Chapter 88
"What are you kidding? This is the Lingzi incident, and the entire library is wrapped in a different space!"

The researcher said excitedly, he felt that the dean in front of him might not be crazy.

Do you think it is the back door of the classroom?Come in if you want?

Although I admire his courage, I deeply doubt his intelligence.

Could it be that the other party didn't know what was in front of him?
Yue Jiankang pushed his glasses, and said: "Lingzi, you can barely control it. I have encountered similar situations before, and there is no problem in entering."

Yan Yongheng suddenly turned his head and looked at this plain-spoken, about 50-year-old, ordinary teaching director.

He immediately began to recall the files of Donghai's powerful spiritual enlighteners. On the surface, all spiritual enlighteners were officially registered, and the other party was the teaching director of Donghai University, so there should be records.

Wait, it seems that there is indeed a very special case!

if it were him
Nearly ten years ago in the East China Sea, there was a small spirit incident caused by the out-of-control criminals of the spirit enlightener, which only affected a corner of the park. At that time, the special affairs department arrived within 15 minutes, but found that it had been resolved.

It is said that a faculty member of Tunghai University passed by here, walked into the mist of spirits majestically, knocked out the out-of-control spirit enlightener with a handbag, and then walked out of the mist.

He wasn't in charge of this matter at the time, but every time I heard people talk about it, I felt outrageous!

Looking at the other party's unsmiling, aging face, Yan Yongheng asked curiously: "Are you a spiritual enlightener?"

"That's right. I know what the mist of souls represents. After all, I take the school's spiritual enlightenment guidance classes. Although I'm usually busy...
Yue Jiankang came up, stood on the edge of the fog of spiritual seeds, looked at it carefully for a moment,
"It's this kind of thing. I've seen it once before."

Then reach out a hand, as if wanting to touch.

The researcher immediately exclaimed: "Be careful!"

However, when Yue Jiankang stretched out his hand, the spiritual mist that was originally a perfect cube was sunken.

A nest appeared, like a deformed jelly.

The researcher's outstretched hand froze in place.

What is this?

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Yue Jianjian stepped forward, as if there was some invisible cover around him, and the mist parted to the two sides, forming a groove that could accommodate himself.

He did not completely walk into the fog, but looked back at the people in the Special Affairs Department and said: "Look, there is no problem, then I will go in."

The crowd stared at Yan Yongheng, who was the highest at the scene, in confusion.

Yan Yongheng frowned and thought for a long time before making a decision that violated the regulations.

He took off the short windbreaker on his body, revealing the lean combat uniform inside.

"If you squeeze it, it can barely accommodate two people, right?"

Yue Jianjian was stunned for a moment, and said, "Yes."

If someone is willing to be with him, he is naturally willing. He is going to be a student, not to show off his prestige.

The surrounding members of the special affairs department stood on the spot in a daze.

Without wasting time, Yan Yongheng quickly arranged the combat attire, including the gun, and took out a white glove from his pocket and put it on his right hand.

There are more than 1000 Tunghai University students in danger, and dozens of members of the special enforcement team of the special affairs department. In the future, the special enforcement team will take their lives to fill.

It must be resolved as soon as possible!

He is not only the captain of the third team of the special affairs department, but also the chief instructor of the special affairs team.

After explaining the name of the colleague who took over the command work, Yan Yongheng stuck closely behind Yue Jiankang and nodded to Yue Jiankang.

There are countless elites in the special affairs department, and the command work will be orderly without him. Similarly, the effect he can bring by staying outside is not much better than others.

Let’s talk about the punishment afterwards!
Yue Jiankang no longer hesitated, striding into the purple mist like a leisurely stroll, with Yan Yongheng sticking to his back, following his steps.

Yan Yongheng felt very miraculous as he watched the mist of Lingzi recede around him.

When he was young, he had also entered the spiritual mist out of necessity, but never with such ease.

When the spirit son event is fully formed, the spirit son mist will also have the attribute of space weirdness, the measurement of space, the sense of direction will change, and it may hide unknown dangers.

But with the miraculous dean in front of him and himself, Yan Yongheng has the confidence to face any challenge.

Suddenly, Yue Jiankang stopped in his tracks.

Yan Yongheng immediately asked in a deep voice: "What's the matter? Is it dangerous? Is there something abnormal?"

Yue Jiankang adjusted his glasses: "No, you stuck it too close and stepped on my heel."

Yan Yongheng: ".Sorry"

When Ye Da and Wang Weiwen went down to the first floor, the gunshots and explosions had stopped, and it seemed that the fighting between the two sides had stopped for a while.

