The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 102: Perfection has not yet come, not enough 2 Venerable people dare not say anything

Chapter 102: Consummation has not yet arrived. The Twelve Venerables dare not speak.
not enough!

not enough!
Cihang's eyes looked in the direction of the Pan clan. The appearance of the 24 solar terms was not the final perfection. His Taoist heart told him that these were just steps to the climax.

The real perfection, the real climax has not yet been reached. His Taoist heart is constantly reminding him that there seems to be an elusive guidance in his heart.

Cihang's eyes turned to the great supernatural beings present, and then looked at the miniatures of countless creatures above the lead clouds.

There are gods and demons, and there are hundreds of innate tribes, but the Pan tribe is missing. This is not possible. The prehistoric era belongs to all living beings, and even the Pan tribe who has never practiced the mainstream method of cultivating immortals in the prehistoric world cannot be Omissions are discarded.

Step by step, every step Cihang takes, it seems that there are countless heavens and earths jumping around in it. With every step Cihang takes, an innate Taoist text of a solar term will emerge under Cihang's feet.

24 solar terms, 24 steps.

His figure no longer exists on Wanshou Mountain but has come to the foot of Buzhou Mountain, in front of the ancestral land where the twelve Pan Clan deities are located. His momentum is majestic, without any obstruction or concealment.

Cihang was not afraid that his figure would be discovered by the Pan clan.

Speaking of which, because the Pan tribe gave up the practice of cultivating immortals, they were no longer welcomed by the mainstream gods and demons of the ancient times. Perhaps Cihang was the first of the ancient gods and demons to arrive in the ancestral land of the Pan tribe since the practice of immortality became the mainstream.

"Where are the twelve Pan clan members?"

The majestic Taoist sound spread throughout the Pan clan's ancestral land in an instant, and the Twelve Panzuns naturally heard the majestic Taoist sound. Di Jiang's face was calm, and he was not angry at the sudden sound.

At this time, even Zhu Rong, who had the most fiery temper, who dared to point to Di Jun's nose and say "mixed-haired bird" in front of Di Jun, remained silent, and there was no trace of anger in his heart.

It's very simple, because behind Cihang is floating a huge Taoist wheel, and silver-white chains of rules and order are flying in the sky, densely filling and connecting the entire world that belongs to the prehistoric Taoist era.

The wheel of heaven was slowly turning behind Cihang.

The brilliant force of Heaven's Dao suppressed the entire Pan clan without saying a word. Twelve Panzuns also flew out under Cihang's majestic Dao sounds. The practice method of incorporating laws into the body was passed down by Hongjun and was popular in the mainstream Dao of the prehistoric times. The laws are different.

As the twelve Panzuns breathed, it seemed that a great avenue belonging to their own practice appeared behind them. When the twelve Panzuns gathered together, the twelve avenues attracted and entangled each other, as if an infinite world was being nurtured within them. With.

Just like the prehistoric times......

"I wonder why my little friend is here at this time...?"

Di Jiang's tone was very polite. Facing Cihang at this moment was like looking directly at the way of heaven and the entire prehistoric era. Any other prehistoric gods and demons who came would have faced Cihang at this time. Be polite.

"For all sentient beings!"

Cihang's attitude was also very good, and he even had a smile on his face. Regarding the primitive people and the sentient beings in the primitive world, Cihang always thought of them first.

He was polite because the existence of Twelve Panzun could help in the development of the prehistoric era.

The current Cihang is still Cihang.

Although he didn't understand what the "help" in Cihang's words was, Di Jiang knew that this matter should not be the so-called "evil cause and evil consequences". In other words, Cihang did not come to seek revenge or trouble. There seems to be a faint whisper of fate between Tu's eyebrows, which indicates that Cihang's arrival is a good thing for the Pan clan.

The next moment, on the Wheel of Heaven, countless chains of order carried immeasurable power of Heaven and poured into Cihang's body. The current Dao Ancestor has not yet merged with the Dao. Instead, Cihang, a small Daluo Jinxian, came. A "match".The silver-white power of Heaven wrapped around his soul. Now it was no longer Cihang who spoke, but Heaven!

"Where is Jumang?"

