Chapter 67

At night, the art park.

Public opinion has been fermenting all day, but most people are just typing on the Internet, but no one will actually come to the art park where the incident happened.

A thin man wearing glasses and a dirty leather jacket is squatting in the corner of the parking lot and smoking, with a dilapidated battery car parked beside him,
Although a place like the art park is high-end, there are not many people. There may not be many people during the day, and there are no ghosts at night. The underground parking lot is extremely deserted.

A few luxury cars covered with a thin layer of gray have been parked there for an unknown how long. While smoking a cigarette, the thin man stared blankly, imagining when he would be able to afford it.

What a waste of money!
Such a good car can't be parked and eat ashes!

Can the battery still have electricity?
When the third one was drawn, a fat figure in a security uniform, with his hands in his pockets, ran over sneakily, and found a thin and small man in the corner. He pointed out this place to him. surveillance perspective.

"My fellow! The thing has been copied."

The thin man stretched out his hand to take it, but the fat security guard withdrew his hand subconsciously and said, "Pay with one hand, deliver with one hand, cash!"

The skinny man: "Cash, you're tall, you've watched too many movies! Prestige transfer!"

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone and transferred the money readily.

The security guard's phone vibrated slightly, and he quickly turned it on. Seeing the 10000 yuan in the account, he looked happy.

"Thank you fellow!"

Half an hour's work can earn more than a few months' wages, even if you get fired because of it, it's not a loss.

How can security guards do it, press their feet, cover a few nights, spend a month with money, and change properties?
The skinny man took the USB flash drive from the security guard, plugged it into his portable laptop on the spot, and confirmed the contents inside. He was not worried that the security guard would cheat him, but wanted to confirm the price of the item.

After seeing the big star dialect being pushed and pulled by several female fans on the screen, the skinny man nodded in satisfaction.

The dragon has its way, and the mouse has its way. When the big media editors were sitting in the office building and typing on the keyboard, he had already obtained the exclusive information.

At this time, it was less than 24 hours after the "dialect fan death incident" was exposed.

This is not a video in hand, this is real money.

As for whether this "fellow townsman" will be fired afterwards, that's not what he cares about.

The "folks" themselves don't care.


The ornate wine bottle was pushed to the ground.

Dialect drank the wine in the glass depressed.

At this time, he was very different from his refreshing image in the outside world. His body smelled of alcohol, his hair was messy, and he even had a handful of fat squeezed from his waist.

But the appearance does have a foundation, and there is a handsome guy in it.

Dialect didn't care about his own image, while drinking wine, he swiped his phone in boredom.

It is full of reports on the "death of dialect fans", some from big media and some from self-media.

The public opinion on the Internet was detonated, and it was on the face of the dialect.

Not to mention everyone yelling and beating, it is also the victim of wind criticism.

The huge number of diehard fans are still working hard to clear the ground, but the more the fans retaliate, the more the reputation of the dialect itself will be damaged.

"Can my brother fall in love with that fat woman who sits on the floor and sits in the L row? You don't need to use your brain when you talk, it's best if the illegitimate child dies, and it will cause trouble for my brother!"

Dialect wants to kneel down and beg fans, please shut up!Stop hating me!
The relationship between artists, especially those who rely on traffic to rise, and fans is not that simple.

Although the studio has contacted fans from all over the world to restrain fans from trolling people online, but according to the dialect's fan base, it is completely out of control.

After all, those who will join an organization like a fan club will always be a minority of fans, and those who are willing to listen and have a "big picture" view are even rarer.

There has even been a fight between fans.

Seeing that the situation is getting out of control, how can dialect not be anxious?
After working hard for two and a half years before becoming famous, do you want to go back to live that kind of hard life?

Do you know how hard I work!

"Brother Fang and Sister Wang are here."

As soon as the words were finished, a small high-heeled voice of "da da" came, a middle-aged woman in her 40s, plain looking but very fashionable, carrying a handbag, walked in hurriedly.

Fang Yan managed to wake up a little bit. This boss and manager who single-handedly cultivated him was also his biggest support at this time. He immediately asked, "Sister Wang, how are you doing?"

Sister Wang threw the handbag worth 10,000+ aside and said tiredly: "Several familiar self-media and small platforms have done it. They spent more than 200 million, but the big platforms can't do it. The current popularity is too high, and they can't do it." I can’t control it, but I bought a few positive trending searches, heroic deeds and so on, to see if I can suppress your problems.”

Dialect said nothing, and took another sip of wine.

Small platforms and self-media will never be the main battlefield of public opinion. If the big platforms can't handle it, the turmoil cannot be calmed down.

Seeing Fang Yan's tired look, Sister Wang couldn't help but get angry: "I'm doing everything, but you are drinking here. Do you know that you have to stay sober now, and you may need to hold an emergency press conference at any time. If you don't handle it well this time, you will be finished, you know!"

Fang Yan said with a hint of alcohol, "I didn't do anything! I didn't even touch that illegitimate meal! Sister Wang, you have to trust me!"

Sister Wang said angrily: "Is it possible that I don't know what you are capable of? But you should just talk about the phrase 'the idol pays the bill if the fans have an accident'? Do you think those media really care about how an illegitimate fan dies?" What? They are scraping your flesh and blood in exchange for traffic! All the dirty information about you on the Internet has been dug up, and I have been bombarded with calls to terminate the endorsement contract! The casting of the new play is also dirty!"

