Chapter 91 The War 100 Years Ago
In the next two days, the atmosphere in Gouzi Bay was always solemn.

Everyone is nervous, and the slightest sign of trouble will turn paranoid.

Xiaoliu's body was buried, but the ghostly shadow of the evil spirit was still floating on the tomb.

Yu Bei and Feng Kai lived nearby to monitor Xu Ying at all times.

Gong Jun, who is obsessed with appeasing small animals, will appear in the fields anytime and anywhere.

After discussion, An Chen and Jiu Ge made an appointment with them to come to the wellhead on the day of the fat woman's accident to exchange information and eliminate the memories of them in the past few days among the residents of the bay who were familiar with the location.

Because of the strange mental state of the Bay residents, the five people who entered the illusion this time, including An Chen and Jiu Ge, were almost regarded as suspicious enemy figures.

Although the residents of the Bay Area are still trying hard to maintain their normal lives, they know that everything is just a bubble and will collapse at any time due to the war.

Grandma Li is still looking forward to the return of her son and daughter-in-law day and night. The old man is overloaded with exercise every day, as if he is about to go to the battlefield.

For three consecutive days, Jiu Ge still fell asleep with An Chen's arms in his arms.

I don't know if An Chen is really asleep or pretending to be asleep. Anyway, as long as she, Jiu Ge, is ready to sleep, An Chen will fall asleep in seconds.

Moreover, his sleeping posture is square and square, like a piece of tofu. There will always be some curvature between his arms and body, which is very convenient for Jiuge to hug him.


Soon, the day when the fat woman said she was bombed came.

After roughly calculating the time, An Chen led Jiu Ge to the well.

Before leaving, Jiuge glanced at the Zhang family with some loneliness.

When they arrived at the well, Gong Jun, Yu Bei, and Feng Kai were already waiting at the mouth of the well.

Seeing An Chen and Jiu Ge holding hands together, apart from Feng Kai, the pupils of the other two visibly trembled a few times.

"Our setting is that we are husband and wife." Jiuge said seriously, not feeling embarrassed at all from the outside.

"Well, she and I are husband and wife." An Chen squeezed Jiuge's hand and agreed.

Jiuge took a breath and tried to stay calm.

"..." The three of them were silent for a few seconds, and two of them were overwhelmed with emotion.

After a moment of hesitation, they decided to skip this intriguing detail.

Because the memory of the villagers has been erased, all five of them used disguises.

In the eyes of passing Bay residents, An Chen and his party are familiar ordinary farmers.

After exchanging glances with Jiu Ge, An Chen stepped aside.

After scanning the crowd, Jiuge crossed his arms and said, "An Chen and I got information that there is a suspicious stone in the Zhang family. After analysis, that stone should be the source."

"Niu Da and Niu Er also told me that there were strange glowing stones in Gouzi Bay when something went wrong. Hahahaha, I didn't understand them at all." Gong Jun scratched his head and smiled sheepishly.

Niu Da and Niu Er are the names he gave to the two brave Niu Niu he met on the first day.

After these few days, Gong Jun has successfully established a revolutionary friendship with the Niu Niu.

Thinking of the future fate of the Niu Niu, he also sighed one after another.

"If it's a luminous stone, the association probably sent us here because they want us to risk our lives to recover it." Feng Kai yawned expressionlessly.

After staying in the illusion for five days, he was already a little tired.

It is not good for Feng Kai to put himself in the place and watch some cruel scenes.

The memory can't be forgotten, if he is not careful, this kind of task is just torture for him.

"There's nothing wrong with Phantom... I'll see everyone injured and disabled later. How can I control myself from saving people..." Yu Bei gritted his teeth, his expression so angry that he looked like he wanted to hit someone.

"Seeing is believing." Looking at the three colleagues in front of him who were all talking about their own things, Jiuge flipped up his hair.

"I will place a small hidden barrier and a protective barrier on you later. Don't run around then." She said calmly.

Jiuge always has his own aura when facing people other than An Chen.

Hearing this, the three fell silent.

Noisy and noisy, noisy and noisy, the mission still comes first.

History cannot be blasphemed.


The sound of the plane sounded. "The airship is coming!"

"The airship is coming!"

On the trail, a thin boy ran back desperately, trying to communicate with the residents of Gouzi Bay.

At that time, most people had no idea about airplanes, bombs and other things, nor did they know the correct names.

Many things were unknown to people at that time.

The boy was still running, but it was too late.

The few Bay residents who heard the sound first were outside. The younger ones hid in the haystacks, while the older ones ran towards their houses.

Before long, several planes were hovering in the sky.

Like a demonstration, scattered bombs fell from the sky.

When it landed, it exploded suddenly.

The enemy didn't drop many bombs, but with just these amounts of ammunition, the surrounding scene became crazy and terrifying.

In front of An Chen and his party, the thin boy was instantly buried in bricks, stones and plaster.

On the plaster, the ghostly shadow of the boy's appearance floated up.

Several thatched huts were flattened.

Body parts, dust, and rocks flew around in the sky.

The cries of the people intensified.

For a time, evil spirits with different appearances appeared everywhere.

Men, women, children, old and young, young or old, strong or chronically ill, no one is spared wherever they are affected.

The scene was so miserable and desolate that even Feng Kai, who had always been expressionless, was stunned.

The smell of cigarette bombs, dust, and blood is very strong.

An Chen and others walked to the open space in the distance without taking a closer look.

I can’t bear to look at it, I can’t look at it, I can’t look at it.

Can't face it, can't think about it.

Jiuge's expression turned pale, and he raised his hand to cover his mouth and nose.


It took several hours for Jiuge and his party to come to their senses.

Although I tried my best to prepare myself mentally, I still couldn't bear it when I faced it.

In the middle of the journey, Jiuge sent out the illusion to find the Zhang family, and no longer stayed in the middle of the battlefield with everyone.

Not to mention everyone's psychological state, after a long time, the protective barrier will have to be broken.

For illusions, stones are the key.

The illusion can last for so long, at least Grandma Li must have persisted until the end.

An Chen is the calmest among the few people except Feng Kai.

At this time, he was also frowning and his head hurt.

At first, everyone could still hear the crying and shouting all over the sky, but now it can no longer be heard at all.

After each tidying up their dusty clothes, An Chen and his group headed towards Zhang's house.

Judging from the messages from the phantom, the vast majority of the Bay residents who are still alive have been gathered in Zhang's courtyard.

The former Mosaic prisoner was rescued, and now he was talking to other Mosaic people through gritted teeth.

The old man, Grandma Li, Little Dog Dan, and Little Mahua were all controlled on the ground.

The stone in Grandma Li's pocket was shining.

This time, except for Grandma Li, no one else could see the light.

(End of this chapter)

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