Chapter 86 Unscathed
Wen Jiayu looked at the dialect, thinking about how to wake up this legendary A-level spiritual enlightener and let him save the world!

She patted the other person's body many times, but there was no response. She suddenly remembered that she could wake up because of the jade pendant given by her grandmother, and immediately took out a piece of cheap-looking jade pendant from her chest, and tentatively stuck it on Fang Yan's body.

The next moment, Fang Yan sat down on the ground with a dazed look in his eyes.

it works!

She immediately used the jade pendant to try to wake up other people, but the people around her did not respond to the pendant at all, only the dialect could wake up.

Could it be related to the identity of the enlightener?

But why can I wake up?
Just when he was wondering, Fang Yan's eyes cleared up, and when he saw a crowd of people all around, with purple eyes shining, he almost cried out in fright, Wen Jiayu quickly covered his mouth.

Dialect pushed Wen Jiayu away, and opened his mouth: "I'll be good, I can have many people."

Wen Jiayu is a little stuck, why does he speak Luozhou dialect?
"Listen to me, there is a bad guy inside. Everyone who controls the entire library has turned into ashes one by one."

Fang Yan was shocked, his handsome face showed deep fear, and hurriedly said: "I'll be good! Why don't you run away quickly!?"

The dialect seems to be a bit disordered in the language system, Mandarin for a while, and Luozhou dialect for a while.

As he said that, he was about to get up and run away.

Wen Jiayu was in a hurry, and quickly grabbed him and said, "Aren't you an A-level spiritual enlightener? Go and defeat the bad guys and save everyone!"

Dialect didn't care what Wen Jiayu said, he didn't even recognize that this person was one of the illegitimate meals that disturbed him at the art exhibition a week ago.

He just wanted to run away now.

But when he ran to the gate and saw the endless purple smoke outside, Fang Yan didn't dare to go any further.

How can this run?
Transform your strategy, find a place to hide, and wait for rescue!

Wen Jiayu pulled Fang Yan all the way to drag him back: "Aren't you an A-level spiritual initiate! Aren't you very powerful!"

Fang Yan didn't dare to yell too loudly, turned around and stretched out a finger to Wen Jiayu.

Wen Jiayu: "What do you mean?"

Dialect's fingers vibrated rapidly.


"I'm not A-level! That's made up for the sake of fire! I'm D-level!! D-level!! The ability is 'self-vibration'!"

Wen Jiayu stood there dumbfounded.

Yes, Dialect is just a D-level spirit enlightener, and it is the lowest level in D-level. It is almost impossible to detect it during the test, and the number of spirit particles in the body is extremely small.

Because of this, just now he behaved half-consciously, somewhere between the "alienation" of the spiritual enlightener and the "coma" of ordinary people.

Without him, it's too good!

Although the ability of 'self-vibration' has brought him many benefits, including making the female boss of the economic company willing to praise him vigorously, he knows how much he has.

save people?Are you kidding, ran to the villain and performed a "deadly little electric drill"?

Do you think the villain is a company executive? !

Fang Yan threw Wen Jiayu away and was going to find a utility room to lock himself up.

So what if hundreds of people died outside? What does it have to do with him?He, a top player who is so popular in Kyushu, must not take risks!
At that time, give these little girls a hush money, and then do some operations on the Internet. The character design of the A-level spiritual enlightener may not be able to come back. If a little girl finds out that he is a counterfeit, so what, why not just throw him away ?
He doesn't care even if Yuan doesn't come back.

Fame is more important than life, and life is naturally more important!
"Let go of me, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Wen Jiayu held on to Dialect's windbreaker and refused to let go: "You are joking, right? You are Dialect! A big star dialect! Let's save Tingting and them together, they are all your fans."

Dialect was annoyed, and he pushed Wen Jiayu's fingers away, and Wen Jiayu almost cried out in pain.

Although he is not a powerful spiritual enlightener, he is still an adult male.

The dialect suppressed the voice and roared:
"Listen! Celebrities are just packaged, do you know what is human design?! ​​How old are you, can you believe things in the entertainment industry? They are all made up for the sake of making money! Don't let me die by being stupid! I have thousands of fans Wan, what kind of farts are you?!"

