Chapter 176

Rahu comes to fight!

Cihang's sword was pointed at Luo Hui from a distance. In one word, all the black smoke covering the entire Ten Thousand Demons Realm was dissipated. Along with it, countless others belonging to and affiliated with the Ten Thousand Demons Realm were also dissipated. countless small worlds.

Amidst the fall of countless things, Cihang's sword remains unchanged. The sword is like a giant dragon from the time when three clans were fighting for hegemony in ancient times. It hovers and jumps in the sky, revealing its edge and countless rules. The chain was like a blooming chrysanthemum at this moment.

Each "petal" belongs to the manifestation of a rule. The only rule that Cihang practices is Cihang. He is a professional person, not the kind of monk who has learned a lot, but who makes him the great master of the ancient world? Where is Tianzun?

As the Great Heavenly Lord of the prehistoric Taoist era, there is not even a little bit of water mixed in it. The power he brings as a Heavenly Lord is not to mention how powerful it is.

Take the current situation as an example, as long as it is a regular avenue under the control of Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric era, he has the status of "courtier" in front of him, even if Cihang, the Great Heavenly Lord, does not particularly understand the principles and principles of these ministers. However, as the Great Heavenly Lord, he can still use these "ministers", and the "ministers" must also listen to Cihang's orders.

Everything comes down to Cihang’s Great Heavenly Lord!
The character belonging to Cihang Tianzun shines brightly at this moment, like a golden crow rising in the east, slowly spreading its wings and releasing light - just like in the prehistoric Taoist era, there are countless rules When the light belonging to the Tianzun's status shines, it is like a roaring dragon looking up to the sky, rushing straight towards the stone pillar where the Demon Ancestor Rahu exists.

Luo Hu's scarlet eyes also became much dimmer at this moment. As someone who specializes in the practice of magic, and can even be said to have brought the magic from a path that no one cares about to what it is today, he can keenly perceive the magic. The rules and order of the rules are just like the immortal way that is carried forward in Hongjun's hands and can be used skillfully.

Luo Hu's use of the Demonic Way was as good as any, even more so. But at this moment, when Cihang's Tianzun status revealed the brilliance of his Tianzun status, he felt that the Demonic Way was out of control. , the rules of magic no longer operate as usual, like a wild horse that has escaped the reins and is difficult to tame.

Scarlet eyes looked straight at Cihang. At this moment, Luo Hu had never felt that the white clothes were so dazzling.

Why is the demonic path out of control? Isn't this a matter of course for Cihang?

Don't forget Cihang's current identity. He is the Great Heavenly Lord of the ancient Taoist era. He is a being who respects all rules and orders. He can change even the laws of heaven at will, let alone those who are under the jurisdiction of heaven. What about the rules of magic?

It's not that Luo Hu created the rules of magic. He just created the method of cultivating magic based on the rules of magic. Styx in the ancient Taoist era also dabbled in magic. It's just that Luo Hu is too famous. But even if Luo Hu masters the magic, No matter how skilled you are, so what?
In front of the Great Heavenly Lord who is in charge of everything, the rules are only for surrendering to him. Cihang has done nothing, but Luohu has lost one of his major attack methods and fundamentals!
The rules of magic were out of control due to Luo Hu. As the deity in charge of everything, Cihang naturally felt it and threw the sword in his hand in the direction of Luo Hu.

In an instant, the sword turned into a huge phoenix, raising its head to the sky and singing. At this moment, countless regular chains turned into the wings of a huge phoenix bird like a swallow returning to its nest. This phoenix with more plump wings The bird, with a seemingly regular light shining in its eyes, rushed straight to the direction of Luo Hu.

When all the rules belonging to the ancient Taoism are attacking a living being at this moment, then for this creature, whatever he does is useless, because it is impossible for a living being to resist the foundation of the entire prehistoric Taoism!
Luo Hu's resistance at this time was as ridiculous as a mantis trying to control a chariot. The crisis of life and death once again appeared in Luo Hu's heart. The last time this feeling appeared was when he faced Hongjun during the Tao Demon catastrophe. How long had it passed before the new generation of the Primordial Dao Era was able to make Luo Hu, a famous senior, feel a life-and-death crisis?
For gods and demons who never pay attention to the passage of time, everything is progressing too fast.

But he would not admit defeat. A square formation was revealed from the endless black clouds. At this moment, it was shining with dark red light, like a glutton, swallowing all the rules and seemed to be able to do so. Incorporate these rules into the formation diagram.

