The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 143: So what if all the flowers are broken? I am not compassionate to all living beings.

Chapter 143: So what if the three flowers are broken? I am not compassionate to all living beings.

At this moment, the prayers belonging to all sentient beings in the prehistoric world resounded throughout the prehistoric world. At this moment, the boundless willpower showed the power belonging to all sentient beings in the prehistoric times. It was a power beyond the imagination of countless prehistoric gods and demons, even in the prehistoric times. A fragile grass in the middle may cause other creatures to die prematurely without even noticing, but at this moment, the grass is so tenacious and strong. He also hopes for the prehistoric era. The beauty between heaven and earth.

If not for other reasons, it is because he, a fragile little grass, is also a creature that belongs to the ancient world, and he wants to do his part for the ancient world, even if he should consider the issue of his own life more. At this moment, even Xiaocao is willing to abandon his life for the sake of development.

The radiance of Cihang's compassionate way was still the same, and it seemed to be getting brighter. The three flowers belonging to him above Qingyun finally couldn't hold on anymore, and they were all broken. Generally speaking, if such a thing happened, even if Cihang has not fallen into the realm, but he has never been able to follow the Great Dao for the rest of his life. This is a huge blow to the gods and demons who have always regarded the Great Dao as their life goal. To describe it as "nightmare" is too light.

Especially for Cihang, his journey to practice the Dao was even more difficult. The harder it was, the more he could understand the true meaning of the Dao, and the more he wanted to move forward in pursuit of the Dao. This was not an ordinary blow to Cihang, but At this moment, Cihang had no time to take care of these things. Instead of paying attention to the shattering of his three flowers, he turned his attention to all living beings in the ancient world, to the gods and demons of the ancient world, and to the incalculable countless Dao Yun. Toward the road that carries the great road of creation, Nuwa, who is always insisting on pioneering.

His heart was cheerful, and there was no trace of sadness that his three flowers were broken.

This is the prehistoric period for all living beings. Even if Cihang died because of the prehistoric period, it would be nothing, not to mention that the three flowers were broken at this time.
In his heart, his cultivation has never been the most important thing to him. He always insists on compassion because that is his way. Before this time, Cihang always thought that his compassion was reflected in the present. On top of the path he has practiced, he always considers his path of compassion to be the most important.

But at this moment, Cihang seemed to have found another thing that was more important to him, and that was all sentient beings!
For the sake of sentient beings in the wild, what can they do even if they become Taoists? What’s more, if their own three flowers are broken, they will die if they hear the Tao in the morning. The saint of the human race never said that he missed this sentence, and this is the case with Cihang now.

Step by step, he followed the rhythm of the avenue and moved forward. The pressure of heaven and earth everywhere fell on Cihang. At this moment, Cihang felt the pain that Nuwa suffered as a pioneer. Everything, drops of blood slowly flowed out from the corners of Cihang's mouth, falling on his spotless white clothes.

Cihang, who had always been the most particular about cleanliness and tidiness, was not so particular about cleanliness for the first time. For the first time, bright red blood stains appeared on his white clothes, and there was dirt that did not belong to him and that he had always hated.

But his expression never changed, his shoulders shook violently, and countless wishes were spread out in all directions at this moment. At this moment, Cihang only had one idea, let the whole world understand the power of all living beings. What will it be like?

With every step forward, every time he uses the avenue of compassion and the power of will to all sentient beings to open up a new world, some blood will spit out from Cihang's mouth, and the bright golden blood will slowly fall on Cihang as he walks by. On the road, the figure that always looks a little shaky is walking very firmly at this moment, and every step is so firm.

Cihang has a way to turn back, because other prehistoric gods and demons are helping to consolidate the prehistoric world. Cihang can go back just like before, using the Taoism of his own cultivation to help consolidate the newly opened prehistoric world. , there was no danger to his life, but Cihang never went back.

He will not turn back. Why should he turn back? Is it for the sake of all sentient beings or for his own safety?

Cihang knew the answer to this option in his heart, but he did not leave. Listening to the increasingly clear prayers belonging to all living beings in his ears, Cihang knew that he could not go back, and all living beings were always following him. He is always walking with Cihang, so what does Cihang have to be afraid of?
The great path one has practiced is rapidly diminishing under the temper of heaven and earth;

The Five Elements Sacred Beast, which belongs to the Golden Immortal and the Five Elements Reincarnation in the body of the prehistoric era, can't help but moan all the time. It seems that he feels something. His path is disappearing. His long black hair is stained with hoarfrost for the first time and turns white. There was frost and countless wrinkles growing on Cihang's face, as if he was laughing wildly and showing off his power.But Cihang's progress will never stop.

He carries all living beings on his shoulders. All the gods and demons of the prehistoric times can represent themselves and one side of the prehistoric world, but what about the other side?

Which prehistoric gods and demons can replace those weak and fragile beings?

Only Cihang's existence can represent the endless creatures of the ancient world, those creatures with low strength but always bowing their heads to pray for the prosperity of the ancient world. What reason does he have to give up and move forward.

The Jade Ring Spirit Deer, the Eight-clawed Fire Chi... Countless prehistoric creatures seemed to feel Cihang at this moment, feeling the existence covered in blood, the one who always insists on carrying their hopes, walking on carrying their wishes, and never retreats. A half-step figure.

Yuqing looked at that figure, walking forward firmly with every step, na na unable to say a word.

This is the path Cihang has chosen. His path has always been rooted in all living beings in the ancient world. At this moment, Yuqing looked at Cihang's blood-stained figure, and he seemed to see endless creatures in the ancient world following Cihang's steps. Walking forward.

"Venerable Cihang is so merciful and compassionate!"

"Venerable Cihang is so merciful and compassionate!!"

Countless voices of admiration belonging to living beings reached Cihang's ears along with the endless power of wishes.

His eyes were blurred, his face was covered with wrinkles, his cultivation was always declining, but his pace did not stop.

The shouts of all living beings made him smile. He turned around, looked at the ancient land and slowly bent down.

"I am never compassionate, I am compassionate to all of you..."

(End of this chapter)

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