I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 55 Four A's!

Chapter 55 Three Aces!

Ye Da continued to pretend to be stupid: "What are you talking about? The wind is too strong and I can't hear you clearly. There is not much food on the island. If you go late, it will be gone. For lunch, it will be big white noodle steamed buns with braised pork! Hurry up! If you go late, there will be no more. Already!"

Then he took two steps forward as if nothing had happened, closing the distance a little.

The host was obviously taken aback, but finally shook his head:

"Sure enough, I can't even do a bad guy's confession?"

At this time, the male host saw Wang Weiwen walking in the mud one step at a time, and his expression gradually became broken.
He pulled an object out of his clothes.

It was actually a piece of tortoise shell.

Different from the old turbid one Ye Da picked up before, the tortoise shell was not as huge as the one Ye Da picked up, but it was crystal clear, as if carved from a piece of topaz.

As the male host took out the tortoise shell, the wind around him seemed to become more violent, and Ye Da couldn't even open his eyes from the bean-sized rain.

On the turbid and turbulent lake under the cliff, a huge black shadow gradually appeared, and then the lake parted to the two sides, and a terrifying old turtle more than ten meters long emerged from the water, raising its head like a jagged rock.

The giant tortoise looked at the male master on the cliff calmly, especially the scales in his hand.

Seeing the giant tortoise surfaced, the male owner staggered a bit, as if he was a little shocked, but turned even crazier.

"Sure enough! It's true!"

"Dad. Don't!"

"Shut up! Die here!"

The master threw his daughter to the giant turtle below!
"IN-OUTS thrust!"

Ye Da didn't hesitate anymore, and rushed up with a brisk stride, even breaking a waterline in the rain.

Although it is almost impossible to save the little girl from this distance, he still has to try!
Seeing Ye Da's speed, the host was obviously taken aback, and tried to block Ye Da with his body.

"Go away!"

Ye Da swung his arm and knocked it flying. The male lead vomited blood and broke several ribs.

At the same time, he tried his best to stretch out a hand, but he didn't even touch the little girl's fingertips.

With such a blocking moment, Ye Da had already lost his last chance to save the little girl.

Time seems to slow down
The little girl cried in the air and fell towards the giant turtle's mouth.

However, unexpectedly, the giant tortoise's cold eyes just calmly looked at the little girl in mid-air, as if it was about to watch her fall to death like this.

Jiang Hou's words sounded in Ye Da's mind: "It is absolutely impossible for a giant tortoise to eat people."

However, at a height of ten meters, there are rocks below. A little girl of four or five years old
Just when Ye Da was about to catapult down, a huge herring several meters long leaped up without warning on the surface of the lake, and swallowed the little girl with its mouth like a black hole.

Ye Da was stunned.
The herring was different from the fish monster seen last night, it didn't have hands and feet, but its size proved that it was absolutely abnormal. The fins on both sides were several meters long, falling behind it like streamers.

The huge herring swallowed the little girl in one gulp, then fell back into the water and disappeared in a flash.

With the appearance of the herring, the eyes of the giant tortoise also changed, it was no longer calm, but became fierce, turned its heavy body, and chased the herring away.

The speed of the fish in the water is so fast that it disappears in the turbid lake water in less than a second.

Wang Weiwen arrived later, kicked the male owner on the head, knocked him unconscious, and asked hurriedly, "What is that? Where's the little girl?"

Ye Da only hesitated for a second, then gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "You watch this bastard, I'll go after him!"

Although the hope is slim, when he still wants to try it, he holds his breath much longer than the living people, even though he knows that it is impossible to catch fish in the water, he still wants to go into the water to have a look.

Maybe the two monsters didn't travel far?
He was about to jump off the lake, but was grabbed by Wang Weiwen.

"Ye Da, wait, you are a spiritual enlightener, right? Otherwise, it would be impossible to go so fast!"

"Now is not the time to say that!"

Wang Weiwen shook his head: "This is not a small talk! Carry me on your back, I am also a spiritual enlightener, I can help you!"

