I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 80 Get up, tell me the central idea!

Chapter 80 Get up, tell me the central idea!

The news of zombies appearing in the East China Sea spread all over the social network in a short period of time. It is not known who was the first to name the festering monster "zombie", but this description is very appropriate and immediately aroused everyone's sympathy.

Kyushu spirit enlightener crimes happen from time to time. If they didn't meet them on the spot, everyone would have the guts to discuss them online. Many people began to speculate about the spirit enlightenment ability of this "zombie".

Many people think that this is something wrong with a spiritual enlightener, which led to the backlash of the ability, and also led to a bunch of sayings similar to the tide of spirits and the influx of demonic energy. It seems like a setting in a novel.
Some people think that this is an experimental subject that escaped from the official laboratory, which in turn is a lot of conspiracy theories.

But Ye Da had ten thousand dump trucks rushing past in his heart.

Others may just use it as a proxy, but Ye Da, as a senior zombie, has actually confirmed this statement.

That guy in the video is a zombie!
Without him, the other party's black and blue, ferocious and terrifying appearance is almost the same as before he reshaped the corpse.

It's just that he is more colorful and more hostile.

But how could there be a second zombie in the East China Sea?
Is this colleague here for the East China Sea Buffet?
Ye Jianguo said that if there is no Ye family method to strengthen the mind, out of 10 zombies, 10 will only continue to plunder blood food, monsters controlled by instinct, eat people when they see people, eat dogs when they see dogs, lawless.

This colleague obviously confronted the Kyushu officials in public, and it was probably not going well.

Just don't get involved with me, it has nothing to do with me.

Ye Da thought to himself.

But I don’t know if this colleague is as old as him. According to Ye Jianguo, zombies also have a superior-subordinate relationship. Higher-level zombies can order lower-level zombies.
Although the authorities intentionally suppressed the influence and suppressed the speed of the spread that night, a series of spreads inevitably occurred in Donghai, especially among the local young and active netizens.

Some are just word of mouth, and the Internet police can't control it.

It once suppressed the heat of many other incidents, such as "the death of an illegitimate meal", "the school grass in the East China Sea", "the viaduct accident" and so on.

Similarly, the authorities also attach great importance to this incident, because the "melting bomb" has no effect on the hooded man.

It also means that the person is not a spiritual enlightener.

Then there are only two possibilities left,
The first possibility is that the other party got the power from a powerful spiritual enlightenment.

The second possibility is the notorious group of criminals, the Law Seekers.

Either way, it is worthy of official vigilance.

Afterwards, equipment testing was carried out at the battle site, and a large number of highly active abnormal spirit particles were found. Even if ordinary spiritual enlighteners use their abilities, the spirit particles in their bodies are unlikely to dissipate to such a degree.

That is to say, the hooded man is releasing abnormal spiritual particles into the environment all the time.

It's a dangerous situation, and whatever his status, it has the potential to trigger a situation that officials least want to see.

Spirit event.

The police force in the entire East China Sea was mobilized, and even the Special Affairs Division was involved.

On Monday, Ye Da clearly felt that the number of patrols had increased. He had already met two patrol cars on the way from Happiness to Tunghai University.

However, no matter how important the officials are, the monster is not an earthquake, typhoon, or plague. The citizens of Donghai still have to go to work, go to school, eat and go shopping, and it is impossible for this to affect the normal operation of society.

For this reason, Wang Guofang made a special phone call to Ye Da.

"So far, I don't see that guy's goal is related to you, but after all, I had a face-to-face meeting during the car accident. You'd better be cautious. It doesn't matter if you go home from class and go to bed, but don't run around anymore."

Ye Dafu asked if there was any news about Wen Jiayu and the others. Wang Guofang slapped his head and said, "I've been busy for the past few days and forgot. I'll ask my colleagues later. Don't worry, the police have already taken over the investigation. .”

Walking into the campus of Tunghai University, everything feels peaceful and beautiful.

Today's first class is the most popular "Ancient Prose Appreciation Class". All the students were looking forward to it, but after arriving in the classroom, they found that the person standing on the podium was not the substitute teacher Ding Yong, but a middle-aged man whom he did not know. female.

"I am Zhang Guimei, your 'Classic Appreciation Class' teacher. You can call me Teacher Zhang. If Teacher Ding is busy, please ask me to take over for a few classes."

The man introduced himself like this.Good guy, a substitute teacher’s substitute teacher?

Many people were disappointed.

Teacher Zhang walked up and down the podium in a serious manner, and he had a strict style at first glance.

The substitute teacher's three words made Ye Da's face stiff.

"Please turn the textbook to page 76. Today's content is the song "Mountain Journey" by Dabin Dynasty' prodigy Ye Da"

"Far up the cold mountain, the stone path is slanting, and there are people in the depths of the white clouds.

Parking and sitting in love maple forest late, frost leaves are red in February flowers. "

Ha ha.

When reading the third game, many students showed puzzled smiles.

Ye Da secretly covered his face with a textbook, feeling his face was burning.

What a shame!Why this one!
Many students subconsciously looked back at the handsome guy with the same name and surname in the class. Wang Weiwen on the side even elbowed Ye Da with a smile on his face. Ye Da just pretended not to feel it.

Sure enough, the teaching styles of this teacher Zhang and Ding Yong are quite different, they basically just read the text according to the textbook, and the students below did not listen very carefully, especially Ye Da, who felt like a public execution.

I chose to copy this ship back then, mainly because of bad taste, and because there were no place names, personal names, or allusions in the original work, I could move to Kyushu without changing a single word.

Now listening to the teacher on the podium, constantly emphasizing the central idea expressed in this poem, and inferring the deep meaning of the sentence prodigy back then, I just feel uncomfortable.

I have no central idea!Don't talk nonsense!

While suffering, Ye Da's phone vibrated slightly, and a person who had disappeared for a while sent a message.

Xin Yi: "Are you in class?"

Ye Da replied: "The execution is in progress."

Xin Yi sent a series of question marks, and he asked with care like gold: "Tired of studying?"


Sometimes it's interesting to chat with a direct-thinking person like Xin Yi, and I'm not afraid of embarrassment.

Because she will always create more embarrassment than you.

Xin Yi finally got to the point: "There is a small event at the Tunghai University library at noon, are you coming?"

Ye Da was curious about what activities could be incorporated into Tunghai University.

"Donate paintings." Xin Yi said concisely.

Ye Da recalled that since the art exhibition on the last day of the Lantern Festival, it seems that he has never contacted Xin Yi again. At least he accepted a "self-portrait" from the other party. It seems that it is really unreasonable not to go to Tunghai University. It happened that there was only class in the second period in the afternoon.


Wang Wenwei reminded in a low voice: "Ye Da, the teacher is watching you."

Ye Da hurriedly put away the phone, but Zhang Guimei met Zhang Guimei's scrutinizing eyes. He was caught playing with the phone just now.

The strict teacher in class obviously didn't intend to abide by the tacit understanding of not asking questions in the university classroom, and said with a straight face: "This classmate, please get up and answer, when the prodigy Ye Da wrote this poem, what was the central idea?" ?”

Ye Da: I
(End of this chapter)

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