I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 64 The Master of Social Awkwardness

Chapter 64 The Master of Social Awkwardness
Dressed in a white shirt and jeans, Xin Yi looked a little special in a showroom full of suits and leather shoes.

But that doesn't make it feel like a pretty girl in the wrong place.

She is the protagonist here.

Those men in suits, those women in long skirts.

They are supporting roles.

And Yada...

Some party.

At this time, the two are like a pair of brothers and sisters or sisters with outstanding looks.

Or couple outfits.

Wang Guofang's wife immediately put on a smile and was about to come forward to chat and thank her, but Wang Guofang pulled his wife slightly with a smile on his lips, asking her to give the two younger ones some space.

Ye Da couldn't comment on the consistency of their clothing, so he could only twitch his lips and say, "It seems that our tastes are similar."

"No, it's my insight into your taste. I do like blue today. White is next, and red again."

The way Xin Yi clapped her fingers to explain made Ye Da more comfortable.

Wang Guofang is so square!

Xin Yi's way of thinking is still so different and direct.

"Do you like this painting?"

Xin Yi pointed to the huge painting on the wall.

Ye Da pretended to touch his chin, showing the appearance of savoring carefully: "A rare masterpiece."

After all, in other people's art exhibitions, it is natural to boast.

Xin Yi said, "Really? I don't really like it."

Really know how to chat, don't chat next time.

"Don't you like what you drew?"

"It's common for painters not to like their own works. This window is too depressing."

Ye Da said that what you said is correct.

Seeing that the two of them had an awkward chat (mainly Ye Da), Wang Guofang took a step forward in a timely manner.

"Miss Xin, we meet again, thank you for the invitation."

Xin Yi: "It's okay, everyone gets what they need. Didn't you also give me my phone number?"

Wang Guofang: OK!Stop talking!Embarrassed!

Xin Yi didn't seem to feel that there was anything wrong with the atmosphere, and led everyone inside as a master.

There is also a large area inside, displaying all kinds of paintings, including oil paintings, sketches, Chinese paintings, and many creative methods that Ye Da can't name.

Many people came and went to stop in front of the painting to appreciate it, and from time to time they would lower their voices to exchange a few words.

Judging from the number of people, it was neither deserted nor lively. It seemed that Xin Yi didn't invite too many people. Given her status in the painting world, she didn't need to deliberately create a lively feeling.

The same dresses of the two attracted the attention of many people.

However, the people who came to the art exhibition may not be familiar with Xin Yiduo, so no one came to ask for the time being.

Xin Yi led several people to a painting.

"This is my favorite work, try it."

Ye Da ignored the strange words and looked at the work in front of him, which was much smaller than before.

The colors are bright, the brushwork is strong, and there is a little freehand brushwork in the realism, which is a standard oil painting.

Ye Da didn't know much about oil painting, but still praised: "A work full of vitality, is this a sunflower?"

Xin Yi: "This is my self-portrait."

Ye Da stared wide-eyed and turned to look at Wang Guofang, looking for intellectual support.

The other party also stared wide-eyed, and replied with an expression of "I think it's also a sunflower!?"

"As expected of Ms. Xin's works of art, they are always full of deep meaning. This painting is probably not a simple self-portrait, but a self-portrait of the heart."

This disgusting yet logical compliment did not come from Ye Da, but from a man wearing a windbreaker and a mask.Judging from his height, clothes, and exposed eyes, he should be a handsome guy, at least on the same level as Wang Weiwen, but he is one Yunzhou Lake away from Ye Da and Xin Yi.

There is an indescribably greasy feeling in the voice of speaking. If I have to describe it, it is probably that kind of frivolous self-confidence.

Without turning her head, Xin Yi continued to point to the "self-portrait" and said to Ye Da: "This is my favorite work today. Although it was a bit ugly when it was first completed, it feels a bit ugly and cute now."

Ye Da and Wang Guofang really couldn't see how "ugly and cute" a sunflower is.

