The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 148 Things are different and people are not all changing. Taiyin has thoughts in his heart.

Chapter 148 Things are different and people are not all changing. Taiyin has thoughts in his heart.

A saint is no longer a luxury that only exists in the hearts of prehistoric creatures.

Because, the appearance of Nuwa and the performance of Nuwa becoming a saint are all proving to the beings in the prehistoric times that becoming a saint is not a luxury. In the prehistoric Taoism, there are living beings who can achieve the realm of saints.

Cihang's eyebrows were filled with infinite brilliance at this time. This was his joy for his fellow Taoists to pursue the Tao and represented his confidence that he could also achieve the Tao. In the near future, there will be a saint in the prehistoric Taoist era. His fruition status will belong to Cihang.

Nuwa has become a saint and has become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal Realm. Even though these two news caused a great reaction among the gods and demons of the prehistoric world, it does not matter to many creatures living at the bottom of the prehistoric world. , they are more happy to have this short-term peace. For some creatures, getting this short-term peace in the war-torn wilderness is already their greatest satisfaction in this life.

Cihang once again set foot on Luojia Mountain, and this time he felt the joy of Luojia Mountain.

With the acceleration of the development of the Prehistoric Dao Era, everything that exists in the Prehistoric Dao Era has received benefits that belong to them. For example, in the Cave Heaven Paradise, many "spirits" belonging to them have been born. As Luojia of Cihang Dojo The mountains naturally give birth to their own "spirit".

These "spirits" of the Cave Heaven Blessed Land are different from those outside worlds that Cihang canonized before. Their scope of influence is only within the comfort of their own Cave Heaven Blessed Land. Just like if Cihang was on the South China Sea, even if he could I saw the whole picture of Luojia Mountain, but I couldn't feel any "spirit" about Luojia Mountain.

Only when Cihang actually set foot on Luojia Mountain and stepped into the scope of Luojia Mountain Cave Paradise, could he feel the "spiritual" emotions of Luojia Mountain Cave Paradise.

Perhaps one day, every Cave Heaven Blessed Land will reach a state similar to the prehistoric Taoism today.

Although it sounds like an extravagant wish, I never dared to imagine that all the ignorant creatures in the prehistoric times would be able to open their spiritual wisdom. Wouldn't it be realized when Nuwa became the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal?
In the ancient Taoism, nothing is the so-called extravagant hope. If it becomes the extravagant hope of a monk, it only proves that the monk is weak and unable to realize the "extravagant hope" that belongs to him.

Taiyin Xingjun slowly walked down from Huangya Peak while Cihang was quietly feeling the emotions belonging to the spirit of Luojia Mountain.

Everything happened too fast. From the very beginning when the Witch Clan sneaked up on the Demon Clan and was banned by Cihang using the power of humanity and Pangu's luck, to the last time Nuwa became a saint, the entire prehistoric Taoist era was rapidly evolving. As the evolution progressed, Lord Taiyin felt that it was too fast. Perhaps because of the extremely long lifespans of the gods and demons of the prehistoric era and their life and death that were not controlled by the long river of time, the gods and demons of the prehistoric times always liked to do things safely.

This also led to the inefficiency of the gods and demons in the prehistoric era. For a long time, the prehistoric era never thought that such a big event would happen one after another. In this moment, a word quickly came from Taiyin Xingjun's mind. Appears in: "The Age of Great Controversy".

Different from the competition for the position of the protagonist in the world in the previous era, there should be a character who is enough to change the future of the ancient world. He will lead the entire ancient world to his golden age. The eyes of the Taiyin Star Lord are looking towards After seeing Cihang, she felt vaguely in her heart that this god and demon was none other than Cihang.

What kind of virtues do the other prehistoric gods and demons have? She, Taiyin Xingjun, is also a prehistoric god and demon who has listened to the sermons in Zixiao Palace. How could she not know that contempt for the prehistoric gods and demons has become a habit of the prehistoric gods and demons? Okay, how can such an existence lead the prehistoric golden age?The consequences of mismatching Germany are usually very miserable.

But Cihang is very suitable for such a position. His compassion is unknown in the ancient Taoism. The endless merits above Qingyun are the testimony of Cihang's compassion. Such gods, demons, How could such Cihang not be the leader?

Even if she, Taiyin Star Lord, guessed wrong, Cihang still had the ability to protect her. With no worries, why didn't she, Taiyin Star Lord, give herself a try?

None of the ancient gods and demons have really lost their desire to make progress. Their so-called loss is just a kind of waiting for the opportunity to rise to the top. Now Taiyin Star Lord feels that the opportunity to rise to the top is right in front of her.

The spirit butterfly named Danfei turned into a dao body, stood behind Taiyin Xingjun, and she also looked at Cihang.

Different from the cares in Taiyin Xingjun's heart, her heart is very simple, so simple that she only has admiration and respect for Cihang.Think about it, how could a person who can continue to practice for the sake of the Tao explained by Cihang not be pure?
On Huangya Peak, countless prosperity is still blooming.

However, when Cihang and Taiyin Xingjun first came to Luojia Mountain, the flowers on Huangya Peak were full of spiritual charm. Herbs were the most difficult to open spiritual wisdom. Now they can successfully open it with the help of Nuwa's Taoist charm to achieve Hunyuan. Spiritual and intelligent, countless illusory spirits are flying among the flowers, and bees and butterflies are fluttering gently all around.

Looking at the plants and trees on Luojia Mountain, Cihang had many insights.

He thought of the original ruin and current prosperity, of the prosperity and peace of the creatures here, of the Tao here, and of the question-and-answer dialogue with Dan Fei, which belonged to his Cihang Tao heart. It was transparent, so transparent that one could see the vast world through Cihang's Taoist heart.

But later, Cihang thought of all living beings and the two Lich clans who were still powerful at this time. After thinking of his own vision, Cihang's eyebrows were filled with determination. For the sake of the Tao in his heart, he needed to practice himself idea.

Cihang did not have the ability to communicate with his mind. Facing the ancient gods and demons like Taiyin Xingjun, even if he had his psychic ability, it would be of no help. However, Cihang was not a fool and could survive in future generations and even live to infinity. Cihang, who was about to measure the calamity, could easily detect the fluctuation in Taiyin Star Lord's eyes.

That kind of fluctuation is like getting an opportunity.

Cihang was very familiar with it. Whenever those monks and souls in the world of great strife met the Ming Master, they would look like the Lord of Taiyin Star in their eyes.

Perhaps, he should also use the brand effect of Taiyin Star Lord to attract other gods and demons to join him. You know, he Cihang wants to be the god and demon of the Great Heavenly Lord!
(End of this chapter)

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