The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 146: Close your eyes, everything will be updated, open your eyes, Hunyuan will become a sain

Chapter 146: Close your eyes, everything will be updated, open your eyes, Hunyuan will become a saint
Nuwa finally achieved Hunyuan, and the power of Hunyuan that belonged to her was centered on her, and in the unique form of the avenue she understood, she showed the great power belonging to the realm of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Suddenly, all living beings in the entire prehistoric world were no longer ignorant. Under the influence of Nuwa's great creation path, they all opened their spiritual wisdom and entered the transcendent world. They could absorb the innate energy with their own spiritual wisdom. Reiki and sun and moon essence are practiced.

This is truly the golden age of cultivation:
The powerful, such as the gods and demons of the ancient times, have experienced three sermons by Taoist Hongjun in the Zixiao Palace, and they have already understood how to practice in the future; the weak, such as the ignorant creatures of the ancient times, have been taught by Nuwa to achieve Hunyuan Greatness. The influence of Tao Yun in the Luo Jinxian realm opened up his spiritual wisdom, and he was no longer as confused as before, and he embarked on the path of practice.

As for those cultivating beings who have already opened up their spiritual wisdom and are climbing the path of cultivation, they have more or less attained great enlightenment and clearly understood their own path when the countless great ways of gods and demons appeared. He also has his own opportunities.

This is the real prosperous age that Cihang hopes for. He looked at Nuwa opposite who was closing her eyes to comprehend the insights of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. He felt in his heart that if Nuwa wakes up now, her thoughts will definitely be the same as those of Nuwa. He was almost there. There was no need to doubt the authenticity of this sentence, because Cihang firmly believed that his guess was right, and all the reasons were simple.

——Because Nuwa is Cihang’s Taoist friend, the reason is that simple.

Nuwa is comprehending, comprehending the comprehension of becoming the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Daluo; Cihang is also comprehending, comprehending the Dao Yun of Compassion made clearer by the Dao Rhyme of Good Fortune, under Nu Wa's Dao Rhyme of Good Fortune, originally The Dao of Compassion, which echoes with the way of good fortune, has naturally sublimated in its inner quality, which has led to the new changes that Cihang is now also comprehending the way of his own body.

I don’t know how much time passed, but when Cihang opened his eyes again, everything had already happened.

This all refers to "everything in the ancient world". As the true prosperity of cultivation enters, it also happens that both the lich and the demon clan are banned by Cihang and can no longer stir up the storm in the ancient world. Therefore, , countless new forces are being born in the peaceful prehistoric world. Even the 12 kinds of acquired creatures created by Nuwa have undergone tremendous changes in such a period of time.

Due to the limitations of the prehistoric heaven and earth lock, the acquired creatures have many restrictions, such as the most basic one: "birth, old age, sickness and death".

Now, such restrictions have undergone tremendous changes with the efforts of Cihang, Nuwa and other great supernatural beings from the ancient times.

The only limitations of birth, old age, illness and death are life and death. They will not grow old due to the passage of time. All acquired beings can also breathe in innate spiritual energy to practice. After Cihang did not know how much time passed, All the acquired spiritual races have embarked on their own path of cultivation, among which the spiritual race is the most conspicuous.

Cihang's eyes were also focused on the spirit tribe.

The name of the Spirit Tribe is also a name full of the sense of the times, because after the Lich and Lich clans retreated or declined, amidst the competition among all races, the Spirit Tribe rose up and became the new protagonists of heaven and earth. After becoming the protagonists of heaven and earth, The first thing he did was to change his clan name.

It was changed to "people" in line with the Three Talents, which means that as the protagonists of heaven and earth, they have an important role in the world. I don't know if the name was changed too well or because the powerful spirits of the spirit race have been emerging in large numbers. Because of this, or both are possible, the position of the protagonist of Heaven and Earth has never changed again.

There are also talents emerging in large numbers among the current Spirit Clan, but the development time is still too short, and their own high-end combat power is too little. None of the Spirit Clan has reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

But there is still a saying, given the spirit clan a certain amount of time, everything is possible.Cihang's eyes turned to the world where Sanqing was. The world that had just been opened up had now become much more stable under the power of the many gods and demons. They were gathering together to discuss one side. Taoist conference, no choice to leave.

Nuwa and Cihang haven't come out yet. Many gods and demons in the ancient world have no brains. They naturally know what kind of state Nuwa was in at that time. It was a realm they dreamed of. They hope to wait for Nuwa to emerge from there. Stepping out of the vast and colorless unknown, sharing the insights of achieving the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

This was very important to the ancient gods and demons who aspired to achieve greatness, so they were very patient. Even if the world was established, they could still wait leisurely, and even held a Dao discussion conference during this free time.

There was a smile on Cihang's lips. He was just like those gods and demons in the ancient world, they were all pursuing their own path, but the methods of pursuit were different, but the essence was still the same.

Nuwa's eyes also opened while Cihang was observing the changes in the ancient world.

The divine thought belonging to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian instantly understood the changes in the entire prehistoric world in his heart.

All the prosperous changes were seen in her eyes, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised. As the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Daluo, Nuwa felt that she was enjoying the great path of creation that belonged to her own practice. For the sake of her insights in these days. Sometimes I miss all the prosperous changes and feel happy.

The rhythm of the Tao in her eyes never stopped turning. Nuwa looked at Cihang. Now she could clearly see the pure and flawless avenue of compassion behind Cihang, with countless merits in it. It embellishes Cihang's path.

Nuwa walked slowly. Every step she took was a derivative of the Great Way of Creation. The direction of her walking was towards Cihang's location. Cihang's Taoist heart was beating very hard at this moment. It seemed that it was because of Encountering something that made him happy and surprised, Cihang knew that all of this happened because of Nuwa's approach.

After all, after reaching the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it essentially represents the great road infinitely.

This is why Cihang's Taoist heart is so happy. Nuwa's approach is like the Avenue of Creation approaching Cihang.

Nuwa was getting closer and closer to Cihang, so close that she could hear clearly what Nuwa said word for word.

Nuwa said that she was going to become a saint…………

(End of this chapter)

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