ground with her eyes open for several hours, unable to call for help. Even one sound.

It wasn't until a familiar neighbor knocked on the door smelling the burning smell that Li Xiulan was dying. She called 120, and Fan Zhiqiang was still in a coma.

120 was blocked at the entrance of the community, and the owner of the car was the patient's own son, but neither the neighbor nor the doctor knew that there was a sleeping person in the locked bedroom of the widowed old woman's house. At that time, she was in a hurry and didn't even think about checking the room. Li Xiulan herself was speechless, but her eyes kept staring at the door, as if she was worried about something.

When Fan Zhiqiang woke up in the middle of the night with a severe headache and saw the mess outside the door, but his mother had disappeared, he realized that something serious had happened.

Afterwards, he lost his soul and squatted in front of his car like a homeless man. He had nowhere to go back, and he didn't dare to go back. He struggled for several days in self-blame and pain.

This is the story of the old lady and the middle-aged man.

Inexplicable information entered Ye Da's mind along his right hand. The three stone needles exposed this tragedy in front of Ye Da.

Ye Da sighed.

Fan Zhiqiang's snot and tears seemed to drain the remaining water in his body. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed continuously, making a thumping sound.

"Mom! I'm sorry for you!"

"I killed you!"

"Damn me! Damn me!"

He could no longer think about why his dead mother appeared in front of him like this.

Even if it is an illusion, he still has to say what he wants to say.

The old lady was no longer ferocious and dull, but said kindly: "Zhiqiang. I don't blame you for my death. It's my mother who is not in good health... Mom can't accompany you. My son will be alone in the future."

Fan Zhiqiang burst into tears, as if words could no longer express his grief.

His marriage broke up, he was frustrated in the business, and even killed his mother.After working hard for half a life, I ended up alone with no relatives, no relatives, and no heirs.

"Mom! Take me away! I'll go with you! Take me away."

The old lady shook her head, smiled and stroked her son's head: "Zhiqiang, have you forgotten why mom gave you this name? You have to be strong, mom hopes you live well, sell mom's house, go In other parts of Kyushu, start a new life and try to live your own life. It is best to leave a grandson for your mother, but it is a pity that you have to bring it yourself."

Fan Zhiqiang cried even louder.

Ye Da just let Fan Zhiqiang hold his hand, even if the snot and tears dripped, he didn't pull it away.

The old lady who had regained her clarity turned her head to look at Ye Da, and bowed deeply: "I will call you Engong just like that little girl. Thank you Engong for taking care of me, so that I can see Zhiqiang again."

Ye Da shook his head slightly, he was not taken in, and he was always tired of the existence of the old lady in his heart, so he deserved it.

Seeing that she was mentioned, Liu Xiaoqian also got out, hiding behind Ye Da and peeking at the old lady who had a completely different image and became kind.

The old lady said: "It's a pity that my three souls and six souls are incomplete. I usually look stupid and make my benefactor worry about it. I have already understood some things from the stone needle. It's a pity that my soul is confused and I can't speak to my benefactor. Now I have fulfilled my wish. But I’m afraid I’ll still be as stupid as ever, and I don’t know what plans my benefactor has for me in the future.”

Ye Da looked at Fan Zhiqiang, who was crying uncontrollably on the ground, and said, "Has the wish been fulfilled? Didn't he ask?"

The corners of the old lady's mouth suddenly turned up, and in a daze, Ye Da seemed to see the young woman who insisted on giving birth and raising the child decades ago.

Two phantoms seem to overlap, one is old and kind, the other is young and stubborn.

"Zhiqiang is my son who was raised by himself. I have confidence in him and he will be strong."

Fan Zhiqiang cried even louder.

Ye Da pondered for a long time, nodded and said: "I understand, so, do you have any thoughts that you want to dissipate? For example, after you complete your wish."

Fan Zhiqiang suddenly jumped up, held Ye Da's hand, and was so excited: "Master, please keep my mother here, don't let her disappear. I will give you all the money I paid from selling the house, and let her stay with me!" Do you need a sacrifice? You can also possess me! I beg you!"

He didn't know Ye Da's identity, but he just imagined some weird things in his mind that he had seen, and he only hoped that this strange person could let his mother stay by his side.

The old lady knocked Fan Zhiqiang's shoulder heavily a few times, but Fan Zhiqiang shrank back even though the phantom had no strength.

"There is a gap between life and death, what is attached to you, mom has been tired all her life and finally relaxed, don't meddle, you go over there and wait, I have something to say to benefactor."

Fan Zhiqiang was unwilling, but was finally pushed aside by the old lady.

The old lady turned her head and said kindly to Ye Da: "I am different from that little girl. Most of my three souls and six souls have been detained. I shouldn't have stayed in the first place. Now that my wish is over, I have the idea of ​​wanting to dissipate, but I still have some ability to hurt people, maybe it is useful to benefactor. If benefactor needs it, he can keep me by his side. Just give me some black ice on weekdays. After a while, I should be able to obey benefactor’s orders .”

Ye Da recalled the terrifying power of the old lady on the viaduct. The ability to absorb people's anger within a few breaths was indeed powerful. In addition, the old lady was invisible to ordinary people.

It can even be said that if it is controllable, it will be Ye Da's strongest ability.

And the cost is just a few grains of black ice every day?
Ye Da was silent for a moment, then said:
"No, if the old man wants to be relieved, go ahead."

(End of this chapter)

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