Chapter 63 Deception

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Ouyang Nana devotes most of her energy to the beauty club, supervising the construction of workers and recruiting employees. Since the salary is considered high in this business, many girls engaged in beauty majors come to apply.

Ouyang Nana chose girls with relatively strong looks, figures and expertise.

The staff recruitment has been completed, and now it is time to launch marketing activities to attract customers when opening the store. Ouyang Nana has experience in this.

He and Ouyang Nana get along quite harmoniously, and they get along as ordinary friends.

And just when Lu Xiaobu was concerned about the beauty club, the money was finally transferred from the movie box office account he invested in.

The money that was transferred to his bank card this time was 280 million.

Once the money was put into his account, he became confident.

As the income continues to increase, it seems that the milk tea shop making more than 10,000 per month no longer feels like it.

There is another thing I almost forgot. His loan from the bank has not been repaid yet.

Taking advantage of nothing else today, he went to the bank to repay the loan.

This is debt-free and light-hearted!
Now he still has more than 2000 million in his bank card. Even if he doesn't work hard now, he can enjoy life happily with this money.

I just don’t know why, but the more money I have, the busier I feel.

This is not the life he wants at all.

Now he checks the milk tea shop once a week, and he will not interfere too much in the beauty club. As long as there is profit in the account, it is enough to cover all the expenses of the beauty club. It doesn't matter if you make more or less.

There are actually quite a few bosses like him.

The family's house is currently being renovated, and it is estimated that it will be completed in two months.

His house is not the best in the village, it is above average.

Lu Xiaobu's side is going smoothly, but Weiwei's family has been in a state of unrest for the past two days.

Weiwei's brother and sister-in-law are getting divorced.

Weiwei's sister-in-law was defrauded of more than 10,000 yuan by an online scammer.

This year, Weiwei's sister-in-law met Yin through Weibo, and Yin set himself up on Weibo as a successful, wealthy and handsome person.

This Yin downloaded pictures of Lamborghinis and other luxury cars from the Internet, as well as photos of handsome men’s daily lives online.

Weiwei's sister-in-law quickly fell in love with the liar's rhetoric.

After the two confirmed their relationship, Yin began to borrow money from Weiwei's sister-in-law on the pretext of starting a business and lack of cash flow.In just one month, Yin borrowed more than 10,000 yuan from her.

Weiwei's brother and sister-in-law quarreled over this matter before, and her sister-in-law thought that man would marry her and live happily ever after.

But after the scammer defrauded her of all her personal money, she was deleted and blocked.

But she realized too late that she had been cheated.

Now I have reported it to the police, but there are very few clues. It is estimated that the money will not be recovered.

Now brother Weiwei and his sister-in-law are quarreling over this matter, and her sister-in-law doesn't realize that she was wrong at all.

This woman actually kept the evidence that her husband beat her. Now the divorce would be very detrimental to her brother.

The most important thing is that this woman's name is on the house books of both houses in Weiwei's family. Once the divorce occurs, the property will be divided, and this woman can get a lot of money.

Now Weiwei's family is worried about this matter.

Weiwei's mother regretted so much that she had so obsessed with transferring the ownership of the old house.

Even if they file a lawsuit now, their chances of winning are very low.

Weiwei told Lu Xiaobu about this.

Lu Xiaobu didn't have any good ideas. Weiwei's mother did this herself, and now she's reaping the consequences.

He was not only unsympathetic but also gloating.

Now Weiwei's sister-in-law has filed for divorce, and in a few days the second stage will begin: the defense stage.

Lu Xiaobu didn't care about this matter.

Maybe it’s because of things at home, so Weiwei is a little absent-minded about things in the store.

With Ouyang Nana here, Weiwei's role is actually very small.

Now Nana is cooking both morning and evening meals in the villa. "Let's have hot pot tonight."

"Then let's find a hot pot restaurant."

"I plan to go to the supermarket to buy ingredients for hot pot and cook it at home."


Driving to the supermarket, Ouyang Nana went in to buy by herself while he waited in the car.

Boredly playing with mobile phone in the car.

After a while, Ouyang Nana walked towards his car with two bags in her hands and a smile.

Putting her things in the trunk, she opened the passenger seat and fastened her seat belt.

Back at the villa, Ouyang Nana began to process the ingredients.

"Do you need help."

"No, just wait and eat."

Looking at the graceful figure in the kitchen, he had to admit that she really had the qualities of a good wife and mother.

The soup base for tonight's hot pot is made from big bones. I bought a few big bones and simmered them in the pot.

He was lying on the sofa playing with his phone.

I watched her walking back and forth between the kitchen and the dining table for a while.

"The hot pot is ready to eat."


"Would you like some wine? I suddenly feel like drinking."

"Would you like wine or liquor?"

"I like to drink wine."

He went to get a bottle of wine and opened it with a corkscrew.

Seeing that she had already helped him fish out a bowl.

"Don't patronize me. We each have our own food."

Pour the wine and they drink while eating hot pot. The weather has become slightly cooler this season, so it is still okay to eat hot pot at this time.

"Boss, how's your drinking capacity?"

"It's okay. You can have a few bottles of beer, and a maximum of two glasses of liquor."

Lu Xiaobu used his fingers to indicate the size of the cup.

"I'm not a good drinker. I can only drink two glasses of this wine at most."

"Then you need to practice your drinking ability."

The two ate and drank at the same time, and put whatever they wanted in the hot pot.

Now Ouyang Nana doesn't have to pay rent when she lives here, but she pays for the food.

Usually, they eat out for a longer time.

After drinking a little of this wine, Ouyang Nana talked a lot.

"Do you know how hard it is for me to bear foreign debts alone? You don't know. When I was at my worst, I only had more than 100 yuan in my prestige."

"Are you more miserable than me? When I was at my worst, I couldn't even pay my mobile phone bills."

"You know that time when my mother was sick and my father called me to ask for money, I borrowed an online loan before transferring money to them. Can you understand the pain of being called for debt every day?"

She picked up the cup and drank it down, and it was too late for him to stop her.

"I drank it, you keep that little wine to raise goldfish."

He also drank what was left in the cup.

"In fact, everyone's life is not easy, but you can't see his embarrassed side."

Sometimes, when we feel that our lives are in vain, we can’t help but compare ourselves with the people around us, to see who is good in everything, rich, has a good husband (wife), and has good children. , Why don’t I have that life!

The reality is that the reason why you think other people’s lives are good is just because you haven’t walked into their lives!
(End of this chapter)

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