She Song

Chapter 155 Learn from Han and develop skills to control Han

Chapter 155 Learn from Han and develop skills to control Han

After the meeting, the old master was escorted back to his tent by Shen Sanniang.

Seeing that there was no one around, Shen Sanniang asked: "Sir, does Brother Han really want to marry the imperial concubine of the official family?"

The old master smiled and said, "Is there anything wrong?"

Shen Sanniang hesitated for a moment before saying: "Brother Han said that if you want to overthrow the emperor and the court, let the poor people in the world become masters, everyone can live a good life, but now he wants to marry the royal family, so what..."

The old master shook his head and said, "Are you worried that King Zhenbei will give up the world because of an imperial concubine?"

"The Forbidden Army is obviously vulnerable. Why not invade Tokyo City, kill all the officials and corrupt officials, and let Brother Han take over? Then won't all the poor people be saved?"

The old master suddenly asked: "If the imperial court sends someone to kill the King of Zhenbei and let a corrupt official take charge of us as the King of Zhenbei, is that okay?"

Shen Sanniang said angrily: "It definitely won't work. Brother Han is so good to us. We must avenge him. Kill corrupt officials and then officials..."

Suddenly she realized that the old master was responding to her previous question and blurted out: "The official is so bad, why would anyone work for him?"

The old master thought for a moment, and then said: "In their eyes, the official family is the parents of food and clothing. If they kill the official family, they will suffer from cold and hunger, and they will definitely be angry and take revenge."

Shen Sanniang probably understood, but she still said: "Why don't we kill all those who oppose it and let our people serve as officials and imperial guards?"

The old master laughed. After being in Han Ji for a long time, Shen Sanniang also became decisive. For her, it was black and white, but politics is not so simple.

"The Song Dynasty is too big. There are Jurchens in the north, Dangxiang in the west, Dali and Jiaozhi in the south. There are nearly [-] military prefectures in the country, and there are counties, towns and villages under the prefectures. We can't control it with our small number of people, otherwise we won't be able to control it. Bandits are everywhere, and the people are suffering. Therefore, we must first settle down the land of Yan, gather more talents, materials, money and food. With sufficient preparation and strength, the world will belong to Han Ji sooner or later."

Shen Sanniang was speechless and thought for a long time before saying: "Brother Han said that people will change, just like Zhong Fu. When he was poor, he would rather die than surrender, but once he lived a good life, he was corrupted. If one day, He also..."

The old master finally became unsure.

No one can guarantee that Han Xiaoyao will not change. On the contrary, he is sure that Han Xiaoyao will change. After all, with the improvement of status and power, it is impossible without change.

For example, every time something happened, everyone was called to a meeting to discuss it, but as long as it was Han Xiaoyao's proposal, it was basically passed unanimously. This has changed subtly from the situation two months ago when some people argued with reason.

In fact, everyone is changing, but they are not aware of it.

But the old master could understand his disciple's thoughts and comforted him: "Everyone will change due to different experiences, but King Zhenbei is different from ordinary people. From beginning to end, there is no doubt about his sincerity for the poor."

Shen Sanniang thought about it and seemed to think that the teacher was right.

Whether he was fishing out of his thatched den or ordering tens of thousands of people to fight against the Forbidden Army, he was always kind to the refugees and ordinary soldiers, and always tried to help the poor.

It seems that I can rest assured.


Tokyo city, a quiet courtyard.

Zhong Fu's upper body was exposed and he was sweating like rain. Qi Ziyan used gauze to clean the wound on his right chest. Zhong Fu gritted his teeth every time he cleaned it.

Blood, water, and pus seeped out from the wound, making Qi Ziyan couldn't help but frown. With such a serious injury, it was really hard for the man in front of him to survive.

Suddenly, someone pushed open the front door and walked in from the wall light. It turned out to be King Yun Zhao Kai.

"His Royal Highness King Yun..."

Just when Zhong Fuxing was about to stand up and salute, Zhao Kai waved his hands quickly and said with a smile: "I am just here to check on the injury, Zhong Haohan does not need to see him outside! You continue to treat the injury."

Qi Ziyan finally wiped the wound clean, applied medicated powder, then wrapped a clean gauze around her armpit and tied it, and then tried to tighten it before clearing away the care items on the stone table.

Zhao Kai asked with concern: "How is the recovery from the injury?" Zhong Fu took the cloth with his left hand and wiped the sweat on his face, and replied: "Much better, it should be healed in a few days."

