Chapter 75 Tattoos
"Jiajia, why hasn't Brother Ye arrived yet?"

Several little girls stood at the gate of Ligui Garden, looking eagerly.

"Brother Ye's 'prestige' didn't come back. Could something have happened and delayed it?"

Huo Ting bit her finger and said disappointedly, "Will she not come?"

Wen Jiayu, Mai Mai, and Shushu didn't answer, but they were all worried.

"How about we go in and take a look first? Sister Banban said earlier that her uncle and aunt wanted to go back to her hometown after breaking off the relationship with her. I was worried that I would not be able to find anyone if I went there late."

Wen Jiayu hesitated for a long time, and sent a message to Ye Da, asking if Brother Ye was delayed by something, and he went in to have a look.

But this one still hasn't waited for a reply.

on the viaduct.

Ye Da looked at the tattoo and felt very surprised, it was so similar to the "Nine Yin" on his right hand!

Who would tattoo incense burners on their hands?
A person suspected of being a spiritual enlightener got out of the completely deformed vehicle in a very familiar way.

Ye Da adjusted his standing posture, ready to deal with possible battles at any time.

It was a grown man in his early 30s, wearing a retro suit, as if he had just walked out of an old-fashioned ballroom.

However, the clothes had long been broken like strips of cloth, no better than Ye Da's body.

The man glanced at Ye Da blankly, but didn't make any other movements.

Those were a pair of Gujing Wubo's eyes, as if they were not surprised by this tragic serial car accident.

There was a kind of indifference in his gaze, which was in stark contrast to the flamboyant retro suit on his body.

The man tried to straighten his clothes, but realized it was futile after a while, so he simply took off the broken coat, revealing the blood-stained shirt inside, but judging from his expression, the injury inside must have healed long ago.

After that, he stopped talking to Ye Da.

"Xiao Liu, is there any malice?"

Liu Xiaoqian shook her head and said, "No. The other party's irritability."

Annoyed?Simple victim?

Was the car accident really just an accident?This person is as unlucky as himself?
"My dear friend, this person feels very feels like a lot of emotions are fused together...very complicated!"

At this time, it was only a few minutes before the car accident happened, and many people trapped in the car also woke up or reacted, and began to call for help continuously.

Ye Da stared at the other person for a while, but didn't see anything, so he chose to save the person first.

But the guy who was obviously a spiritual enlightener didn't intend to help others, but just stood there indifferently, and even lit a cigarette.

Ye Da is very efficient, and his powerful force allows him to violently destroy the deformed and locked car door. With a loud noise, Ye Da quickly rescues the trapped people just like opening a can.

The biggest advantage of being an officially registered spiritual enlightenment is that there is no need to hide it when necessary.

Ye Da's actions also made the onlookers react. Many people got out of the car to help, carried the wounded, fire extinguishers, called an ambulance, and participated in the rescue.

Naturally, at such a time, someone took out a mobile phone to take a video. Ye Da was not the only rescuer, but he was the most conspicuous one. The rescue work was only halfway through, and his figure had already been posted on the Internet.

The man with the incense burner tattoo was leaning against the broken metal vehicle behind him, smoking a cigarette calmly, the blood and flesh in the vehicle behind him was bloody, but it didn't affect him at all.

The left hand with tattoos seems to be unintentionally supporting the twisted hood of the vehicle. At an angle that no one cares about, the gray mist is drawn from the car into his little finger, and then absorbed into the skin.

Lips slightly raised: "The spirit is the sincerity of the heart. The spirit is the sincerity of the heart."

But the eyes always follow Ye Da.

Especially seeing its huge strength, young and handsome face, the corners of its mouth unconsciously smiled, as if it had found a suitable prey.

"I've gone too far. I can't waste it. But I have found an interesting target. The vitality of the spiritual enlightener of the physical body must be very strong."

Liu Xiaoqian, who was suspended in mid-air on guard, suddenly turned her head and looked at the man, a little vigilant and a little puzzled.

There seemed to be a fleeting malice, but this person gave her very mixed feelings, as if her emotions were in chaos.
About 10 minutes later, with the joint efforts of everyone, all the trapped and injured people were moved out. So far, only one of the dead has been found, which is the driver of the vehicle in which the tattooed man was riding. It was also the same person who caused the serial car accident, and the cab was bloody. , it could only be vaguely seen that it was a woman, and several citizens who were eager to rescue vomited it out.

When everyone gathered around, the tattooed man left the vehicle without a trace.

The traffic police, ambulance, and firefighters arrived one after another, and the spontaneous social rescuers breathed a sigh of relief.

The traffic police who arrived first took Ye Da to the side of the road. This is the main road of the viaduct, and the passage should be cleared as soon as possible.

"Young man, it's very powerful, you are a spiritual enlightener, do you smoke?"

Ye Da waved his hand, rejecting the traffic policeman's offer of cigarettes.

