People are covering the sky, my strength is the sum of the trilogy

Chapter 1 Crossing the sky and lying down directly

Chapter 1 Crossing the sky and lying down directly

The Three Heavenly Emperors Dojo.

Hanging outside the world, far away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

Emperor Chu Tian's hermitage, Emperor Ye Tian's dojo, and Emperor Huang Tian's fairyland are all not far from each other.

The three dojos have a triangular orientation and are equidistant from each other.

If you look closely, you can see that they breathe together, have the same rhythm, and are connected with the same pulse, just like a dojo.

Among them, there is lightning shining, the mother energy of all things criss-crossing, the field runes densely covered, and the auspicious Immortal Emperor's light rising into the sky.

In Emperor Ye Tian's dojo, in addition to his own palace, there are also two palaces of the ruthless empress and the great emperor Wushi.

Compared with the palaces of Emperor Ye Tian and Emperor Wu Shi, the empress's palace seemed a bit depressed.

A small hut.

a yard.

There is only one stone table in the courtyard.

There are various toys on the stone table, including ghost-face masks, bronze rings, small paper boats, and calligraphy and paintings.

In the calligraphy and painting, there are figures of a boy leading a little girl on the street, in the mountains and fields, in corners, and in small huts...

At this moment, the ghost-faced masks, bronze rings, small paper boats, calligraphy and paintings automatically make chirping sounds and shine brightly.

These toys are the most precious memories of the Empress in her childhood...

Other than that, nothing else.

In this peaceful little world, a figure suddenly appeared, with unparalleled elegance and radiant body.

"Sister, you've been thinking about your childhood lately. Can you tell me about it?"

"Sister Liu Shen." When the empress saw the visitor, she smiled slightly and stepped forward to greet him.

The two sat under the ancient tree and became the only ones in this dojo. The empress sighed faintly, "Elder sister Liushen, even though my little sister transcends the sacrificial path, everything can reappear with one thought and remain in reality. Brother Du is not visible to the world..."

Liu Shen nodded and looked at the empress who always missed her brother. He sighed slightly in his heart and couldn't bear the empress to continue like this for a long time.

There are some things she still wants to say.

"Shi Hao and I also looked for your brother. Although we could see you when you were young, we couldn't bring your brother back from ancient times. Finally, after deduction by Shi Hao, Chu Feng, and Ye Fan, your brother was the one who became you. A trace of the remnant spirit born of heaven and earth on the road.”

When the empress heard this, her body shook violently. She was beyond the sacrifice. She had already calculated it, but she never believed it.
Could it be that my brother really doesn’t exist in this world, he is just a help to propel himself forward!
Finally, the empress stood up slowly, looked at Liu Shen, and said firmly:

"Sister Liu Shen, I want to give up cultivating the Tao of Sacrifice and start a new life, fight for another life as an immortal, and leave my brother behind."

Liu Shen sighed and said nothing more, just nodded lightly.

"Brother, my sister has been waiting for you..."

The empress murmured softly, her eyes piercing through the eternity of time and space.

Even if it goes beyond the sacrificial path, all the trajectories of the elder brother still cannot be deduced, and it cannot even be reflected from ancient times into reality!
She went to the lower reaches of the River of Time many times, trying to stop the Yuhua Dynasty from taking away her brother, but was sent back by unpredictable power.

Even if you go together with the three emperors, it will be the same!
This makes the empress very helpless!
But today, she made a bold idea that made the three emperors go crazy.

She left silently.

And get rid of the origin of one body and practice Tao!

The Imperial Palace of the Empress also collapsed, turning into countless bright light rains rising into the sky and falling on the Three Heavenly Emperors' dojo.

brush brush...

Immediately, Huang, Chu, Ye, Wu Shi, Great Elder, Yue Chan, Ji Ziyue, Yaoyao and others appeared in the Empress Palace.

However, the empress was gone and simply disappeared.

"Master..." Yaoyao shouted. Even though she was an Immortal Emperor and her spiritual thoughts could penetrate through eternity, she could not find her master's aura.

She is a descendant of Emperor Ye Tian.

In a sense, the empress is her most respected master.

Because she is the only descendant of the empress.

At this moment, Huang, Chu and Ye looked at each other with strange expressions on their faces.

"The node where the empress went was actually the post-Desolate Era..."

Emperor Ye Tian was in a daze. Shouldn't the empress change her brother's fate in the time they spent together in childhood?
But soon, Emperor Ye Tian realized it and smiled bitterly. Something unexpected happened, and it was another similar flower!
This was an unpredictable thing, which surprised even the three emperors, and it was difficult to deduce the evolution.

All I know is that this variable comes from the Empress' brother, the one who drained the holy blood... the ancient holy body.

It turns out that in Zhetian, Ye Fan is a similar flower to the Empress' brother. He rides a nine-dragon coffin to the Beidou Emperor Burial Star, and is cared for by the Empress to see if he can awaken his memory after he attains enlightenment.

