Chapter 98
Through the same operation process, Ye Da sent another 4000 scavengers to the Paradise of Paradise in the Western Paradise, collecting a considerable amount of white smoke of vitality,

If it wasn't for the fact that the East China Sea was not big enough, Ye Da would have bought them from different flower and bird markets, otherwise he would have charged up the price of the scavenger.

Each time it was given to a different pet rescue station, and it did not cause any disturbance for the time being, and got white smoke of about four human vitality.

Ye Da could feel that if he absorbed all of it, his "shell" would be much stronger, but it would be more useful to keep it and the incense burner could be repaired sooner.

When the incense burner can directly absorb living things into incense ash, it will be much more convenient for him. Maybe he can control the incense ash and have some more means.

On the penultimate day of the holiday, Ye Da had a meal with Wang Weiwen, Wen Jiayu, and Huo Ting who had just been discharged from the hospital.

Wen Jiayu held the Coke and said, "Thank you, Brother Ye, and also thank you, Brother Wang. Brother Ye saved my dog's life, and Brother Wang taught me to enlighten me."

Ye Da elbowed Wang Weiwen: "I didn't expect you to have a good understanding of star-chasing, and you can persuade such a feverish star-chaser. Why? Have you ever chased stars before?"

Wang Weiwen smiled bitterly and said: "No. It's just based on my feelings."

After Wen Jiayu's library incident, I felt much more normal, and I was very excited at this time: "'Blindly pursuing a dazzling existence will only make you smaller.', when Brother Wang said this at the time, I felt enlightened! As expected She's a top student at Tunghai University! I've decided that I want to take the entrance exam at Tunghai University in the future, and I'll be Brother Ye and Brother Wang's junior!"

Wen Jiayu's arrogant speech met with ridicule from Huo Ting and others.

After the three of Huo Ting woke up, they were also taken away by their parents. Under Wen Jiayu's persuasion, they didn't know what would happen in the future. At least for now, they declared that they would no longer chase stars. They didn't experience the complete library incident, so they couldn't compare Jiayu has a complete understanding, how to change it will depend on the future.

However, with the feelings of a few people, under the long-term influence, it is very likely that life can return to normal.

Since the place to eat is the back door of Tunghai University, many people around saw Ye Da and pointed and whispered about this Tunghai school grassroots and powerful spiritual enlightener.

Ye Da couldn't help but walk over and say: Hello, don't point, I'm not a school grass.

So I can only suffer.

He didn't browse the Internet very much recently. He was afraid of being embarrassed by his own content. Many Donghai students posted things related to him.

Ye Da only knew that some people secretly took pictures of him when he was commuting to and from school, and even asked people around to try to catch them.

Everyone enjoyed the meal, and Ye Da ate a few mouthfuls with a bitter face. Afterwards, Wen Jiayu became more and more excited, and everyone discovered that her glass had been secretly replaced with wine.

Back home, Ye Da heard a strange "buzzing" sound as soon as he entered the door.

I took out my phone, but there was no movement.
But the vibrating sound was very rhythmic, clearly like a cell phone.
Is there a thief in the house?And a stupid thief with an unmuted phone?

Ye Da's expression turned serious, and he walked around the room lightly.

Finally, he opened the cabinet in a daze.

Because life is relatively simple, there are only two things in the cabinet except for some daily necessities.

A pocket writing brush obtained by the spirit body in the hospital.

And that sunflower painting
What shocked me was actually a painting
Looking at the picture frame that was put away, Ye Da hesitated for a while, and finally turned the trembling picture frame up.

The originally blooming sunflowers became wilted at some point, and Q-version eyes and mouths actually appeared on the flower plate.
It's just a little crooked.

It looks so ugly.

Sure enough, when Ye Da turned up the picture frame, the eyes and mouth on the sunflower changed for a while, forming a barely normal distance, but it was Xin Yi's voice when he opened his mouth.

"I was shocked all day."

Ye Da said with a painful face: "Sorry, I'm not at home during the day."

Wait, why should I say sorry to Sunflower?
Thinking that Xin Yi is behind this funny sunflower face, Ye Da will have a sense of unreality.

What a strange ability!

On Sunflower 2D's face, the opening and closing of the mouth made Ye Da feel as if he had entered some cartoon.

"Can you put me in the sun, it's about to wither."