The man in the windbreaker looked at Ye Da, who was wearing the same clothes as Xin Yi, and asked tentatively: "Miss Xin, is this your family?"

Xin Yi still didn't say a word, she just looked at her "self-portrait" carefully, as if she was offline.

The man in the trench coat insisted on standing there, waiting for an answer.

Several people gathered in a small place, and an atmosphere called deadly embarrassment was spreading.

After a long time, Ye Da could only take the initiative to break the bloody atmosphere.

He didn't want to get involved in any messy things, such as being inexplicably hated by the man in the windbreaker, and then filming dozens of episodes of TV series in Balabala.

Coughed lightly:
"Just friends."

At this time, Xin Yi suddenly went online: "It's not considered a friend, you don't want to deal with me, don't you?"

Ye Da: Alright!Stop talking!Let's be embarrassed!
At this time, Wang Guofang's wife seemed to see something suddenly, and came forward in surprise.

"Are you Mr. Dialect? I am your fan!"

The man in the windbreaker withdrew his burning gaze from looking at Ye Da, took a half step back and said, "Sorry, please don't be too loud, I don't want to reveal my identity for now, so as not to disturb Miss Xin's art exhibition."

Ye Da looked around and found that most of the visitors were serious and serious, with an average age of over 40 years old. It was hard for him to imagine how famous this trench coat man was, and he could move these middle-aged people.

However, he has heard of the name "Dialect". A recently popular male star, the newly launched "Old Notes" has good reviews, and the female students at Yunzhou Lake are discussing that they want to review the ratings because of him.

It is said that he is also a public figure who has disclosed his identity as a spiritual enlightener. It seems that the spiritual enlightenment level is not low.
Wang Guofang's wife nodded when she heard the words and said, "I understand everything!" Then she took out the small book in her bag and asked Fang Yan to sign it. Down.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit and looking like a supervisor hurried to Xin Yi.

"Ms. Xin, there are suddenly many people outside the door. It seems that they are Mr. Fang's fans clamoring to come in."

The color of the dialect changes.

Xin Yi finally turned his head and looked at Dialect for the first time.

"Mr. Fang, I'm afraid I didn't send your invitation letter, but since you're here, please solve the trouble you caused."

Xin Yi's voice was a little cold, but there was no emotion.

Nervous in dialect, he immediately left with the man in the suit, as if to deal with the matter at the door.

Xin Yi hesitated for a while, then finally sighed and said to Ye Da and Wang Guofang: "I'm sorry, I have to go take a look. Fans are actually quite scary creatures."

Ye Da and Wang Guofang nodded. As the host, it was understandable for Xin Yi to go and have a look. They were just one of the many exhibitors, and it was unreasonable for Xin Yi to stay with them all the time.

Without Xin Yi, a master of social awkwardness, it’s good to simply look at the art exhibition. I have to say that Xin Yi’s level is very high. Even someone like Ye Da who doesn’t understand painting will feel that some works are absolute masterpieces. .

When Xin Yi was alive, a single painting could fetch several million at auction. Although there is a bonus of "popularity" in it, it is definitely not for nothing.

As they walked, Ye Da and Wang Guofang's family got separated, but it's not a tourist attraction, so there's no need to stay together all the time.

After a while, Ye Da stopped in front of a painting to look at it.

In the painting, the blue water surface is vast and boundless, with sparkling lights on it, like the tranquility before the storm, but far away is gray and gray, with lightning in it faintly, outlining a vague phantom.

The phantom is full of teeth and claws, and lacks substance. It is difficult to judge whether it is some "image" or simply a trace of dark clouds.

The name of the painting:
"Shallow Sea".

The stop is not because Ye Da is impressed by his artistic level.

It was because of the matter of Yunzhou Lake that Ye Da became curious about the oceans of the Kyushu world.

Just as he was about to step forward to take a closer look, a gentle voice sounded from behind.

"I didn't expect to see you here, classmate Xiaoye."

Ye Da turned his head, and an unexpected person was looking at him with a smile.

Li Siyue.

(End of this chapter)

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