Zhao Kai pointed to the wine bottle on the table with interest and asked: "Can this 'alcohol' really promote wound healing?"

"According to the judgment of doctors at the hospital, using alcohol to clean wounds can inhibit the growth of germs and prevent the injury from worsening, and shorten the nursing time by approximately [-]%."

Zhao Kai picked up the flask, opened the lid and smelled it, then asked: "Is this alcohol indeed extracted from strong liquor?"

"Yes, I have visited Han Ji's alcohol workshop, so I learned to refine some alcohol to clean the wound. All the refining equipment are in the backyard."

Zhao Kai thought for a while, put down the flask, and asked: "It is said that Han Ji has a very structured military training. All personnel, regardless of gender, not only have to participate in military training, but also need to read and write. Therefore, everyone is good at fighting, is that true?"

Zhongfu gave a brief overview of the operations and rules and regulations of Hanji Training Camp without any reservations.

Zhao Kai showed an expression of sudden realization.

"For regular soldiers, there are three drills and two lectures every day, and for reserve forces, there is one training every five days. Officers and soldiers eat and live together as one body. Rewards and punishments are clearly defined for orders and prohibitions. Responsibilities for coordinated operations are assigned to people. The backbone of the grassroots is cultivated. Elites are selected for special training. Monthly real-life military exercises... It's good. It’s so powerful, no wonder the imperial army collapsed at the first touch, no matter how many people there are, they can’t defeat it!”

At this time, Qi Ziyan brought tea and fruit snacks to King Yun.

King Yun looked at Qi Ziyan and said with a smile: "Ziyan, if you hadn't carried me up the embankment that day, I might have lost my head a long time ago. It's only Sun Wu who can train a weak woman to be stronger than a man! "

Qi Ziyan smiled and said: "His Royal Highness is blessed with great fortune, and my subordinates are just doing their duty. I heard that Old Master Sima gave a copy of Sun Wuzi's Thirteen Chapters, which Han Xiaoyao couldn't put down. He ordered everyone in Han Ji to learn it. Read it and memorize it, and understand its meaning.”

Zhao Kai nodded and suddenly asked: "Do you know how far Han Ji's gunpowder has been developed?"

Zhong Fu and Qi Ziyan shook their heads together, saying that the gunpowder workshop was directly under the control of Han Xiaoyao, and the anti-espionage department was arranged to protect it closely. Neither of them knew the specific progress.

Zhao Kai was slightly disappointed.

But he also knew that the gunpowder that could blow up the Privy Council and the Grand Pavilion must be extremely powerful, and it was reasonable for Han Xiaoyao to personally take charge of the defense.

However, right now he wants to use Zhong Fu's experience as a high-level Han Ji to help him train the army.

"Zhong Fu, I have recommended you to the officials to serve as the commander of the new army. You will select elite soldiers and generals, and train a strong army according to Han Ji's requirements, including their special operations brigade! If you have any request, even if No matter how much money or property you ask for, I will accept it!"

Zhong Fu's expression was very surprised. He couldn't help but glance at Qi Ziyan.

Zhao Kai laughed and said, "Zi Yan will be your subordinate from now on, and she will obey any arrangement you make!"

Qi Ziyan immediately agreed: "I will obey His Majesty's orders. Zhong Duzhi has given instructions, and Ziyan will not dare to disobey!"

Zhao Kai stood up and said with a smile: "Han Xiaoyao has trained more than a thousand people in three months. I will give you six months. As long as you can train [-] elite soldiers, you will be promoted to a high rank and become rich and powerful!"

After watching Zhao Kai leave, Zhong Fu looked at Qi Ziyan, who looked calm, and suddenly asked: "Excuse me, did His Highness King Yun give me your reward?"

Qi Ziyan's face turned red, but she said: "Is there any difference between yes and no?"

Standing up holding on to the table, Zhong Fu quietly looked at the two jujube trees in the courtyard and said meaningfully: "You have to be willing to do this kind of thing, otherwise, you will always feel like you are violating discipline..."

"Chi~" Qi Ziyan laughed.

"I heard them say that your condition seems to be an occupational disease... Okay, I'm not reluctant towards you. Are you satisfied now?"

Zhong Fu took the other person into his arms with his left hand and said to himself: "I'm sorry, I probably won't be able to live in seclusion in the mountains and forests..."

Closing his eyes, Qi Ziyan said: "My family has been released from prison and returned to their hometown, so as long as you like, you can be anywhere..."

(End of this chapter)

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