Unfortunately, the empress appeared immediately after Ye Fan became enlightened, shook her head and sighed:

You are not him, not the same person...

"It seems that it will be difficult for me when variables appear."

Emperor Ye Tian smiled bitterly again.

In the post-ancient era, something unexpected happened. As a result, the empress must not be paying attention to him anymore.


How could he come out alive after entering the Buried Emperor Star for the first time? He entered and exited the ancient forbidden land many times.

Finally, the three emperors looked at each other, disappeared, entered time and space, and followed the woman's departure trajectory.


Cover the sky.Beidou Buried Emperor Star, post-ancient period.

At the end of the immortal road, a figure in white stands, transcendent, holy, and unrivaled in elegance.

She was clearly the empress from the future, looking at the corner of the Emperor's Burial Star in the endless starry sky.

When I was young, I was squatting in the alley with my brother, eating half a steamed bun, smiling innocently.

At the same time, the three emperors appeared and looked at the white-clothed empress.

"Go back!" the empress said softly.

"Maybe we have other ways."

Emperor Ye Tian spoke and looked at the empress: "Your brother's destiny is empty. He cannot be resurrected after death. He has become an unpredictable variable. Maybe..."

"Impossible!" The empress interrupted Ye Tiandi, still looking at the figures of her own childhood and her brother, burning with fire.

"Brother Huang, I can't let go of my brother."

Emperor Huangtian nodded, but hesitated and said nothing more.

They respect the Queen's ideas.

So I stood silently to see the empress off.

One boat after another, coming from all major time and space, surrounded the empress.

The empress' body burned fiercely with Dao fire, and her entire body disappeared. Her figure was fading, and endless light rain fell.

When her figure completely disappeared, a little girl walked out of the bright light and rain.

The little girl was cute, with tears in her jewel-like eyes, braids, tattered clothes, and a big smile on her dirty face.

Next to the little girl, there was a boy who was five or six years older than the little girl. He was full of vigor and vitality and was holding the little girl's favorite toy in his hand.

In the brilliant light and rain, the boy pulled the weak little girl away, and his back disappeared.

"Congratulations to the empress."

Emperor Ye Tian bowed forward.

Without the Empress, he might not be able to practice cultivation and would be just a young and promising ordinary person on earth.

The empress turned away like this, and went to the moment when her brother was still alive.

As time passed, what should have happened still happened, and my brother was not kept, and he was still sacrificed by the people of Yuhua Dynasty!
"Even if I offer sacrifices, I can't keep you. Thousands of years later, my little sister will find you!"

After her enlightenment, the empress avenged her brother. She left such a sentence and never appeared in front of the world again.

The future incarnations of the three emperors silently watched the empress disappear from the world,


Forbidden land.

As night fell, in the ancient abyss, nine dragons pulled a giant bronze coffin, slowly rising up and lying across the sky, trembling continuously.

"Brother Chen, we're done today."


Saint Tianxuan stood up slowly, already dripping with sweat.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead, looked at Chen Lin lying on the bamboo chair, and asked softly: "Is there anything else I need to do?"

"Let's do it again."

Chen Lin closed his eyes and fell asleep with the creaking of the bamboo chair.

Soon after, a cry rang out, making the saint Tianxuan beside her dumbfounded.

She could only lower her head, output her spiritual thoughts, concentrate on carving pictures on an ordinary stone slab, build dense patterns, and then refine it repeatedly.

within it.

It seems to be a world of its own, with mountains, rivers, land, and palaces hanging in the nine heavens, shining with dazzling brilliance, just like a fairyland.

Regarding Chen Lin's words, Saint Tianxuan can be said to be obedient.

After she became a "wild slave", she was rescued by the young man in front of her, who took her into a giant bronze coffin, and allowed her to lose her body as a wild slave and regain her normal human body and mind.

Then, Chen Lin asked her to study various divine patterns every day, engrave them on the stone slab in front of her, and refine them repeatedly.

But she was surprised to find that she had never seen the divine patterns taught to her by Chen Lin, as if they did not belong to this world.

It can be said that it is painful and happy at the same time. Every time she exercises, it consumes a lot of energy.

But the effect is remarkable. Every time she exhausts her energy, her spirit power will increase dramatically, making her feel more comfortable.

As for Chen Lin, tens of thousands of years have passed since he traveled to the giant bronze coffin.

It is now the late ancient times, and after he traveled through time, he arrived in the giant bronze coffin.

The system said that the salty time was not enough and asked him to try his best to activate it.

Just as he fell into a deep sleep, he was suddenly shaken and an inexplicable and long-lost voice sounded.

【Ding!The host has accumulated enough salted fish time, and the salted fish sign-in system is officially activated. 】


Chen Lin sat up in shock in his dream. He had not left this giant bronze coffin for tens of thousands of years, never dreaming that this dog system would appear.

(End of this chapter)

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