I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 84 He's a Weak Chicken Now!

Chapter 84 He's a Weak Chicken Now!

The matter of Yupei has been fooled for the time being.

"The longer the Lingzi incident occurs, the stronger the impact on the people inside will be. After a long time, there will even be various strange changes, and for the outside world, it is separated by space. There is no special equipment, and there is no way to get in or out. don't go."

"That means it must be resolved from within?"

Wang Weiwen nodded and said: "The East China Sea Special Affairs Division outside must have reacted, but even if they come in, the method of removal is the same. You need to find the anchor point in the Lingzi incident and break it. Therefore, even the special affairs department is very troublesome to deal with, and can only send members who are not spiritual enlighteners to enter, and generally speaking, the casualties are heavy."

Ye Da asked: "What will happen to the affected spirit enlighteners in the end? I met a girl upstairs who seemed to have fallen into madness."

"After a long time, it will become weird."

The word "weird" is not a simple description in Kyushu, but a real state. Many ominous things, people, and things in ancient times were called weird in the old days, and if people are weird It's not just a question of whether you're crazy or not, or whether you'll be hurt or not.

It is an irreversible state, and it is difficult to call it human anymore.

Ye Da and Wang Weiwen looked at each other, and they agreed that they did not choose to hide and wait for rescue.

"However, although I have the jade pendant, I still can't use the ability to inspire spirits. I'm afraid it won't be of great help to you."

Ye Da glanced to the side: "My jade pendant is stronger than yours. It can use the ability to awaken spirits. Probably."

Wang Weiwen smiled playfully: "You won't tell me that Yupei is a male and a female?"

Ye Da was taken aback, and said, "Palace Yuye wine?"

"What wine?"

"It's nothing."

The two thought it over and decided to explore down. Ye Da broke off a stool leg for Wang Weiwen and asked him to hold it just in case.

The reading room on the third floor is very large and there are many people. If you want to confirm that the anchor point is not here, you still need to search. The two are one in front of the other, and Liu Xiaoqian is still floating in the air, so the efficiency is not low.

After sweeping around and finding nothing, Ye Da and the two went to the stairwell, preparing to go down to the second floor.

However, the moment he stepped into the corridor, Ye Da suddenly felt a strange sense of stagnation, as if the lavender air around him suddenly became viscous.

This feeling is obviously not an illusion. Wang Weiwen also reminded: "Be careful, it may be that the space has alienated."

Even something as illusory as "space" can be affected, so it can only be said that it is indeed the "spirit incident" that Kyushu officials are strictly guarding against.

Ye Da walked down cautiously, and saw a figure blocking the stairwell from behind.

Tall and big, wearing a basketball uniform, holding a basketball in his hand.

This time he won't shout like he did on the fourth floor, since his back is facing me, then no wonder I sneak attack!
Anyway, most of the people standing in this library are already abnormal.

It has nothing to do with being a man.

Ye Da winked at Wang Weiwen, and then prepared to throw the table leg in his hand. ,

Not at all, but at least it can end the battle.

If hit.

Unexpectedly, the moment Ye Da raised his hand, the figure with his back turned to him made the same movement as him.

Throw the basketball in your hand forward.

With his back facing Ye Da, the basketball was supposed to fly forward, but it flew backwards strangely, like a perfect anti-scientific fake, the basketball collided with the table legs in the air.

The figure turned slowly, revealing an expressionless face.

Gao Peng!

Inspired by Freshmen!
What is his spiritual enlightenment ability? !
Without waiting for Ye Da to think about it, Gao Peng's whole body seemed to melt and twisted for a while.

Turned into Ye Da's appearance.

Same clothes, same face, same body shape.

Two Ye Da confront each other in the corridor.

At this time, Ye Da finally remembered Gao Peng's ability, which was a C-level imitation of actions, but the strange situation at this time obviously had alienated, even strengthened!
"Fake Ye Da" grinned, rushed towards Ye Da, and raised his hand to punch him.

"Zhen Yeda" clasped his arms, and a terrifying force struck, he stepped back a few steps, and Wang Weiwen behind him also suffered.

Can this guy even imitate his strength? !
Wang Weiwen hurriedly supported Ye Da and threw the stool leg in his hand towards "Fake Yeda". "Fake Yeda" easily caught it and crushed the wooden table leg to pieces with one hand. "He imitated your power!"

"He also imitated my face!"

Ye Da rolled over like a carp, pointing his toes slightly.

"IN-OUTS thrust!"

Unexpectedly, the "fake Ye Da" was in the exact same frequency as him, and also tapped his toes lightly, using Ye Da's own footwork.

One true and one false, two Ye Da, and a left uppercut at the same time.

They hit each other in the face.

The tyrannical force caused both of them to fly upside down. Wang Weiwen supported Ye Da again, and said anxiously:

"How do you fight this?"

Ye Da manually corrected the somewhat deformed jaw, his fists are really strong!

"I can resist! He won't even be able to regenerate my super speed."

Before the words fell, "Fake Ye Da" also corrected his jaw with his bare hands.

Ye Da: "This is a bit unreasonable, hey!"

The fake Ye Da attacked again, and the real Ye Da could only continue to block it. If the other party was allowed to rub against Wang Weiwen, Wang Weiwen would be able to overtake Wang Weiwen by seven next week!

However, the "fake Ye Da" is really unreasonable. The strength, speed, and even the moves are exactly the same as Ye Da!It's even like being able to read Ye Da's thoughts, if Ye Da punches straight, the opponent also punches straight, if Ye Da knows it, the opponent will too!
The two melee blood bulls were standing next to each other, and it was very lively. Wang Weiwen stood anxiously not far away, not knowing how to help him.

After a while, a person flew out from the battle group, and Wang Weiwen supported him again: "Why don't we go back to the third floor first?"

Unexpectedly, Ye Da in his arms turned his head 180 degrees and showed Wang Weiwen a smile that cracked behind his ears.

"Fuck! Wrong support!"

Fortunately, the real Ye Da arrived in time, grabbed the legs of the "false Ye Da" and dragged him back, fighting into a ball again.

In the close hand-to-hand combat, Ye Da was thinking about countermeasures, and suddenly had an idea!
There is a way!

Immediately said secretly to Liu Xiaoqian: "Become Wang Weiwen's appearance!"

Liu Xiaoqian would not mistake Ye Da, and nodded immediately upon hearing this.

The next moment, two Ye Da and two Wang Weiwen appeared in the corridor.

The real Wang Weiwen was stunned on the spot
What the hell is this?

But it wasn't over yet, Ye Da gave another secret order.

"Changed me too!"

After a blur, three Wang Weiwen and one Ye Da appeared in the corridor.

Wang Weiwen: "."

Is it too late to turn around and run now?
"Fake Ye Da" seems to be a little stuck, and he can't turn his head around.

He looked left and right.

It seemed that he felt that he was out of place in the corridor.

In the end, the whole body of "Fake Ye Da" was blurred, and he also succumbed to the trend and became Wang Weiwen.
Well, everyone is now "Wang Weiwen".

The four Wang Weiwen looked at each other in the corridor.

A smile cracked to the back of the ear.

The two faces are as usual.

The last one panicked!
Sudden!One of the fake Wang Weiwen was violent: "He is a weak chicken now! Beat him!"

Wang Weiwen:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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