People are covering the sky, my strength is the sum of the trilogy

Chapter 30 Ye Fan controls the yacht with one hand, and Chen Lin takes away the Emperor of Heaven&#0

Chapter 30 Ye Fan controls the yacht with one hand, and Chen Lin takes away the Emperor of Heaven's Bend


Parkson Plaza is packed with people.

Liu Zhiyun and even other male classmates' eyes widened.

Even though Lin Jia and Liu Yiyi were women, they couldn't take their eyes away.

The transcendent, delicate beauty of a woman is irresistible to anyone.

No matter how many beauties Liu Yunzhi has seen, he still feels his heart beating faster!
Moreover, the girl was still dressed in ancient costumes, with spotless white clothes, long hair, skin as good as snow, and a slender figure.

She looks like a fairy from the Nine Heavens!
What is even more unbelievable is that the boy next to the woman is also wearing ancient costumes.

At first glance, it will make people feel that the whole world is quiet and peaceful.

Every move is filled with innate elegance!

Suddenly, everyone looked at the young man and their eyes widened.

Especially Ye Fan, after seeing the young man, his eyes were filled with doubts.

Why does the young man walking over look similar to him?

Although he admits that he is far inferior to that boy in every aspect, they look alike.

For a moment, Ye Fan was dumbfounded. Do I have a twin brother?
The visitors were none other than Chen Lin and Saint Tianxuan.

They arrived at Mars and Kowloon pulled the coffin to a stop.

Therefore, with the presence of Saint Tianxuan, a powerful person from the Four Towers of Immortal Stage, she crossed over directly and landed on the earth.

Here, it is not far from Mount Tai.

So they showed up and happened to see Mark and his party.

"Damn, look, that guy is so handsome!"


"Much more handsome than those celebrities on TV!"

"And that beauty, she's so amazing, so perfect that there's sand in my eyes."

"It sticks to the skin, how do you maintain it? No pores can be seen, and it emits a soft light under the street lamp..."


Around Parkson Plaza, passers-by couldn't take their eyes away from Chen Lin and Tianxuan Saint, and they were all talking about it.

When they passed each other, Liu Yunzhi came back to his senses and hurried forward to strike up a conversation.

"You two, where are you from?"

He had a smile on his face and great confidence.

"Oh, we came from over there!" The Tianxuan Saintess stopped and pointed to the sky.

Liu Yunzhi: "..."

Everyone: "..."

For a moment, Liu Yunzhi looked strange. Is this beauty kidding him?

And he doesn't seem to hate him at all.

He wanted to take the opportunity to strike up a conversation and make friends.

After all, it is definitely a great joy in life to have such a beautiful woman as a partner.

Jie ha ha ha...  

Liu Yunzhi felt indescribable excitement in his heart.

"What a beautiful woman, why don't we go to dinner together?"

"No need!"

Saint Tianxuan shook her head.

"Your name……"

At this moment, Ye Fan came to Chen Lin. They were about the same height and looked at Chen Lin carefully.

Moreover, the moment he saw Chen Lin, his blood boiled involuntarily, with an indescribable intimacy.

This makes Ye Fan really confused, why?
He has met many people, but no one has ever given him this feeling.

The world is so big, it makes sense for two people to look similar.

But that feeling, the excitement, was the first time.

That's why he stepped forward to make acquaintance with Chen Lin.

And Chen Lin had already noticed Ye Fan.

Unexpectedly, when they landed on the earth, they met Ye Fan and his party.

Look, this is their class reunion three years later.

When he saw Ye Fan, his ancient holy body also had a slight reaction. It was not strong, but he could clearly feel it.

This is the resonance between the Eucharist and the Blessed Sacrament.

If Ye Fan steps into cultivation, it may be even stronger.

It is very likely that blood will burst out accordingly.

Facing Ye Fan's friendly questions, Chen Lin showed a bright smile.

"Ye Tian."


When Ye Fan heard this, he was slightly startled. His surname was also Ye?
Does my father have an illegitimate child?
Ye Fan guessed in his heart.

