She Song

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Seeing the silence in the audience, Yuan Shishi's forehead popped out with veins, and he was going crazy!

This guy is really papery, right?Being punched in the face by a woman and knocked unconscious to the ground?
Until now, he still didn't believe that this woman, who didn't look tall or strong, could actually defeat the enemy with one move.

Could it be that she comes from a martial arts family?

However, it would be even more embarrassing to ask now.


At this moment, the whole audience burst into applause as if waking up from a dream!

"Well done Dani!"

"We are in Xiangzhou, and women are not inferior to men!"

"Happy! Happy!"

Seeing Yuan Shishi's pot-like face, Han Xiaoyao smiled lightly.

A great man once said: Women can hold up half the sky!

The great man also said: Don’t like red makeup, love armed!
Although women are naturally different from men in terms of physical fitness and killing, it does not mean that women are not suitable for war.

The war involves all levels of society and covers various jobs, such as espionage, medical care, sewing, clerical work, missionary work, entertainment, etc. Women have undisputed advantages.

Moreover, with Han Xiaoyao's concept of equal rights in later generations, he would not object to women's participation in Han Ji's team, as evidenced by the fact that Erniang and Sanniang occupy important positions.

So when Yuan Shisi asked with his eyes, Han Xiaoyao nodded and approved the woman to join Han Ji Security.

As a result, Zhuo Dani became the No. 1 female team member of Hanji Security, and it was undisputed. To be honest, many male team members may not necessarily be able to beat Zhuo Dani.

Just when Yuan Shisi was about to arrange whose team she would join, Han Xiaoyao came over and said, "Brother Fourteen, I have an idea. There have been a lot of wounded in the past few battles, and the decisive battle is coming, there will definitely be more The wounded. How about setting up a special medical team to treat and care for the wounded in time? What do you think?"

In fact, this was originally included in the scope of employment, but Han Xiaoyao specially proposed it after seeing that the lack of specialized personnel management for more than 100 injured people would definitely cause a large number of deaths in this era.

Yuan Shishi's eyes lit up, he had already realized the implication of Han Xiaoyao's words.

"This is really great! Mr. Han is kind-hearted and I thanked the team members! We estimate that 30 people may be needed. What do you think?"

Han Xiaoyao nodded in agreement: "Well, for the time being, the allocation will be based on 30 people. If there are not enough, we will add more people. Implement it as soon as possible. Various medicinal materials will be delivered at noon tomorrow, and they must be kept by dedicated personnel."

After Yuan Shili asked for instructions, he turned around and appointed Zhuo Dani as the leader of the medical team. At the same time, he selected thirty thin hired workers and gave them to her to take charge of.

Zhuo Dani was still unwilling, and was about to argue with Yuan Shishi by looking down on her being a woman, but Han Xiaoyao reprimanded her seriously.

"Zhuo Dani, remember: the first rule of Han Ji Security is to follow orders and prohibitions. You are not allowed to bargain with the tasks assigned by your superiors. If you have different opinions, you can report them to me, but it cannot be a reason for you not to carry out them.

The second point is that it is important to go into battle and kill the enemy, but treating and caring for the wounded is more important than fighting!With your presence, frontline team members can attack and defend with peace of mind and not be afraid of life and death.Whether the military morale can remain stable, you are a very important part!
I know that you are better than the average team member, but that's why I put you in the position of leader of the medical team.You can just imagine, what would happen if the opponent suddenly attacked our wounded gathering place? "

"Duang! Duang! Duang!"

Zhuo Dani was stunned by Han Xiaoyao's three-pointed axe. After thinking about it, what he said made sense, but he still had a lump in his heart!
Seeing that she couldn't join the official team and couldn't go on the field to fight, her tears flowed silently.

Not only was Yuan Shisi stunned, but Han Xiaoyao also doubted himself. Could it be that what I said was too harsh?
At this time, old man Ma came over to explain, and everyone knew that Zhuo Dani had raised pigs at home since she was a child. She carried the piglets to the mountains every day to find food. When the piglets became more than 100 kilograms, she still carried them in and out, so she had A body of brute force.Everyone suddenly realized that the man had not lost unfairly.

After the military disaster, her family was destroyed, and she and her brother lived here. She accidentally offended Ma Bajin's men, and was beaten severely. Her brother died, but she survived. From then on, she held back her strength day and night to avenge her brother. .

Therefore, when Old Man Ma decided to support Han Xiaoyao in resisting the Eight Kings, she had to follow him life or death.

Alas, another miserable person!

Now, Yuan Shishi felt a little embarrassed.

Han Xiaoyao thought for a while, pointed to the stars in the night sky and said: "Zhuo Dani, I heard a legend that everyone turns into stars in the sky after death. I believe in your parents and your brother. They're all looking at you."

Zhuo Dani had never heard of such a legend, but when she looked at the stars in the sky, she suddenly discovered that there were really three stars blinking at her.

Those should be the parents and little brother, right?Are they in heaven?I really miss them!

Suddenly, she became weak and fell to the ground, covering her face and crying loudly, whimpering and roaring like a wild animal...

All the team members and refugees were silent, everyone had more or less experienced their own sorrow and pain, listening to Zhuo Dani's heart-piercing cry, they felt the same, and all kinds of sorrows rushed to their hearts.

After a while, while Zhuo Dani calmed down her excitement, Han Xiaoyao continued: "Zhuo Dani, your parents and brother must really love you, and I think they don't want to see you so sad! So... , even if it’s for them, you have to cheer up and live happily!”

Finally, Han Xiaoyao raised his voice to the crowd and said: "Heaven and earth are unkind and treat all things as stupid dogs! But God also has the virtue of good life. I, Han Xiaoyao, swear to God: In order to have a better life in the future, I will definitely lead You defeat the Eight Kings!"

The team members and refugees who were depressed by the influence of Zhuo Dani before exploded like a firecracker with a "bang!"

"Mr. Han will be a prince for generations!"

"Defeat the eight kings and kill eight pounds of horses!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

In the wilderness, before dawn, a spark of fire blooms with fearless determination.

The old scholar took off his lenses, wiped his tears, and finally took out something from the package, and was helped to come to Han Xiaoyao.

"Okay! That's well said!" The old scholar couldn't control his excitement: "Mr. Han will definitely return in triumph if he is wise and brave. If he is not old and bad, he will definitely follow An Qian and Ma Qian. There is no way to repay Kuang Yuzhou's kindness. After thinking about it, Only by offering this family heirloom may I be able to help Mr. Han."

Han Xiaoyao couldn't help but look solemn when he saw that he was serious about what he was doing. He took the blue cloth bag with both hands and opened it and found that it was a thread-bound book with about twenty or thirty pages.

There is a seal script title on the cover, and the six words "Sun Wuzi Thirteen Chapters" can be vaguely discerned.

It turned out to be an ancient version of "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu!
After looking through it carefully, not only was there a complete transcript of the text, but there were also annotations. It was roughly judged that the annotator was also proficient in the art of war. This is a rare historical material for understanding the ancients' combat concepts.

What's more, Han Xiaoyao can only remember a few of the most famous passages, and the rest is unknown. Having this annotated "The Art of War" is equivalent to two-on-one tutoring from two famous teachers.

(Han Xiaoyao: With "Sun Tzu's Art of War", grandma no longer worries that I will lose the battle!)

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(End of this chapter)

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