I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 78 Why is it so familiar?

Chapter 78 Why is it so familiar?

In the basement, Shen Shanrong leaned over the last survivor and took a deep breath.

The white smoke diffused from the opponent's body, and was finally absorbed into his body like a whale sucking a cow's drink.

Shen Shanrong trembled for a while, like a satisfied addict.

The state of the body that is constantly festering and constantly repairing has improved slightly.

But in an instant the situation began to deteriorate again.

"Not enough. Not enough.. I need more life."

That was the case last night. In order to curb the change in his body, he had to kill four neighbors in the same building. These people had known each other for a long time and had physical contact.

The so-called rabbits don't eat grass by the side of their nests, and no matter how crazy they are, they can't move. What's more, they killed four in one night, which will inevitably attract the attention of the police.

However, under the torture of physical collapse and the threat of death, Shen Shanrong could only do so.

His mind is now in a state of chaos, suffering from endless pain as well as the effects of using too much incense burner in the past.

Looking at the corpses around him with dull eyes, Shen Shanrong suddenly felt a sense of hunger.

These still have a warm body. Why do they make him salivate.


Even though he had used the incense burner dozens of times before to extract the vitality of living people, he never had the slightest thought in this regard.

"One bite. Just one bite."

Nor was he ever a man of strong will, quick to succumb to his new desires.

Just like he succumbed to the magic of the incense burner before.

In the dark basement, Shen Shanrong was prostrate on the ground, shrugging his back, as if he was enjoying some gluttonous feast.

And with the breakthrough of the taboo, certain forces in the body finally gained the upper hand.

The skin turned black, and the nails grew rapidly, exuding a black and blue cold light.

The eyes became scarlet.

At night, Tianyuan Yipin.

Yang Tian took the agreement sent by his younger brother, flipped through it for a while, and asked doubtfully, "Isn't this signed?"

The younger brother looked puzzled, and said: "The strange thing is that this is the strange thing. The other party signed, but gave a fake bank card number, and the money cannot be transferred."

Yang Tian was even more surprised: "What is this? Didn't the money get hacked by the people below?"

The younger brother shook his head and said: "No, the money is still there, and I sent someone to confirm it later. That Liu Jiangen has indeed returned to his hometown with his wife."

"Where is my hometown?"

"I only know it's Liangzhou. It seems to be a county with water in its name. It's a garbage collector. I don't have many friends to ask."

Yang Tian turned the concrete on his wrist and sneered: "This matter has been done. I'm afraid the big star will still be worried when the time comes. Tell the people below that they didn't do things well this time and send someone to Liangzhou to confirm. "

"Okay brother, and the number of police outside today has increased, could it be that they came to sweep H?"

Yang Tian glanced at him and said, "Don't worry, it has nothing to do with us, otherwise I will receive the news."

As a well-known middleman in the East China Sea, Yang Tian has a lot of means and ample connections.

The police outside suddenly became very active. There should be some serious crime, but it has nothing to do with Mr. Yang, an enthusiastic citizen.

He took out a cigar, cut it off and lit it. The most troublesome thing recently was the lump of concrete on his hand, which he couldn't get off. If this continues, the circumference of his left and right arms will be different.

Yang Tian made up his mind, if he still couldn't figure it out, he could only try to use the bronze token to seek help from the group of Dharma seekers.

He was taking a puff on his cigar, and was considering whether to ask a few girls he knew well to play with at night, when suddenly there was a noise outside the window.

Yang Tian's office is upstairs from the main entrance of Tianyuan Yipin, and it is specially installed with non-soundproof glass so that he can hear what is happening outside in time, such as police cars or inspections.The noise didn't last long and turned into screams in an instant. Yang Tian was startled and quickly looked down, only to see a person hidden in a hood.

is eating its own guests.

Yang Tian's eyes widened.

"What the hell is this!"

Below, a middle-aged boss with a big belly was pressed to the ground by a huge force, even though his neck was bitten, he still hadn't reacted.

This man has rabies?
However, no one could answer his question.

Pedestrians and customers around screamed and fled in all directions, unable to understand the scene in front of them.

The hooded man ate mouthfuls. The middle-aged boss was still shaking, but after the throat was torn, he couldn't even scream. White smoke rose from his body, which was also absorbed by the hooded man.


The hooded man raised his head and let out a roar of unknown meaning, his face soaked in plasma.

Not enough is not enough.
Here, there are more feasts.

Young, energetic meal
In the first grade of Tianyuan, several welcoming princesses met those scarlet and cloudy eyes through the glass, and sat on the ground with their buttocks, their pretty faces became terrified and distorted.


The hooded man rushed out and smashed the ornate glass door with a punch. There are more young flesh and blood in this building!

The welcoming princesses rolled and crawled towards the inside, and several of them wearing high heels fell directly to the ground, their white thighs connected with black stockings.

The Hooded Man followed, like a wolf chasing a flock of sheep.

He looked around with his scarlet eyes, as if he was picking the most delicious prey, and he found the one with the youngest and most active breath of life. He jumped up the stairs in the lobby with one vertical leap, and grabbed the calf of a welcoming princess.

Princess Yingbin let out a desperate cry, from the time the middle-aged man was thrown to the ground to when the monster broke into Tianyuan Yipin, it took less than 2 minutes in total, it was too fast!

She couldn't resist that powerful force at all, she just felt that her slender calf was about to be crushed, and watched the festering face open its mouth and bite towards herself.

A voice came from the side.

"What the fuck are you doing to my lovely staff?"

A well-polished leather shoe of size 42 stepped on the face of the hooded man.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the hooded man flew out and fell back into the hall
Yang Tian, ​​dressed in a straight suit and with a fierce face, slowly emerged from the wall.

The hooded man shook his head, and stood up unscathed, staring at Yang Tian with scarlet eyes.

"The Spirit Initiator. I want it! The Spirit Initiator!"

Yang Tian felt numb when he saw that terrifying face, what the hell is this?

He pulled Princess Yingbin up, patted her round butt, and ordered, "Get out of here."

Princess Yingbin ran away quickly, not having time to be surprised by the concrete in the boss's hands.

"Boss! I'll help you!"

The confidant brother rushed out from upstairs, and shot down with a dagger in his hand. The hooded man raised his hand to protect the door, but the dagger turned out of thin air, and the speed did not slow down, stabbing the hooded man in the temple. .


It was like piercing into a piece of solid wood, less than an inch, and the end of the dagger was still trembling.

Yang Tian scolded angrily: "Get lost, go evacuate the guests and employees, what kind of chaos can a C-level ability cause?"

The hooded man pulled out the dagger without changing his face, and the slightest wound healed quickly, Yang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly.

Physical strengthening + super-speed regeneration?
Why is it so familiar?
(End of this chapter)

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