At this time, Cihang's eyes were filled with silvery white, filled with countless powers of heaven. Looking towards where the Twelve Pan Masters were, the voice of heaven resounded loudly.

The power of heaven is carried by Cihang. At this moment, Cihang's soul seems to be more like a sleeping baby, immersed in the nourishment of the power of heaven. Countless principles are flowing toward Ci at this moment like countless trickles. The Tao of Hang flowed out of his heart, and the Tao that nourished Cihang continued to grow.

Different from the Dao sound that Cihang used his magic power to activate, this Heavenly Dao sound was completely condensed by the power of Heavenly Dao. It represented the greatest power in the entire prehistoric Dao era.

Even Gou Mang, who was as noble as one of the Twelve Panzuns, did not dare to talk back at this time, and replied "Yes" honestly.

After all, although it was Cihang shouting in front of him at this time, he was not a fool. He naturally knew that the Cihang standing in front of him was not Cihang. It could be said to be a different kind of heaven. How could he have something in his heart? The anger attacks without hesitation.

The current Cihang seemed not to notice Jumang's expression. He slowly stretched out his fingers and drew on the void. The boundless power of heaven turned into silver-white ink. His fingers were used as pens, using heaven and earth as the carrier. Writing.

The immeasurable voice of heaven resounded throughout the world with every word that fell, and even those powerful men from the previous era such as the gods and gods in the outer world could hear it.

"Today, in order to honor the power of heaven and earth, and the goodness of all heaven and earth, even though there are 24 solar terms returning to their positions and running in the ancient world, the ancient world belongs to all living things. Hundreds of innate tribes watch the ceremony and see that the solar terms are perfect. The gods and demons have their plans. The solar terms are detailed, but the Pan clan is missing. The four deities of the Pan clan are pardoned and divided into six sections, and the four seasons are complete!

Jumang, which belongs to wood, is the root of all things, so it is called the "spring god" and the head of the four seasons, waiting for all things to be full of vitality and flourishing!

Zhurong belongs to the fire genus. The recovery of all things requires vitality and harmony, and they can develop in harmony with each other. Therefore, She is the 'God of Summer', which is the order of the four seasons, and Yushi is derived from this time!
Harvest, metal, dryness and prosperity combine to form the right principle, kill and wither, pregnant and multiplying fruits in all things, pardon them as the 'Autumn God', nourish all things in prosperity, wait for the brilliance!
Xuan Ming, who belongs to the ice family, is born in the midst of coldness, dryness and death. It nurtures all things and then converges. It blooms in spring and takes the place of the God of Winter! "

Jumang, the god of spring, Zhurong, the god of summer, Harvest, the god of autumn, and Xuanming, the god of winter, are responsible for the rotation of the four seasons. They govern the 24 solar terms and distinguish the four seasons. They are in harmony with all living beings and the changes in all things in the ancient world.

The 24 solar term runes seemed to have spirituality at the moment the pardon order fell. They were constantly entangled and separated, and finally the four golden runes became bright in the world.

Among the twelve Panzuns, four of them were ordered to be pardoned by Cihang. At this moment, the avenue behind them changed violently, and the sound of the lapping river of cause and effect resounded in their ears at this moment.

Illusory projections from all directions appeared from the avenue behind the four, and each illusory figure quickly solidified when the corresponding golden Taoist text flew into the body.

That is the fruition status, the fruition status belonging to the gods.

It is also the fruition position of the god of the four seasons.

Pan Zun is the venerable of the Pan clan, but he cannot become the venerable of all living beings in the prehistoric world. Cihang will not allow it, and neither will Heaven.

On the Wheel of Heaven, four solid figures sit on the four sides of the Wheel of Heaven, gradually transforming into four-square characters, in which countless scenes belonging to the four seasons evolve and are constantly being improved.

This is something that needs to be applied to the entire world, so no matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful.

At this time, the flow of time no longer counts, and the eyes of all living beings are focused on the wheel of heaven that is constantly turning behind Cihang.

The silver chain of order is engraved with countless golden runes of truth that are extremely dazzling at this moment.

His eyes moved to Buzhou Mountain, where his last step was!
(End of this chapter)

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