If you are targeted by a cold and beautiful girl

Chapter 84 Our current setting is that we are husband and wife

Chapter 84 Our current setting is that we are husband and wife
"Is he always like this?"

An Chen felt that he was still too ignorant.

"According to the information I got, it should be similar." Jiuge recalled it carefully.

"He does have a habit of becoming bewildered when he encounters animals when doing things. It is common for him to suddenly hug or fight them and become immersed in them... After all, his personal abilities are also related to animals..." she added.

Although Jiu Ge doesn't interact much with people in the association, due to her high professionalism and sense of responsibility, she has basically memorized the personal information of everyone in the association in order to be able to successfully handle all tasks.

Using channels within the family, also known as relationships, Jiu Ge also obtained a lot of personal gossip within the association.

According to her personal database, Gong Jun is so strong that he can lift a cow with one hand and roll steel pipes into twists with his bare hands.

Although he clearly has such talent, he is a sports idiot. His childhood dream was to become a baseball player.

Not only that, Gong Jun has strange hobbies.

He loves animals and prefers fighting with them rather than living in harmony with them.

There were rumors that when he was a student, Gong Jun skipped school and went to the mountains to fight wild boars for a whole week, becoming a wild monkey for seven days and nights.

Because of too many legendary experiences related to animals, after his abilities and association functions reached A level, he gained the unique ability to attract animals and communicate with them naturally.


An Chen was silent.

Even the cow can’t rest well...

In the picture in his mind, Gong Jun smiled brightly, happily provoking the two cows with a rag.


He yelled and ran from side to side.

"Hey!" Madly shook the rag, his voice getting louder and louder.

The two cows were so tired that they could hardly walk, but for his strange hobby, the brave cow still continued to rush towards Gong Jun without any complaints.

He really looked at Gong Jun with cold eyebrows and bowed his head willingly to be a bully.

"Let's look at someone else."

An Chen squeezed Jiuge's hand.

There are already farmers rushing out of thatched huts in the picture, and Gong Jun will probably be scolded very soon.

He felt that there was probably nothing he could learn from Gong Jun, and he had no interest in going to a bullring in the future.

"Okay." Jiuge nodded, curled up the corner of his mouth, and let An Chen squeeze his hand.

I didn't expect An Chen to be a hand control.

She discovered the secret accidentally.

The scene quickly moved to another scene.

It's in a big thatched house.

Feng Kai, who looks like a middle school student, and Yu Bei, who looks unhappy, are staying together.


Feng Kai was sitting expressionlessly on the thatch in the house, looking up in a daze.

Yu Bei still maintained the same dissatisfied expression as before but was helping the owner of the thatched house with work.

These two people are quite recognizable.

Feng Kai is still a minor at first glance, and his facial expression is paralyzed.

Yu Bei is always unhappy or serious, and he must be the most serious-looking person in the crowd.

"Did you listen to me? I'm your senior after all." Yu Bei yelled at Feng Kai while continuing to tidy up the room.

"It's winter here, and we are heretics wearing summer clothes." Feng Kai looked at Yu Bei's busy figure indifferently and complained.

"Senior Yu Bei is really a nice person, and his serious look is really attractive." He continued to add in an emotionless voice.

"Come and help when you have time to complain. Can't you see that the old man can't reach things?" Yu Bei roared, his expression getting more and more unhappy.

The old man on the side heard his high-decibel voice, and his already trembling body trembled even more... "Feng Kai is a high school student. He is basically expressionless and has an unknown personality. He likes to complain about people and has a very vicious mouth." Like. As if making a report, Jiuge recalled Feng Kai's information mechanically.

She was actually quite enthusiastic.

An Chen is interested in Jiuge's colleague, and rounding it off is that he is interested in her!
"I can see this. The first thing he said when he saw me was a very accurate complaint." An Chen shrugged, a little speechless.

I don’t know if such a boy would be able to enjoy himself among the students.

"Don't look at him like this. His ability level is S. He is called a walking encyclopedia. He has a photographic memory. There is nothing he cannot remember. His brain capacity is amazing." Jiuge sounded a little envious when he said this.

It is said that Feng Kai can be directly recommended to a certain Qing University or a certain Peking University. If he is willing, he can also go to foreign universities at will.

"This is really impressive."

An Chen nodded.

He suddenly understood that as the saying goes, geniuses are all madmen.

It's hard to tell whether something like talent or a skill that can be plagiarized can be learned.

"The person who is still yelling at Feng Kai is Yu Bei."

Jiuge continued the introduction.

She wanted to work hard to extend the introduction time, so that she could hold An Chen's hand for a longer time.

"I know this." An Chen has a good memory. The first time Gong Jun introduced his colleagues, he already recognized them clearly.

"You shouldn't judge a person by his appearance. He is a very serious, hard-working and reliable person, and I admire him very much." Jiuge looked serious.

She had accidentally met Yu Bei several times before. Because he was not good at words and could not express himself, the attentive Yu Bei helped her several times in very clever ways.

"He is indeed a good person. At first glance, he is the type to worry easily." An Chen judged this.

Looking at Yu Bei, he couldn't help but recall his mother who no longer remembered him.


"Also an assistant?" An Chen asked tentatively.

Judging from the information about the first two people, Yu Bei is probably also an assistant.

He began to think about the reason why the association sent an auxiliary team.

Jiuge also has the task of collective purification and salvation. If Jiuge is not counted as combat effectiveness, it is equivalent to having no combat effectiveness.

After thinking about Mr. Huang's expression when he saw him, and then thinking about the strange knight, An Chen had some guesses in his mind.

"Yeah, his ability is A, and his unique skill is extreme rescue." Jiuge nodded, and then thought about what else he could introduce next.

"I see."

An Chen sighed.

"I won't watch anymore." He was a little helpless.

There is nothing left to wonder about.

"Ah? Don't read it?" Jiuge's mouth turned into a small "O" shape.

If you don't look at it, it means that you can't continue to hold An Chen's hand.

"Well, we almost understand." An Chen looked at the sky.

There are many stars in the sky and the air is very good.

Gouzi Bay 100 years ago was different from modern cities. The environment was very fresh, which can also be felt in the fantasy world.

Jiu Ge felt a little regretful after he stopped channeling.

After waiting for a long time, An Chen still didn't let go.

Jiuge raised his head in doubt.

"Our current setting is that we are husband and wife, and it is normal to hold hands." An Chen said expressionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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