Dialect finally panicked: "Then what should I do, Sister Wang!"

Sister Wang said angrily: "Cold salad! If you drink more, your affairs will be solved. I'll help you buy the hot search that you died for your illegitimate meal!"

Fang Yan quickly pushed the wine glass away, licking his face with a drunken smile.

Sister Wang discovered his debut and helped him reach his current position. He has been tamed and submissive for a long time, and now she is his only life-saving straw.I must not make Miss Wang unhappy again.

Sister Wang took out a USB flash drive and asked the assistant to bring a computer.

"Miss Wang, what is this?"

"The paparazzi I used to be familiar with originally wanted to buy the other party's black material to suppress your popularity, but they held your material in their hands and asked for a hush money."


"Surveillance from yesterday!"

Dialect was startled at first, but then he relaxed and complained, "I really didn't do anything yesterday, what is this? Sister Wang, you don't believe me?"

Sister Wang clicked to play, and after watching it for a while, she pointed to the screen and said, "That's enough! Those media are not the police, they don't care if you are innocent or not! They only want traffic."

On the screen, the angle is right at the entrance of the exhibition.

Several female fans surrounded the gate, and the staff stopped them from entering.

After a while, Dialect came out wearing a mask and windbreaker. There was no sound on the screen, but it seemed that he was trying to appease the fans and persuade them to leave.

After a while, the dialect was dry, and the movements and expressions became a little angry. The female fans suddenly rioted, breaking through the barriers and rushing up.

A few crazy fans who rushed to the front grabbed Fang Yan's clothes and threw them to the ground. Several people scuffled together. Dialect, female fans, and staff were in a mess, and many people rolled on the ground.

Dialect broke free from the shackles, stood up scrambling, not daring to stay any longer, turned around and ran into the exhibition hall.

He was terrified by these illegitimate meals that day, so he didn't dare to see the exhibition, so he escaped directly from the staff passage to the back door.

He didn't even say hello to Xin Yi.

And after those female fans "touched" their brother after a riot, they tasted the sweetness and became more and more out of control. They broke through the barriers and broke into the art exhibition to find their "brother".

Dialect had confessed to Sister Wang a long time ago about what happened, and speaking of the matter, he was indeed wronged.

But as Sister Wang said, netizens are not police.

In this traffic feast, it seems that every media is questioning the truth, but the truth is the least important one to them.

Fang Yan became even more depressed after watching the surveillance, and wanted to drink again, but he didn't dare because of Sister Wang's majesty.

"Look at Sister Wang, let me just say that I didn't do anything!" Then drunk, Fang Yan put his arms around Sister Wang's arm.

Sister Wang's expression remained unchanged, and she said, "Only the police are concerned about whether you did something or not, but let the Internet public opinion continue to ferment, even if the police find out that you are not guilty in a month or two, it will be too late. Already!"

Fang Yan hurriedly shook Sister Wang's arm: "Then what should I do?"

"Disturbing the audiovisual, diverting attention to others, it is useless to expose other people's black material, the small coffee can't attract firepower, and the big coffee will turn into a mutual bombing, we have to understand the context of this matter itself , think of a way on this matter itself."

Sister Wang pointed to the video on the screen.

"What do you mean?"

"It's like acting. In this case, you are the protagonist and others are the background board. Everyone will only stare at you. Now find a way to turn others into the protagonist and you as the background board."

Dialect was thoughtful, and then surprised: "You mean to pour dirty water on Xin Yi?"

Sister Wang said in a strange tone, "What? Did the gossip stir up fantasies? Do you feel distressed? Xin Yi has a deep background! Don't look for death! Which of these media has bitten Xin Yi?"

"Then you mean?"

"It's best to pour dirty water on the dead, so as not to quarrel. I've already hired someone to investigate the illegitimate meal. I promise to investigate to the bottom."

"As long as you prove that she is sick, you can be saved. It is best to simply admit that she is a complete psychopath + social trash, and you will be relieved!"

Dialect is a little afraid to answer, but still worried about his own stardom, overcame his weak sense of morality.

"Sister Wang is right, that illegitimate fan is definitely not a good person."

With a strategy in mind, Sister Wang also relaxed, watching the monitor on the computer leisurely.

This video was sent over there for inspection, she will definitely buy it and use it well.

There are so many cameras in the art exhibition, and the total content may be dozens of hours. In order to impress Sister Wang and let her grasp the key points, the inspection video is naturally edited.

The main angle of view is chasing after the group of fans. As for the follow-up of Dialect's embarrassing escape, because the staff channel was not monitored, it was not photographed.

At this time, a picture caught Sister Wang's attention, and she looked down carefully.

A group of girls rushed towards one place noisily.

A handsome man in a white shirt reached out to protect a lady behind him.

After that, the girls suddenly became quiet as if under a spell, and they lined up to leave. The contrast between before and after was very obvious, revealing a kind of weirdness.

“For a story to be exciting, it’s not enough to have dead people, there must also be living people.”

Sister Wang drank the wine in her glass and had an idea in her mind.

Then he pulled the dialect and walked to the bedroom.

"Come on, my A-level enlightened star."

After a tiring day, it's time to relax.

(End of this chapter)

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