She Song

Chapter 258

Chapter 258
Han Qixian looked at the list repeatedly. Except for Sable, who was the leader of the spies who went to Beijing, the other four were ordinary spies captured by Xi Yinsu during his spying. These little people were tortured and tortured, and now they are basically half disabled.

Five little people for two generals?

Han Qixian was secretly happy, but he bargained quietly: "My lord, five for two, isn't it appropriate?"

Han Xiaoyao nodded and said, "That makes sense...Minister Xiao, you go do it!"

Han Qixian suddenly realized something was wrong and quickly asked: "What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

Xiao Yunhe said with a smile: "Since Ambassador Han feels that there are not enough people, the only thing we are going to do is catch three spies from your country. Don't worry, it only takes one piece of music!"

Han Qi was speechless first, feeling like he was shooting himself in the foot.

Sure enough, when the song ended, three civilians with bruises and swollen faces were brought up.

Xiao Yunhe said to the three of them: "We are all acquaintances, so there is no need to be secretive. Your country, Ambassador Han, wants to be the leader. I have only wronged a few people. Please report your identity yourself."

"Wu Fan, a Han from Liaodong, is a secret agent of the Han'er Army."

"Hubal, a grassland man, a secret agent of the Yundi Marching Army."

"Zhang Zhaoyuan, a Han from Pingzhou, was a secret spy in the Imperial Palace."

Xiao Yunhe nodded and said: "Are these three enough for Ambassador Han to explain to the ministries of your country? If not, it doesn't matter. Just give us a number."

Han Qi knocked out his teeth and swallowed it first, blushing and said in a low voice: "Just do as the prince said."

Han Xiaoyao laughed loudly and said, "Ambassador Han is really knowledgeable about current affairs, what else is there next?"

Han Qixian had no choice but to ask: "What are the conditions for the release of our prisoners of war?"

"There are roughly 50 captives. We can exchange them for [-] Han civilians, including men, women, old and young, sick and sick!" Han Xiaoyao said lightly.

The Korean enterprise took a breath of cold air first. How can we take back 50 Han people from the hands of the powerful?
When Yuan Shishi saw that the other party was silent, he said meaningfully: "If Ambassador Han feels that there are not enough prisoners, just tell me the number, and the Zhenguo Army will definitely get enough people!"

Although Han Qixian was extremely depressed, he did not dare to question Han Xiaoyao's prisoner exchange plan, so after a banquet, the two sides basically finalized the intention and framework.

As Han Qi first returned to Shangjing, Wu Qimai once again convened a group of ministers to discuss Yanjing's request.

First of all, there is no problem in exchanging Yinshu Ke and Ba Lisu with Sable and others. Both generals are veteran generals who are brave enough to win the three armies. Spies of Sable's level cannot be put on the stage at all, but it is feasible!

Secondly, it is also feasible to exchange 50 Han people for [-] Jurchen cavalry. These prisoners of war are all veterans of many battles. If they are exchanged and released again, they can raid the grasslands, Goryeo, and the Gobi, and they can definitely rob millions of slaves and a huge amount of wealth. Goods back.

The difficulty is that the Han people have been divided up by the powerful, and it is a headache to collect them.

At this time, Lou Shi had no choice but to stand up. Most of the captives were his subordinates. He suggested: "Your Majesty, it is better to pay for the heads. Anyway, Yanjing does not care about men, women, old and young, and gathers 50 Han people to send them over as soon as possible. No matter how much money is spent, the Western Route Army will definitely repay it twice as much!"

Wu Qimai knew that Yun Di's troops were insufficient, and Lou Shi had made a lot of money. He was very confident, so he decided on a plan: within ten days, each tribe must hand over Han slaves, and each person would be compensated five taels of silver. The old, weak, sick and disabled Halved.

In fact, Han slaves were not worth so much, but who made the Lou family rich? When the dignitaries heard that they could make money and rescue their compatriots in name, they readily agreed.

As for the matter of Jinzhou and Yundi Jiuzhou, it was impossible for Wu Qimai to agree. He gritted his teeth and said, "Let the Han family's children be proud for a few days first, and then we can change the people back!"

So Shangjing and Yanjing began a period of relative peace.Through battlefield seizures, the Jin Kingdom also obtained a small amount of new equipment such as repeating crossbows, artillery, telescopes, and gunpowder bags from the Zhenguo Army, all of which were handed over to the military workshop in Beijing for cracking and development.