Ye Da stared at Wang Weiwen as if he had seen a ghost.Wang Weiwen thought Ye Da was too shocked and urged: "Don't hesitate! I'll go first!"

I saw Wang Weiwen took out a simple book from his arms, the ancient book was automatically opened in the strong wind, Wang Weiwen's eyes flashed with a little bit of spiritual light, and then he quickly tore a page from it.

"It's as light as a swallow! It crosses water without sinking!"

"Its spirit is like a falcon! It faces the wind without disturbing it!"

Ye Da had heard this phrase before, it was written by a poet in the Dabin period, and it was called "Hundred Birds Ci"

"The spirit of words, the splendor of pomp, I carry them with my body!"

The next moment, Wang Weiwen held the torn page in his mouth, and then exhaled suddenly, and countless words shining with the brilliance of the spirit were "blown" out, which were exactly the poems he had read before.

These words were big and small, and they were not blown away by the strong wind, but fell on Ye Da and Wang Weiwen, and then disappeared.

Ye Da actually felt that his body was much lighter, but the difficulty of resisting the strong wind did not increase, and it did not seem to be a simple weight change.

Wang Weiwen: "Quick! I've added lightness to you! You can cross the water now! Put me on your back, I can still track you!"

It was too late to say it, and it was less than a few tens of seconds since Wang Weiwen blew himself up as a spiritual enlightener.

Ye Da stared at Wang Weiwen and said, "It would be too much to use Goudang three times. I'll trust you again!"

Wang Weiwen: "???"

"Come on me!"

Ye Da finally chose to believe it, put Wang Weiwen on his back, jumped vertically, and flew towards the lake.

I was still a little worried when I got out. Ye Da was ready to be a depth charge, but when he landed on the water, the feeling from the soles of his feet was quite different. It was not like being on the water, but like stepping on a huge piece of jelly There is actually a sense of rebound.

It's not that it doesn't sink at all. Ye Da feels that if he stops, he will still sink to the bottom, but he can run on the water in an uncomfortable way during the fast run.

Ye Da felt relieved, and chased after the direction where the giant tortoise and herring left, but they were at the bottom of the water, and their exact location was unknown.

Wang Weiwen on his back used his spiritual enlightenment ability again, and tore another page from the ancient book.

"Searching and searching every day, it will be hard to recover in the end."

"Love and pain every night, dare not forget each other for ten years."

"The spirit of words, the splendor of pomp, I carry them with my body!"

Wang Weiwen held the paper in his mouth, and exhaled a little bit of text again. The text exuded the fluorescence of the spirit, and melted into the bodies of the two.

The next moment, Ye Da actually saw fluorescent traces on the surface of the lake. The traces sometimes turned and sometimes circled, as if they were the tracks of swimming fish moving forward in the lake.


Ye Da broke out with all his strength, running wildly on the lake like a wild horse, sometimes rushing forward, sometimes leaping forward, and on the turbulent lake, a magical scene of "floating on water" was staged.

This Yunze Lake became a flat ground for him to gallop, and under the influence of lightness, his speed was even three points faster than that on land.

Wang Weiwen, who was on his back, was not idle either. He took out his mobile phone and called the squad leader of the second class, asking him to take someone to the cliff to control the male owner of the family of three, and then shouted in Ye Da's ear: "Your ability is What? There may be a battle in a while, so I can prepare to assist you in advance!"

Ye Da shouted: "Why are you yelling so loudly! My ability is physical strengthening and super-speed regeneration!"

Wang Weiwen said awkwardly: "The wind is too strong, I'm afraid you can't hear clearly, what's your ability level?"

"A! It's all A! What about you?"

Wang Weiwen was obviously taken aback for a moment, as if surprised by Ye Da's ability level, and then returned: "Same, also A! I have an idea!"

Ye Da asked: "What ability do you have, it's pretty cool."

Wang Weiwen: "Yan Ling! A!"

(End of this chapter)

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