Chapter 76 Weird phenomenon

An Chen was speechless.

Miss Jiuge definitely doesn’t know how to weed.

There are generally three methods of weeding on farmland.

1. Chemical weeding method, spraying corresponding chemicals in the ground to achieve the purpose of killing weeds.Correspondingly, when using this method, the dosage needs to be controlled, and excessive force will cause trauma to the crops.

2. Biological weeding method, based on the principle of plant mutual restraint and natural selection, planting natural enemies of weeds to reduce the number of weeds.

3. Physical weeding method, the most traditional and oldest method, uses agricultural tools to remove weeds. The people in Gouziwan are using this wild method.

Jiu Ge pulled weeds in the field with his bare hands, extremely fast and efficient.

Thinking that she might live a normal life with An Chen after getting married in the future, she made a corresponding realization.

While Xiaowu Dan and An Chen were still pulling weeds step by step, Jiu Ge had already pulled out a lot of things.

Little Dog Dan looked at Jiuge. He was surprised at the first sight, but he cried on the spot at the second sight.


"What's wrong with you?" Jiuge stopped, his expression a little horrified.

It seemed to be fine just now.

She had no concept of which crops in the field were weeds and which were edible crops, so she was not aware of the seriousness at all.

"You can rest, I'll do it." An Chen straightened up and threw the weeds aside.

There is not much food in this field. If Jiu Ge continues to pick randomly, there will really be nothing to eat.


Jiu Ge was a little embarrassed.

An Chen actually didn't want her to do this kind of work in the mission.

"It's okay. You should rest first. You will definitely be very tired after you have saved so many spiritual beings." An Chen chuckled and looked at Xiaodan with some sympathy.

Materials were still scarce in this era, and food was even more precious during the war.

"Yeah." Jiuge nodded obediently, placed the large and small leaves in his hand next to the basket, and then sat down on the pile of straw next to him.

Seeing that the remaining seedlings were saved, Little Dog Dan breathed a sigh of relief.

Wiping his tears with his arm, he resumed weeding.

All Chinese people must be aware that Jingcheng has been invaded and fought.

But what I never expected was that there would be such an illusion, containing so many poor spirits who didn't know they had passed away.

Turning on the phone, Jiuge began to search for Gouziwan.

Half a day passed and there was no signal on the mobile phone at all.

Sighing, she recognized the reality.

Areas with spiritual beings tend to have unstable signals. It is unscientific for mobile phones to have even the slightest signal in places where there are groups of spiritual beings.

"Gouzi Bay, Gouzi Bay" Jiuge closed his eyes and whispered in his heart.

It always felt like she had heard of this place somewhere.

Thinking, Jiu Ge suddenly opened his eyes.

The memory goes back to high school.

The history teacher once mentioned that when Jingcheng was invaded, it was rumored that Gouzi Bay was the first place to be completely destroyed at that time.

Because the place is too small and there are few relevant records, Gouzi Bay was eventually razed to the ground. Now it has probably become a very ordinary piece of wasteland, so not many people know about it.

After all, the war eventually affected the entire Jingcheng. A small bay may only be equivalent to a village to people at the time.

After exhaling, Jiuge felt a little heavy.In other words, she and An Chen may witness the beginning of the war in this illusion.

And for the final outcome, they are destined to be powerless.

And for the spirit residents here, it has been so many years, and they continue to cycle through those days, over and over again, and again and again.

Constantly experience the pain of death, constantly strive to make the final effort, and constantly strive to maintain the ultimate life.

The more he thought about it, the more Jiu Ge frowned, and his expression changed when he saw Little Dog Dan.

In the beginning, Puppy brought me over, because of Mao Maotou's precedent, she had a little preconceived definition of this little boy.

Looking at Little Dog Dan now, Jiu Ge only feels distressed.

Not only Little Dog Dan, she felt this way about all the spirits who were repeatedly tortured in Gouzi Bay.

Even if the association does not assign tasks this time, Jiu Ge will not ignore them.

Even if the emotional factors are removed, it would be nice to see them outside during this special period of the Ghost Festival.

If they accidentally turn into evil spirits in reality, the consequences will be extremely serious.

While thinking this way, Jiu Ge suddenly noticed that black air was coming out of the head of the puppy standing next to An Chen.

Just when she was about to hit it with the white light ball, she suddenly saw that the black energy on the puppy's head disappeared.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Jiuge seemed to see a round white light in An Chen's hand for a moment.

At the moment when the white light was generated, the black energy on the puppy's head disappeared.

Rubbing his eyes, Jiu Ge stared at An Chen in disbelief.

As if knowing that Jiu Ge was looking at him, An Chen turned his head.

In the few seconds he turned around, he made a mouthful of words, "Observe your surroundings more to prevent ordinary spirits from turning into evil spirits."

After hesitating for a while, Jiuge nodded and jumped off the straw pile.

Maybe it was because of the Ghost Festival, or maybe it was the cycle of so many days that ordinary spirits became less stable. After just walking back and forth on the short road a few times, she discovered that there were only a few of them. There have been several signs that the spirits in the area are about to turn into evil spirits.

The woman doing the laundry seemed to be in a mosaic, her figure changing in and out of shape.

It turns into a black mosaic for a while, and then changes back again.

The ball of light in the Nine Singers is neither a hit nor a ball left in the hand.

Occasionally, black mist would appear on the heads of the shepherd boys herding cattle, but it was not very obvious and was much better than that of Little Dog Dan.

His grandfather has a kind face, but sometimes, when he looks at his grandson, he will suddenly look ferocious, as if he is having some kind of psychological struggle.

The little girl's hair is sometimes braided, and sometimes her hair is disheveled like Medusa.

After a while, her hair will turn into a braid again.

When looking at Jiuge, the girl with braids had a very strange expression.

Jiu Ge met the girl's eyes and took a few steps back in fright.

There are no evil spirits yet, and everyone was fine when we first entered this place.

It didn't take long before all the spirits within sight began to become unstable.

Fortunately, there was no such situation outside before this.

Scattering the light balls in his hand around to hide them, Jiuge carefully returned to the straw pile.

Although Feng Kai, Yu Bei, and Gong Jun are very capable, they are not very powerful in terms of purification.

Thinking like this, she began to worry about the safety of the spirits in other places in Gouzi Bay.

(End of this chapter)

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