Wen Jiayu froze on the spot.

Some words come from the mouth of a big star himself, and it feels completely different from saying it from his parents.

Fang Yan pushed Wen Jiayu away, and turned his head without hesitation.

at this time.

"I have passed through the fog of spirits and arrived at the main entrance of the library, level one security!"

A low and depressing voice came, and a group of armed men wearing special command team combat uniforms slowly walked out of the purple mist.

They were a little embarrassed, as if they had encountered some battle in the fog, but their formation and footsteps were still steady.

"Two people will be reduced."

".keep going."

As soon as Fang Yan saw the members of the special enforcement team, he didn't care about Wen Jiayu, and rushed up in surprise.

"I am dialect! I am dialect! Get me out!"

However, what he got in exchange was several gunpoints pointing at him, which made him tremble in fright.The eyes of the members of the Special Enforcement Team behind their goggles slightly glanced at the two of them.

"If you find a suspected normal person, don't let your guard down."

The special enforcement team took out a scanner-like stick, scanned it over the two of them, and nodded after confirming the reading.

"What's going on inside?"

Wen Jiayu quickly stepped forward and said: "Everyone inside was controlled, and then a madman wearing strange clothes was eating people one by one."

At this time, the members of the Special Executive could already see the long queue of the crowd in front of them, lowered their bodies so as not to be exposed, and whispered, "How did you wake up?"

Wen Jiayu was about to answer when the dialect interrupted her:

"Can you send me out first? I am a public figure!"

The member of the special executive glanced at him and said, "The Lingzi incident, you can't get out until it is lifted."

The dialect is ashamed.

The special executive member signaled the two to find cover, and then used the long line formed by the crowd to push inward bit by bit.

According to the little girl, the man suspected to be the anchor of the Lingzi incident is next to the piano in the center of the first floor, nearly a hundred meters away from the gate.

Due to the weirdness of the spirit child incident, there were neither spirit enlighteners nor spirit enlightenment objects among them, and even some special equipment from the special affairs department could not be brought in. The only thing that could be brought in was the tactical literacy cultivated through years of training.

Several members of the special enforcement team moved forward, using walls and human walls to hide from time to time.

Sure enough, a few tens of meters away from the piano, a man could be seen in the gaps in the crowd, holding a male college student and inhaling violently, and a large amount of white smoke gushed out.

"Confirm the abnormal target and wait for instructions."

In the tactical helmet, the captain quickly explained a few words, and then added:

"Try to avoid expanding casualties, but take killing the target as the top priority."

Surrounded by people being manipulated, it is impossible to say that there will be no accidental injuries, but if the Lingzi incident drags on, the casualties may be even greater.

After a while.

With a "bang", the restraint bullet was fired.

Shen Shanrong frowned and looked sideways.


The restraint bombs stretched in the air like a slow motion iron net.

Immediately afterwards, there was a storm of bullets.

The three members held large-caliber explosive bombs and advanced step by step, trying to block Shen Shanrong.

Two members hold full assault rifles, and strive to kill effectively.

One person continuously replenishes restraint ammunition to ensure that the target stays in place.

One person is in the middle to direct.

"No. [-] and No. [-] reload!"

The two stopped shooting and quickly changed the magazine.

"Empty the No. [-] restraint bomb, and replace it with the No. [-] bomb!"

Around the piano, gravel flew and smoke was everywhere.

The team leader's eyes shrank, feeling bad in his heart.

Even if more firepower is poured at the same time, it shouldn't cause invisible smoke for a short time!

"This smoke is abnormal! No. [-] and No. [-] reload bombs! No. [-] replenishes grenades."

A grenade rolled into the smoke, and the next moment a violent explosion swept across the surroundings.

"No. [-] and No. [-] burst fire, wait for the smoke to disperse, and No. [-] fires freely."

The extremely high combat literacy allowed the team members to cooperate properly, even in the face of unknown monsters, they still completed the first-time fire suppression.


The wind caused by the explosion of the grenade blew away the smoke.

reveal the scene.

Shen Shanrong still stood where he was.

Not even a single scar on his body.

Even the piano behind him is intact.

"how is this possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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