However, the puppet-like crowd did not return to normal. They still lined up stiffly with purple pupils.

The two of them peeked out from the stairs. "The gunshots should be from the Special Affairs Division, but it seems they failed."

The crowd obscured his sight, and Ye Da couldn't see what was happening in the middle of the hall.

The two thought it over, and decided to enter the hall secretly to see the situation.

Just as he was bending forward, a moving figure suddenly appeared in the sluggish crowd, which was particularly conspicuous.

Ye Da was taken aback, it was Wen Jiayu!Why is she here?
Wen Jiayu was struggling to drag a seriously injured member of the special enforcement team, trying to hide him for protection, but was taken aback when he saw Ye Da.

"Why are you here?!"

Wen Jiayu whispered: "There is no time to explain, there is a monster in the central hall! Invulnerable."

Ye Da helped, dragged the unconscious special enforcement team member to the edge, and hurriedly asked about Wen Jiayu's situation.

Wen Jiayu explained it upside down.

"You came to find me? Then why didn't you faint?"

Wen Jiayu took out the jade pendant given by his grandma from his chest and said, "I have a jade pendant that my grandma gave me. It seems to be able to resist this kind of power."

Ye Da and Wang Weiwen looked at each other.

What a jade pendant!
Wen Jiayu didn't know that the two of them also had a piece of Schrödinger's jade pendant on their bodies, so he hurriedly said: "A lot of brothers in combat uniforms just now couldn't beat that monster. Now he's killing people one by one inside, and I can only rescue one secretly." !"

Wang Weiwen comforted: "Tell me slowly, what kind of monster is that?"

Wen Jiayu described the previous situation, and Ye Da and Wang Weiwen were thoughtful.

Manipulating Baihui?

Unscathed by the grenade?

At this time, another figure popped out from the side, speaking in the dialect of a big star.

Just now, I witnessed that strange person who was unscathed by countless bullets, and then casually killed several heavily armed special enforcement personnel. This person was already frightened crazy.

"You guys! Get me out! Get me out quickly!"

Wang Weiwen was about to cover his mouth immediately: "Keep your voice down!"

Dialect's eyes were red, but he didn't care: "You guys save me! I'm a public figure! I'm a star! I'm rich!"

Ye Da didn't talk nonsense, and slapped him on the face: "Be sober! Keep your voice down!"

Dialect took a hit, but still said crazily: "I understand! I understand! You protect me and hide! You protect me and find a place to hide! Stand in front of me and die! I'll give you money! 100 million! 100 million each!"

As he spoke, dialect's pupils turned purple.

With his emotions out of control, he is about to be affected by the Lingzi incident again.

The little bit of spirit in the body is also gradually alienating and strengthening.
The whole body began to vibrate unconsciously, as if an afterimage appeared on the face, and he was about to run away.

"Save me! Save me! You bastards! If you don't save me, I will..."

It's a pity that what greeted him was a mop stick, because someone ran away before him.


Fang Yan was hit on the back of the head with a stick, and collapsed limply.

Ye Da and Wang Weiwen opened their mouths.

It was Wen Jiayu who took action.
Wen Jiayu: "This trash! Just now I didn't dare to ask him to help me save people, and I didn't dare to drag people, a complete bastard! Trembling at the bad guys, yelling at the good guys!"

He was still angry after speaking.

"I was a fan of him before I went blind! It's all fake! He's still a fan! He's acting like a big star! He chooses scripts based on the money! He holds a bank party! He's a fake character!"

"Bastards! They are all bastards!"

Seeing this little girl suddenly going berserk and detailing the scandal in dialect, Ye Da and Wang Weiwen felt...
Women are so emotional
For half a month, Wen Jiayu can be said to have been unable to sleep at night. The death of her best friend, the shattering of her dream of chasing stars, and the weirdness of the Lingzi incident all made this high school girl physically and mentally exhausted.

By the time he has the courage to rescue someone and rescues a member of the special enforcement team from the dead, he is already on the verge of eruption.

It is not too much to say that he is walking on the edge of life and death.

Before she dragged the only member of the special enforcement team who was still alive, Fang Yan stood by and watched, watching her, who weighed less than 100 kilograms, scrambling and dragging the wounded who weighed nearly 300 kilograms with equipment.

Ye Da signaled Wen Jiayu to calm down, and then dragged the unconscious dialect and members of the special enforcement team, ready to find a place to make a long-term plan.

Suddenly saw a snowflake.

Library. Is it snowing?
More snowflakes came flying one by one.

That's incense ash
(End of this chapter)

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