The military craftsmen workshops in Shangjing are basically Liao country craftsmen workshops, and many Liao country master craftsmen are guarded. Therefore, the first Liannu successfully copied, after all, the Liannu held by Xiao Yunhe was made by them.

However, the appearance and internal structure of the copied repeating crossbow were almost identical, but the range was less than two-thirds of the original, which made Wu Qimai very dissatisfied.

"The same thing, why is the range so different? How dare you do it so perfunctorily?!"

The military craftsmen quickly knelt down, and the leading craftsman lay on the ground and said tremblingly: "Your Majesty, forgive me! It's not because we are perfunctory, because the spring in the repeating crossbow is extremely elastic. All the steel we have tried cannot achieve this. For elasticity, Yanjing must have used a special formula..."

Wu Qimai was stunned, pointed at the old craftsman and said, "Come here and verify!"

The old military craftsman quickly showed the two types of springs to Wu Qibuy. The Yanjing spring could bounce up to half a person's height when thrown on a stone slab, while the copied spring could only reach half the height. The advantages and disadvantages were clear at a glance.

Wu Qimai frowned more and more. He was not angry at others. Just like artillery and gunpowder, they were not as good as the original copies. This made him very frustrated. As Aguda's successor, he was eager to prove his ability.

If you want to defeat Yanjing, conventional cavalry and infantry will definitely not work. It is easy to draw conclusions from the experiences of Zong Wang, Yin Shuke, Zong Han, and even Lou Shi.

The Song Dynasty's idea of ​​"using the new army to defeat the national army" inspired him a lot. The lamb-like Song army put on repeated crossbows and trained for three months, and they were definitely able to draw a tie with Lou Shi. Although they had a numerical advantage, this This sounded the alarm to the top brass of the Jin Kingdom, including Wu Qimai.

The Song Dynasty had hundreds of millions of people and countless wealth. It was really unimaginable to train a hundred thousand new female soldiers at once, but it was easy for them, and the Jurchen population was too small!

Therefore, it is imperative to develop new equipment to arm the Golden Army!

But Yanjing's defense is too tight. The three spy leaders who were just arrested by Yanjing were spying on key military units in Yanjing.

But suddenly his eyes lit up. Yanjing was very strict in checking, but Tokyo was like a sieve. As long as you were willing to spend money, you could buy anything.

Yes, just open the gap from Tokyo!

As a result, the Kingdom of Jin began to repair relations with Tokyo, claiming that the two sides were brothers and allies, and privately bribed officials at all levels. As a result, the rhetoric of good neighborliness gradually took over the mainstream in Tokyo.

On the one hand, Han Xiaoyao accepted the return of the Han people to resume production, and on the other hand, he continued to prepare the army for war. In addition to recruiting reserve troops to expand the army, he also took the lead in promoting several key projects.

Since he captured Pingzhou and Tanggu, Han Xiaoyao allocated special funds to build a shipyard and set up a navy base camp and a shipping department.

"The requirements of warships: fast, ruthless, and accurate! The requirements of merchant ships: safety, capacity, and speed."

Facing dozens of shipbuilding masters recruited from across the country, Han Xiaoyao proposed the concept of "ship" on the basis of respecting reasonable opinions, that is, using auxiliary wheels to improve the maneuverability of ships.

Soon, Han Xiaoyao gave priority to the modification plan of the "wheel sailing ship" with three wide-blade runners on the left and right.

At this time, Shen Sanniang began to protest: If we continue like this, there will be no money in the account!

At this time, Sima Hengru also suggested: Can some projects be postponed, such as hot-air balloons, new steels, and new guns? These costs are like running water, and we don’t know when the money will be paid back. Maybe it won’t be paid back at all...

Lack of money is indeed a problem. Since the wasteland, Han Xiaoyao has advocated earning money for work, and now asking everyone to generate electricity for love, isn't it a slap in the face?
It is impossible to stop work, so the only way is to find a way to get a lot of money back.

Thinking about Tokyo and then thinking about going to Beijing, Han Xiaoyao felt that it was inappropriate. Suddenly, he thought about the merchant ship being renovated.

With a boat, there is a short, smooth and fast way!
(End of this chapter)

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