But he didn't show it, and continued to ask.

"Where are you from?"

Chen Lin pointed to the sky and gave the same answer as Saint Tianxuan.


Ye Fan was stunned.


"Pfft haha..." Lin Jia next to her couldn't help laughing, her beautiful eyes rolled, and she covered her mouth and looked at Chen Lin, "Little handsome boy, are you kidding me? Oh, I get it, you just got off the plane. right?"

"Forget it, you won't believe it even if I tell you." Chen Lin simply stopped explaining.

However, Saint Tianxuan looked serious: "Don't you believe it, but we just landed on Mars."

However, this explanation instantly made everyone laugh.

Even Ye Fan couldn't help but smile.

This beauty, her head was caught in the door!

"Ouch, you made me laugh so hard."

Lin Jiaxiao's flowers trembled wildly.

Others also roared with laughter.

And Ye Fan looked at Chen Lin, "You guys just came to City B, do you want to have dinner together, I know this place well, what's the inconvenience, maybe I can help you."

"Maybe, we won't be able to enjoy your help anymore, there's going to be a thunderstorm."

At this time, Chen Lin raised his head.


In an instant, there was a thunder, and the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

The wind howled, and the raindrops fell in patter.

"Why did the sky suddenly change?"

"Damn it, this damn weather will happen at any time!"

Bursts of noise came out, startling everyone.

The crowd suddenly exploded.

The howling cold wind blew on everyone, giving them a chilling feeling.

In an instant, bolts of lightning pierced the void, lighting up the sky, and heavy rain poured down.

Ye Fan was shocked and looked at Chen Lin in disbelief. Was it really thundering?

How could this Ye Tian know?
Still a coincidence?

"Let's find a place to shelter from the rain first." He yelled at Chen Lin, took out the umbrella from the car, and handed it to Chen Lin.

"Thank you." Chen Lin did not answer, but asked: "Are you ready for the yacht?"

Ye Fan: "There is one nearby, what's wrong?"

Chen Lin: "Perhaps, you will use it later."

Ye Fan: "..."


At this moment, the dam burst and the entire city was flooded.


Liu Yunzhi rushed over and got into his car.

Li Changqing, Wang Yan, Lin Jia and others immediately followed.

At this time, the flood flooded and some people had been washed away.

Ye Fan was shocked again, letting the rain hit him and looking at Chen Lin stupidly.

Once again, it seemed that this young man had predicted it!

I just asked him if he was ready for a yacht?
As a result, the dam burst?
"What are you still doing? Why don't you hurry up and save people?"

Chen Lin smiled brightly, then turned his head and looked at Mark's running.

As for Ye Fan, he realized that Liu Yunzhi's car was blocked by water and the people inside were asking for help.


Ye Fan murmured.

Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed an unknown number: "Uncle Wang Xuan, I need a yacht."

"Little Ye Zi, whose yacht will be stranded in a big city?"

Ye Fan was stunned, "Uncle Xuan, didn't you say there was?"

"Tell me the address and I'll send a boat over right away."

After hanging up the phone, Mark took a deep breath.

Within a few minutes, two yachts came.

"Uncle Xuan, thank you, hurry back, it's too dangerous here."

Ye Fan jumped on the yacht and started it.

Like a wild horse running wild, the yacht headed towards the car of Lin Jia and others at a high speed, and dragged the classmates into the yacht.

However, a thick water column connecting to the sky suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking their way.

"Made, go!"

With only you in mind, Ye Fan operated the yacht with one hand, jumped into the air, and flew over.

Then, it was sucked into the thick water column, rolling higher and higher, rising to thousands of meters.

The yacht lost control and flew off.


Smashed directly into the cliff.


the other side.

Chen Lin grinned and put Da Ben in the parking lot into the system space.

"Brother Chen, what are we doing here now?" Saint Tianxuan asked curiously, and the rain did not touch her.

The streets have been flooded, and the high-rise buildings on both sides are full of potholes and bumps.

"Take you to eat the delicious food here."

(End of this chapter)

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