If you are targeted by a cold and beautiful girl

Chapter 33 The other party has rejected your message

Chapter 33 The other party has rejected your message

After dinner, in addition to how to wash dishes correctly, An Chen also briefly taught Jiu Ge some life tips.

He turned on the air conditioner in the room in advance, took a shower and returned to the second floor.

After the air conditioner has been cooling for a long time, it feels cool immediately after entering.

Just as An Chen sat down, his phone vibrated several times.

Jiuge: [Have you ever been in love? ]
An Chen: […]
What's going on with this baffling problem?

An Chen reasonably doubted whether he was being ridiculed.

Jiuge: [Have you had a good relationship with a girl before? ]
An Chen: [? ]
Jiuge: [emm, I think you are very good at taking care of people, you must be very experienced. ]
An Chen: [There are no girls with good relationships. ]
Jiuge: [Oh, that’s it/happy]
While chatting, Jiuge also posted a very cute animated emoticon of a cat looking up.

An Chen felt something looked familiar, so he opened it and took a look. The cat and Toffee in the animated picture overlapped [-]%.

After clicking save, he also sent this emoticon back to Jiuge.

An Chen: [That’s because I already have a very good relationship with a boy, so I don’t need a good relationship with a girl. /Spread your hands]
Jiuge: [Is that what I think it means? /panic]
An Chen: [Yes/Like]
Nine Songs: [? ? ? ? ? ? ? ]
An Chen: [I was joking/embarrassed]
Jiuge: [The other party has rejected your message/red exclamation mark]
When he sent another message to explain, An Chen found himself blocked.

His father once told him in the past that women are very troublesome creatures.

If you often say sarcastic words, you need to think carefully about the other person's meaning and judge whether he is telling the truth or a lie, otherwise it is easy to overturn.

Attitudes change very obviously. Falling out is quicker than turning the page in a book. Disagreement may lead to anger. In the end, you may not know the reason for the other person's anger.

Now An Chen felt as if he had turned over several times without realizing it.

When he was a child, because he was relatively careless, he didn't think about these complicated and complicated things at all. He didn't react at all when he saw a strange little girl, he just thought about how soft and weak she was. You definitely can’t beat yourself.

When he saw a little girl who was more tomboyish, little Anchen at that time would only wonder if she would win the fight, would she cry like other squeamish little girls?

When he grew up, he no longer had those boring thoughts.

Because of being criticized by others, An Chen began to focus on becoming stronger, but unfortunately he had little success at first. It was not until later that he gradually discovered that his talent had mastered many skills.

Today, he is indeed strong enough, but at the same time, he has also paid a lot of price, including some very precious things, and he has even basically become less involved with people.

If possible, An Chen just wants to reach the peak of his ability and complete his revenge as soon as possible.

On the basis of this goal, it is very necessary to establish a good relationship with Jiu Ge, who gets along day and night.

I'll explain it in person tomorrow.

For some reason, he couldn't help but want to tease Jiuge.

Seeing her reaction, he always felt that Jiu Ge was particularly cute.

Although it sounds a bit silly to say this, he doesn't mean anything malicious.

Naturally, An Chen never thought that he would get Jiuge into a situation where he would be blocked directly.

It seems that I have to control the scale in the future...

With this thought in mind, he sat down quietly and began to meditate.

Even if it doesn’t involve metaphysics, meditation is a very good way to relax and self-regulate, which is beneficial to sleep and increasing memory.

If used properly, it can even improve a person's self-control, increase happiness, make people physically and mentally healthy, and prolong life.

In today's era of information bombing, there is a wave of meditation among many bigwigs. Before going to bed every day, they even meditate for an hour for meditation.

About two hours later, An Chen opened his eyes.

Perhaps because of Zhang Zhidong's "automatic ATM machine in the underworld", he felt that he was becoming more and more able to control his spiritual power.

After realizing this, An Chen decided not to be a model worker at all from now on, and just lie down in moderation.If there is really a spirit in need of help, just tell Zhang Zhidong or Qin Ye directly and he will take action at the right time.

Although An Chen's physical fitness is really strong, his dark circles are no less than those of ordinary people...


Jiuge had insomnia.

In a moment of excitement, she accidentally blocked An Chen.

I don’t know why I suddenly have such mood swings...

In Jiuge's memory, except for seeing terrible unstable factors, he didn't seem to have much reaction to anything else.

If you think about it carefully, you can understand that An Chen must be joking to her.

Afterwards, Jiuge tried to pull An Chen back from the blacklist, but no matter how much he waited, he never received an explanation message from An Chen.

A few days ago, she had decided to change her attitude of being cold when facing An Chen, but this time Jiu Ge still lost her composure.

Finally, An Chen taught her the correct use of dish soap, and the relationship became closer than before.

Now it can be said that if we go back to before liberation, we may still be regarded as a troublesome woman.

After thinking about it, she would turn on her phone every once in a while to see if there were any new messages.

Every time the screen lights up, Jiu Ge will excitedly turn on the notification.

Later, when she finds out that it is all unimportant news, she will fall into a depressed mood.

What if An Chen really feels that she wants to break up with him?
Thinking like this, Jiuge picked up the phone and turned over.

Putting on her slippers, she carefully walked out of the room.

It's already twelve o'clock in the evening, which is not early.

Although it was pitch dark outside, Jiu Ge was not too scared this time.

Anyway, Maomao has Zhang Zhidong watching over him, and An Chen has the physique of a door god, so spirits will basically not appear out of thin air in the room now.

Turning on the flashlight on her phone, she gently and steadily moved towards An Chen's door by grabbing the wall.

An Chen's door was closed, but if you peeked through the crack of the door, you could still see a glimmer of light.

Put your ear against the crack of the door and listen to the movement.

Half a day passed, and it was still quiet inside the door.

Maybe he fell asleep.

Jiu Ge's mood became increasingly depressed.

She curled her lips and returned to her room by scraping the wall.

Lying on the bed again, Jiuge picked up his phone and took the initiative to send a message to An Chen.

Jiuge: [I accidentally blocked the wrong person before. ]
Jiuge: [Withdrawn a message. ]
Jiuge: [I misunderstood you just now. ]
Jiuge: [Withdrawn a message. ]
Jiuge: [Were you joking before? ]
After waiting for a long time, the phone still didn't ring.

Pulling open the air-conditioning quilt, Jiuge got in.

Don't even want this stinky man!

 Thanks to the book friend 20220516164256002 for the reward of 100 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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