Jidao Wusheng: My skills can be added

Chapter 89 Is this the so-called genius?

Chapter 89 Is this the so-called genius?

Wei Yang is not an aggressive person. If the other party stops here, he will not continue to pursue it. However, these people do not know what to do and insist on hanging in front of him.

In this case, you can't blame him for being rude.

"Speed ​​up, don't let that kid get a chance to get ahead of us. What qualifications does an ant from a remote area have to compete with me?"

Wang An grew up in fine clothes and fine food, and when he came to wear clothes, he stretched out his hands and had food to open his mouth.

He just needs to practice well. Because of his talent, no one dares to have a dispute with him. I don't know how many people have lost their lives because of provoking him over the years.

He regarded this as his privilege, without knowing that it was wrong.

This time Wei Yang was targeted again.

"This year's little guy is not honest at all. He started fighting as soon as he came in. How can the palace master change this rule? We are recruiting disciples, not reckless men."

"These people clearly brought the hatred from outside into the assessment."

The elders in charge of the assessment had been staring down. How could they not have noticed this scene.

After all, everyone else is concentrating on climbing the ladder.

"The Palace Master naturally has his own considerations. How can you know his old man's thoughts? If you could know, then you wouldn't stand here crying with me to assess these little guys."

"You don't need to worry about what they do or how they do it. The road to cultivation itself is full of thorns. It's up to them to handle everything themselves. Those who overcome thorns all the way to the top are the real geniuses."

The Vientiane Heavenly Palace is the largest academic palace in Youming Continent.

Here, we emphasize education without discrimination. If you want to enter the Wanxiang Heavenly Palace, all depends on your strength. Only you have the ability. No matter what your identity or strength is, you can enter the Wanxiang Heavenly Palace to study.

There were even rumors that there were people from the Demon Cult in the Vientiane Heavenly Palace.

It is said that he has eyes and ears, and even tells the appearance of the people in the demon sect.

It seems that several major forces in Youming Continent have joined forces to force the Wanxiang Heavenly Palace just for this matter.

Whether it is true or false, no one can tell clearly.

As time goes by, the opponent has reached the fifth ladder, and most people are lingering in the first three games.

Wei Yang can only be regarded as middle-to-lower, and most of the geniuses have already reached the tenth floor.

The same goes for Liu Qingqiu, she ranks third among everyone.

The speed is neither too fast nor too slow, and there is no pressure on the face at all.

It's like taking a leisurely stroll.

Even Wang An and Ye Wenyuan came to the eighth floor.

It's not that Wei Yang is inferior to them, but that Wei Yang deliberately does this. The farther back he goes, the greater the gravity. Now, taking this opportunity, he must get familiar with it as soon as possible, otherwise it will become more and more difficult later.

After he is completely familiar with this gravity, he can directly explode and surpass the person in front of him in the shortest time.

So now, he plans to throw Wang An and Ye Wenyuan away first.

At this time, Wang An and Ye Wenyuan were standing on the eighth floor looking at Wei Yang.

"Don't you say this kid is a genius? Why is he still on the fifth floor? Is this the so-called genius? Not even me, he can't compare to you."

"I don't know what the situation is. He is indeed very strong. Could he be hiding something?"

"Pfft, what's the use of hiding it? He doesn't think I will let him go. No one can save him today, I said so."

Wang An was very arrogant, especially when he discovered that Wei Yang's talent was far inferior to his, he wanted to look up to the sky and smile.

"Look at him moving, why is he so fast?" Just when Wang An was feeling proud, he suddenly heard Ye Wenyuan's words, and when he turned his head, Wei Yang had appeared behind him.

"You...when did you come back? Weren't you on the fifth floor just now? Why did you appear here in an instant?"

"Want to know? But I won't tell you."

Wei Yang was too lazy to talk nonsense and kicked Wang An directly in the chest.

This scream directly kicked Wang An to the starting point. Not only that, he also left a dark force inside Wang An's body, which will not have any impact in a short time.

As long as Wei Yang operates, the breath in his body can be disturbed. Think about it, when he concentrates on climbing the ladder, the breath in his body suddenly becomes disordered.

Most people are unable to react in a short period of time.

Wei Yang not only wanted to send him down once, but also wanted to trick him a second time.

In comparison, he was kind enough, after all, the other party wanted to kill him.

However, he did not intend to kill anyone. After all, his mother and sister were still outside, in case the other party found out his identity.

That would definitely bring disaster to both of them.

He must take these into consideration.

When Wang An reacted again, he had already appeared at the bottom.

After finally climbing to the eighth floor, before he had time to show his sense of superiority, he returned to the original point, which made him stand still for a long time without reacting.

At least he had someone to accompany him. Not long after Wang An fell, the followers behind him also appeared beside him, including Ye Wenyuan, who was kicked down by Wei Yang without hesitation.

After the two looked at each other, they looked at Wei Yang at the same time.

Wei Yang gave the two men a middle finger. Although they didn't know what it meant, they felt insulted.

For the first time, an international gesture appeared in another world.

"How dare this little beast do something to me? Isn't he afraid of my revenge?"

"Why did he rush so fast? When we first saw him, he was still on the fifth floor, but he appeared on the eighth floor in an instant. He was deliberately hiding his clumsiness just for this moment."

Ye Wenyuan analyzed a lot of things randomly, but he didn't expect that his heart was very rich.

Unfortunately, the direction of analysis was wrong from the beginning.

The reason why Wei Yang hesitated to move had nothing to do with them. It was just so that he could go further and become more familiar with the rules of gravity.

Saying it is to deal with them is just to put their own face on the line.

"We can't let him be so relaxed. Everyone rush to the ladder where he is with me and get him down together. It is best to let him die on the ladder. I will let him know the consequences of provoking me."

Wang An looked gloomy and stepped onto the ladder to heaven again.

After stepping onto the ladder, he couldn't help but stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

From here we can see how big the gap is between him and Wei Yang. Until now, he has not been familiar with the rules of gravity.

The so-called genius of Qianye Sect is just a showman, or he is really a genius, but he seems so stupid because of his lack of experience.

Ye Wenyuan and others are similar to him. If they still want to catch up with Chiffon, Chiffon will only leave them with a figure that they can never reach.

After getting rid of Ye Wenyuan and Wang An, Wei Yang focused all his attention on the ladder. He wanted to reach the top.

(End of this chapter)

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