The traffic policeman jokingly said: "Thanks to your action, so many people were saved in time, and I will apply for a commendation for your bravery later."

Ye Da waved his hand. At this moment, he realized that his mobile phone wallet seemed to have fallen out when the car overturned, and he didn't know where it went.

He had a headache, and when he was about to look for it, a hand appeared in his field of vision holding his mobile phone and wallet. "Young man, is this yours?"

Ye Da looked up, it was the tattooed man

He hung the tattered suit on his left hand, not knowing whether it was intentional or not, to cover up the tattoo on his left hand.

"I didn't know who the owner was just now. I opened it and took a look. There was your ID card inside."

Ye Da took the things calmly, and found that the screen of the phone was broken, and it couldn't be turned on.

The man took the initiative to chat and said, "You are a spiritual enlightener, it seems that your level is not low."

Ye Da asked back, "Aren't you?"

The man calmly said: "It's all about being stronger. You're probably only in your twenties this year. You have a bright future. That's great, that's great."

This person looks young, but his speech is old-fashioned, especially his voice is really ugly, as if he smoked too much and his throat is broken.

"Can't you save people if you have too much strength?"

The man said calmly: "Moral kidnapping is not good, I am a victim."

After speaking, the man withdrew his uncomfortable gaze, smiled and turned to leave.

Looking at the man's back, Ye Da sneered.

Instead, he said to the traffic policeman on the side: "Comrade policeman, this person got off the vehicle that caused the accident and deliberately concealed his identity as a spiritual enlightener. I seriously suspect that the accident may not be a coincidence. I suggest you check it out."

The traffic policeman, smoking a cigarette, was a little taken aback.

This young man thanked him for picking up his wallet just now, and he reported him backhandedly.

However, he still tended to believe Ye Da, nodded and chased after him.

"Comrade? Which car is yours? I'll make a record!"

Ye Da thought he was showing chicken feet. Not only did he want to report to the traffic police, but he also wanted to report to the criminal police. He must have mentioned what happened today to Wang Guofang. Wang Guofang had already said that he would be notified in time if there was any suspicious situation.

This is not suspicious, who is suspicious?
After that, Ye Da was called to take a simple record, but he didn't see the tattooed man again.

The traffic police have full law enforcement records, and there are surveillance cameras. There is no need to embarrass Ye Da, who is just a passenger. Other things are the responsibility of the drivers and car owners. There is no need to force Ye Da to stay here. He has done enough.

He refused the request to go to the hospital for a physical examination. When the traffic police learned that he was a registered A-level spiritual enlightener and had the bug ability of super-speed regeneration, he didn't persuade him much, but left Ye Da's contact information.

After saying goodbye to the traffic warning, Ye Da bought a random set of clothes on the side of the road, changed his clothes, and then blocked a taxi.

"Take the elevated road? Come down from Sanyuankou and make three more turns."

"Don't take the elevated road, there will be ten consecutive accidents on it."

The driver was surprised: "How do you know? The news didn't say anything."

Ye Da showed off his mobile phone with a broken screen:

"you guess?"

When we arrived at Li Guiyuan, it was already close to the afternoon. We didn't see Wen Jiayu, Huo Ting and others, and the phone couldn't be turned on, so Ye Da could only go in and look for it.

Wen Jiayu said yesterday that Liu Yue's parents contracted a garbage station here, and Ye Da went to all three garbage stations but found no one.

Neither Liu Yue's parents nor Wen Jiayu were found.

Ye Da could only go to the property in the morning.

"A few little girls came in the morning and asked about Lao Liu, but I don't know where they went after that."

Ye Da frowned and asked, "Is Lao Liu the same as Liu Jiangen?"

The property manager was also puzzled and said, "Yeah, you're also looking for Liu Jiangen? This guy suddenly quit early in the morning, saying that he took his wife back to his hometown, and he didn't even want the 5000 yuan deposit. Didn’t something happen? Let me say it first, we and Liu Jiangen are only contracted, he is not our employee, what happened has nothing to do with us!”

Ye Da didn't care about the property manager's habitual blame, but asked: "Is there anything unusual about Liu Jiangen this morning?"

The property manager said: "The security guard said that Old Liu had a quarrel with those little girls. I don't know anything else."

 Reflect on it.

  This book's performance was very poor, so I didn't say much in the chapter. This is the first time.

  Yesterday's short plot, like the ambulance and the big herring, is not only part of the protagonist's upgrading and becoming stronger, but also part of the protagonist's "realization" of becoming a living person.

  I will not simply write about how the protagonist helps a few minors. They are all just part of a big event and serve the plot. Please be patient. These chapters are being laid. During the free period, only two updates can be updated a day. Zhang, some things can’t be distributed as cleanly as they are after being put on the shelves. There’s really nothing we can do about it.

  However, the entry point of this paragraph is also quite special. Overall, it is indeed my problem.

  I will continue to keep it in mind in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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