The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 156: What is the order of Yuqing to save Cihang?

Chapter 156: What is the order of Yuqing to save Cihang?

At this moment, all the hustle and bustle in the ancient world seems to have disappeared. When the light of ignorance no longer appears, when reincarnation operates normally, when ghosts can be reincarnated, only one figure is missing, and his body is there. He was floating quietly there, surrounded by only lotuses woven with the purest innate aura surrounding him.

Yuqing's eyes looked at Cihang without blinking. The face that always had a smile was still lying here quietly with a smile even now. He was a god who had cultivated to the level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. The Demonic Monk's fingers now trembled, and he did not dare to touch Cihang's body. His hands trembled slightly and hung in the air, without any strength to move forward any further.

"I cultivate the Tao. I cultivate the Tao of order. I cultivate the Tao of enlightening the heavens. I cultivate the Tao of myself. I know this is your Tao, the road you want to take. Disciple Cihang, you go. It’s very good.”

There has never been another moment when Yu Qing's voice was so trembling. His voice was always so steady and majestic, but only this time, when facing his beloved disciple, it was so trembling, with a hint of trembling in it. Stand firm.

There will always be many miracles in the world. Cihang was able to be resurrected even when his aura was dissipated when he was making up for the West. But that was because although the aura belonging to Cihang dissipated, his spirit remained in the prehistoric world. Having existed, all the merits in the sky can restore his aura, and follow the traces of his existence in the world to restore Cihang.

However, he sacrificed to the Tao, and everything about him seemed to have been transformed into the Tao, existing in the mountains and rivers of the prehistoric world. Even the monstrous merits could not bring Cihang back to life. Yuqing, a Hunyuan Golden Immortal, could not resurrect Cihang. What can be done?

He wanted to do it, to resurrect Cihang, but the facts told him that he couldn't do what he wanted to do. In the face of the facts, even he Yuqing, a great magical practitioner who had practiced to the level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, called himself The existence of one of Pangu's authentic sects is equally futile and useless. The endless powerlessness is like the sea water that has been soaked, deeply wrapping Yuqing.

"The white lotus in the purple bamboo forest is very beautiful. The season should be open now. I will take you back to Luojia Mountain to show you the white lotus in the purple bamboo forest. They are very beautiful..."

Yuqing whispered low words into Cihang's ear as she held Cihang in her arms and slowly walked towards Luojia Mountain.

Unfortunately, Cihang's eyes were still closed tightly, his lips were still slightly raised, and he was quietly held in Yuqing's arms without saying a word.

"Have you now learned how to disobey the teacher and disrespect the teacher, right? You won't reply when the master talks to you?"

Yuqing's eyes were slightly opened outwards, he suppressed the tears that were about to shed, and walked towards Luojia Mountain just like that.

He couldn't cry, couldn't lose Yuqing's face. This face was earned by his beloved disciple Cihang. How could he, the master, shed tears and lose the face that Cihang had finally earned back?

Therefore, he Yuqing cannot cry or lose face.

On Kunlun Mountain, Taiqing and Shangqing were silent. Even Shangqing, who was usually the most carefree, could not say a word at this time. His hand was stroking his sword, stroking it without saying a word, just like now The Shangqing became the same as the Yuqing before, as silent and speechless... The purple bamboo forest is still the same as when Cihang was there, even if Cihang once transformed this land After passing by, the purple bamboo forest all over the mountain still exudes the lingering fragrance of bamboo, and the spiritual pond is gently rippled by the breeze.

This quiet bamboo forest gave birth to Cihang a long time ago, and now, that figure has returned, and Yuqing's figure appeared outside the purple bamboo forest again, with her white skirt and purple bamboo leaves disturbing her. An extremely sharp contrast was made between them.

"Today Master is back with you, back to the place where you met Master. Do you still remember that Master used some methods to test you here, and it was also from here that you were brought back by Master? After leaving Kunlun Mountain, if I knew that you would end up like this today, I would never let you leave this island again no matter what I said. Maybe it was a mistake for you to meet me..."

For the first time, his mistakes appeared in Yuqing's mouth. The only time he admitted that he had made a mistake was in front of Cihang's body.

Yuqing thought a lot. He thought that if he hadn't taken Cihang out, brought him out of Luojia Mountain, and exposed him to these things prematurely, maybe he wouldn't have become a Taoist, but he also knew in his heart, This is impossible. Cihang's path of compassion will eventually lead Cihang to embark on such a path. Even if he stands in the way, he cannot always stop him.

Monks have been pursuing the Dao all their lives, and they can leave life and death behind for the Dao. Therefore, Yuqing will never stop Cihang from pursuing his Dao, or stop Cihang and say that his behavior is wrong. It was his heart and his way that gave him the most correct choice. Yuqing had no reason to stop all of this. Cihang's way of compassion was very good.

Just looking at the endless merits floating away, the golden rain belonging to merits has not stopped for 81 days in the entire prehistoric world. It can be seen that Cihang has lived up to Yuqing's expectations for him. Yuqing is now willing to Cihang walked slower. If he had walked slower, he wouldn't have left his master so quickly.

It was too late, things had already happened, the corners of Yuqing's mouth pulled upwards, the irony was that Cihang, who created and dominated the appearance of reincarnation, couldn't enter reincarnation after death, how ironic.

He began to laugh loudly. The word "crazy" that had never been associated with Yuqing appeared on Yuqing for the first time. The so-called rules and order had long been forgotten by him. .

Yuqing looked at the purple bamboo forest and the sky on Luojia Mountain. His eyes saw through the sky the dense rules and order that belonged to it. That was his way, the way he had been maintaining.

He looked at Cihang's face again, and he suddenly felt that his approach might be wrong.

If it was true, why did his disciple, who was such a good person, just close his eyes here?

How could this nonsense order determine the death of his disciple?
The aura belonging to his jade was stirring, like hot water about to boil, about to boil and gush out.

Today, he Yuqing will rebel! !
(End of this chapter)

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