Ye Da looked out the window and said, "The sun has set, how about I water you?"

"No, I will die."

Ye Daxin is right
Ye Da tentatively accepted that he was chatting with a portrait of a sunflower. Xin Yi also said that the sunflower was a self-portrait at the earliest, and it was reasonable to be able to speak.

What a ghost!
"You disappeared with a bang that day, where are you now?"

"Jingzhou, something on my body was triggered by the spirit child incident. I wanted to take you away with me but I didn't have time. Later I had a quarrel with my family." "Then what?"

"I haven't quarreled, I was grounded."

No wonder.
"So this is your separate consciousness? Or is it a communication tool similar to a mobile phone?"

"It's all right, but the paints used in the painting are all warm colors, so the language system will be affected to a certain extent, please put the frame in the sun."

Ye Da nodded.

The language system is a little uncomfortable. There are more words visible to the naked eye. Xin Yi used to cherish words like gold.

This ability is really miraculous, worthy of being an S rank.

"I've heard about you. First of all, congratulations on saving yourself from danger. I think it will take some time to go back to Donghai. My phone is gone. Let's use this painting to get in touch."

Ye Daxin said that there seemed to be nothing wrong, and there was no need to contact him.

After speaking, Sunflower showed a weak expression, and fell into a deep sleep, and the eyes and mouth on his face disappeared.

After thinking about it, Ye Da put the picture frame on the balcony, so that when the sun rises tomorrow, the sunflowers will be able to enjoy the sunshine immediately.

I feel like I'm sick!
Afterwards, when Ye Da took a shower and washed, he always felt like someone had entered the house. Although Sunflower didn't make any noise after the portrait, Ye Da just felt that everything was wrong.

Considering that he was going to sleep in the freezer, Ye Da simply locked the balcony door and drew the curtains, so as to isolate possible prying eyes, because the picture frame can't move by itself, it can only tremble, otherwise he would have come out of the closet to find it. The sun has gone.

Early the next morning, Ye Da looked at the sunflower, and it was indeed much brighter and healthier. After thinking about it, he put it on the edge of the balcony window.

Originally, he planned to continue to go to the flower and bird market to accumulate vitality, and stopped by the funeral parlor to see if he could inhale purple smoke, but when he went downstairs, he saw a large off-road vehicle similar to a "Hummer" parked downstairs.

Almost blocked the gate of the community.

How did this car drive into an old community like Xingfuli? The technology is pretty good.

Not all the people who live here are poor, many of them are just used to it all their lives, and if they have sons and daughters at home, there are also luxury cars that drive into the old community.

The majestic figure got out of the car, but it was someone Ye Da knew.


"Yo! Boy, good morning."

Ye Da secretly ordered Liu Xiaoqian and Xiaoqing not to come out, and cut off "Jiuyin" from contact with the outside world.

One of the six captains of the special affairs department raised his big fan-like hand and greeted Ye Da.

"Captain Jiang, are you looking for me?"

Jiang Hou nodded, and said: "Old Yan and I have always hoped that you could join the Special Affairs Division Youth Training Camp. You don't seem to be interested, but you still want to fight for it. Do you have time today? Let me show you around? "

Seeing the posture of the off-road vehicle blocking the door, Ye Da felt a headache: "You don't seem to have given me room to refuse."

Jiang Hou grinned and showed his big white teeth: "This is to express enough importance. It is still very face-saving for the captain of the special affairs department to personally invite. The last time such a thing happened was yesterday!"

Ye Da:
Jiang Hou didn't say any more, but looked at Ye Da meaningfully, waiting for his reply.

Ye Da thought for a while, the door was blocked, and it seemed that if he refused again, it would be suspicious. The other party probably didn't just want to show him around, but probably had other intentions, so let's go and have a look.

So Ye Da nodded and said, "Alright then."

Jiang Hou nodded in satisfaction, but when Ye Da was about to pull the car door, Jiang Hou stopped him.

"Don't get in the car yet."

Ye Da looked at Jiang Hou suspiciously.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to pour it out, so you can watch it for me first."

Ye Da:.
In the early morning, Ye Da's commanding voice came from Happiness.

"Down, down, down, there's still room to stop! Beat to the left! Okay!"

"Go forward and return to the right position! Then turn to the right and beat him to death! Fall down, fall down."

(End of this chapter)

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