The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 131 Why did Du Mi bow in Xiaoyaoyou just for the sake of the earth?

Chapter 131 Why did Du Mi bow in Xiaoyaoyou just for the sake of the earth?

Mount Sumeru, where the ancestral lineage of the West is located, will also be the place where the two saints will be in the future, and will be the pure land of Buddhist bliss in the future.

In the previous life, Cihang himself attained Taoism on this mountain. Seeing the immeasurable tribulations coming, a trace of vicissitudes of life flashed in his eyes, which was the nostalgia for the past years. The road in this life seems to be the same as the road in the previous life, but in fact Every step Cihang takes is different.

Without the so-called Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, only the Compassionate Heavenly Lord will be left in this world.

"The mountain god of Mount Sumeru has been conferred today, but the mountain god hasn't returned yet?"

With Cihang's words, countless black and yellow energy slowly entered the interior of Mount Sumeru, which contains the mountain charm of Mount Sumeru, and the mountain god enshrined by Cihang is the mountain charm that belongs to Mount Sumeru. The ancestors of the West Is it more appropriate for the mountain god where the vein is located to be the Western ancestral vein itself?After all, only such mountain gods truly consider the creatures in the mountains where they live.

What Cihang wants is not a vegetarian meal, but to do his best!

When countless black and yellow energy are continuously poured into the mountain charm of Mount Xumi, a floating figure slowly emerges from the mountain charm. As time goes by, this figure is gradually solidifying. , with an aura that the current innate creatures do not have. Cihang, who has memories of past lives, is very familiar with it and knows exactly what this strange aura is.

It is the aura that belongs to the fruition position of the earth. The fruition status of gods often has several origins. Similar to this in the heaven of previous lives can be regarded as the "position of ancient gods", but at this time In the prehistoric times, this earthly realm is a new thing, and the chain of rules between heaven and earth seems to be curiously touching the mountain god of Mount Xumi.

In the end, the new rules of the earth shone brightly in the Taoist wheel, driving away other touching rules and directly entangled with the body of the mountain god. Cihang watched the whole process, and the whole process was the manifestation of the truth. , for a prehistoric god and demon like Cihang who is smart and has great wisdom, this is an opportunity given to him.

It allowed him to more clearly observe the rules of the operation of principles, and even how the principles came into being, and how the rules of principles strengthened themselves. At this time, Cihang had some enlightenment in his heart, even Sanhua above Qingyun At this time, it also added a bit of spirituality, appearing less rigid than other prehistoric gods and demons, as if it were just a jade toy.

Cihang's three flowers now seem more alive, swaying like spiritual flowers growing on the ancient continent.

"The mountain god of Mount Xumi, Dumi has met the Venerable."

The moment the figure solidified, the light in his eyes shone, and when he saw Cihang standing in front of him, he bowed down from afar.

Not all living beings can bear the worship of the Western Ancestral Mountain God. Even if it is Jieyin and Zhunti, it stands to reason that they have to be in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to bear it. If Cihang is not behind the scenes now, Relying on the authentic Dao Lun and being the chief priest of this authentic sacrifice, how could he accept the worship of this Western ancestral mountain god so calmly?

"Doumi Mountain God invites you, why don't you follow Pindao to visit this great country?" The words of the rhetorical question were filled with enthusiasm that no one could refuse. Dumi would not offend the person in front of him. He was just born. You are not a fool, you are out of your mind. Don’t you know who is the chief priest of the current authentic sacrifice? Do you not know whose leadership he relied on to be born with the infusion of Xuanhuang Qi?
"Don't dare to ask for what you want."

Cihang hadn't felt so comfortable in his heart for a long time. Perhaps it was the actions of the witch clan in the past and the scars caused by the aftermath of the war on the ancient land that suppressed Cihang's heart. At this time, Cihang saw a new life. "Hope", the mood in my heart is unexpectedly good and comfortable.

The black and yellow energy is like petals, and like the clustered clouds, carrying Cihang and Dumi from west to east from Mount Xumi, the Taoist rhyme that belongs to the space has always been included, otherwise with Cihang He Dumi is traveling at such a speed that he is probably waiting for Zixiao Palace to finish his third sermon and has not yet come out of the Western Realm?
Along the way, there are tall and majestic mountains, steep cliffs, turbulent waterfalls, and deep secluded pools.

Cihang also saw what is called the waves of mountains and rivers, what is called the waves of lakes and seas, and what is called the vast sea.

When a cultivator truly feels the details of every mountain and river in the ancient world for the first time, the first feeling left in his heart is shock. The ancient world is so big that no gods, demons, or creatures have ever been able to do it. After traveling through the entire prehistoric world, this routine has been broken, and the special case is Cihang.

His heart is constantly sublimating and transforming during his travels.

There is never a lack of Cihang's figure in the prehistoric four directions, and the mysterious and yellow aura rises from the sky, even the scorching sun has lost its brilliance as a supreme star at this moment.

In the south, where the Bifang ethnic group grew up, in the forest as bright as fire, and traveling among the spiritual grasses everywhere, Cihang floated on the black and yellow air to come to the hidden mountains here to "stay" for a long time.

In the north, he Cihang visited countless places where the bird spirits gathered together, which were condensed by brilliance. The evergreen pines and cypresses all over the mountains and plains were all places of brilliance. Countless jade blossoms were shining in the mountains, and there were pure jade. Hidden in it.

The sacred peak on the Buzhou Mountain in the middle is towering, piercing through the clouds, I don’t know how high it is, but at this time, following the call of the mysterious and yellow energy, it slowly merges with the Pangu Taoist rhyme on the Buzhou Mountain, forming a reality and a name. The first Buzhou mountain god on the mountain, Cihang, smiled slightly. Even if Buzhou in his previous life finally collapsed, he had never seen a mountain god appear on it.

This time, Cihang once again changed the memory impression of his previous life.

This feeling is like Cihang playing chess with fate one game after another without the knowledge of outsiders. Every change represents a victory for Cihang. The 24 solar terms are like this. The same is true for canonization, and the same is true for him who wants to be a Great Heavenly Lord in this life!
Cihang stood on Kunlun Mountain, looking at the boundless mountains and rivers in the distance.

Now, he knows that there are countless monsters hidden in these countless mountains and rivers that cannot be seen clearly. They are unknown, but when the war comes, they are the first line of defense for living beings!
The earth god must not be insulted lightly!
They bear responsibilities that countless living beings cannot imagine. Thinking of the living beings who died in the war, Cihang fell silent again.

Cihang slowly stood on Kunlun Mountain, bending his back toward the boundless mountains and rivers. This worship was to pay homage to the only one in the world!
(End of this chapter)

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