Cihang's expression did not change. As a person from the previous life, he naturally knew that the demon ancestor Luo Hu had a treasure. This treasure allowed him to escape the life and death crisis when he fought against Hongjun. Now this treasure is also possessed by Luo Hu. I sacrificed myself and wanted to rely on my previous routine to escape the life and death crisis.

But could this still happen?

Standing next to Luohu now is the Great Heavenly Lord from the prehistoric era. If he is not in the position of the Great Heavenly Lord, no matter how hard Luo Hu imagines, he cannot imagine how powerful the Great Heavenly Lord is. Yuanda Luo Jinxian's Hongjun has never had such great power.

Behind Cihang is the entire prehistoric era!
Even the "World of Ten Thousand Demons", the base camp of Demon Ancestor Rahu, is attached to the ancient Taoist disciplines!
A treasure that comes from the ancient Taoist era, no matter how powerful it is, but so what, how can it swallow the entire prehistoric Taoist era? Even if this picture is the Zhuxian Sword Formation diagram, it will not work. It is Luo Hu's genius. It can be said that he is the one who is ahead of all the gods and demons in the prehistoric times and can even fight with Hongjun and even escape from Hongjun's hands.

Using the patterns carved on the handle of the ax from the time when the Pangu ax existed, he intentionally created an artifact aimed at those who practice immortality.

Otherwise, why would such an artifact be named after "Zhu Xian"?
The purpose is to use the Immortal Cultivation Method created by Hongjun. You must know that the Immortal Cultivation Method, which is now the mainstream of prehistoric Taoist practice, can already be said to include nearly [-]% of the creatures in the entire Prehistoric Taoist Era. Such a thing is specifically for If the artifact created by the leisure method were used in the entire prehistoric era at this time, Cihang already knew what the outcome would be without thinking too much. It would undoubtedly be a war even worse than the Lich War. Great catastrophe for the prehistoric creatures.

Luo Hu's intentions can be said to be truly sinister. He is following up to solve the entire prehistoric era and realize his ideal of destruction.

After all, for Luo Hu, nothing could make him happier than destroying the entire prehistoric world.

The artifact of the Zhuxian Sword Diagram has no level, but the edge from the Zhuxian Sword Diagram is such that even the innate treasures can match it. It is far beyond what can be measured with the level of acquired spiritual treasures, but it is not good. No, in front of the entire prehistoric Taoism, even the four swords of Zhu Xian and the formation of Zhu Xian swords that were later matched will not work!

All obstacles can only be turned into ashes as if they were devastating.

The array was being destroyed continuously. Rahu's eyes suddenly opened wide. Four swords ran out of the rules like dragons. These were swords created from the aura of the rules of the devil. After an unknown length of gestation, the artifact matched with the Zhu Xian Sword Diagram.

But just like that sentence said, even the four swords of Zhuxian that were later matched with the Zhuxian sword formation diagram would not work!Because this is the will of the Great Heavenly Lord. He let Luo Hu die. Even if Hongjun stands in front of Luo Hu and helps Luo Hu, it is of no use, because this is the order of the Great Heavenly Lord, and the entire prehistoric Taoism must be obeyed!
No living being can violate the will of the Heavenly Lord, not even the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian, even the Taoist ancestor praised by all living beings!

The jet-black chain of rules was like a poisonous snake, piercing Luo Hu's body. The jet-black chain was an existence that was not unfamiliar to Luo Hu. The reason was very simple.

That chain comes from the great road chain that Luo Hu is most familiar with, the great road chain of the devil.

There is nothing more cruel than Cihang's approach to murder, using the method that his opponent is most familiar with and most proud of to directly kill his opponent. There is nothing more cruel than this in the whole prehistoric era.

At that moment, Luo Hu couldn't say a word and stared at his scarlet eyes. Everything happened too fast. Cihang didn't give him a chance to react and directly dealt with him. At this moment, he finally The idea is that he is a joke.

The grand plan to avenge Hongjun and destroy the prehistoric Daoji was like a huge clown's smiling face in Luo Hu's heart at this moment, like a clown on the stage, his existence was like Like a joke.

On the white skirt is a huge golden dharma image, which is a huge dharma image condensed from the will of all living beings in the prehistoric era. The colorful rainbow light is projected on the world of demons, and all the violent atmosphere is dissipating. Just like hitting the sun-drenched snow, everything disappears without any discussion.

The mark that Luo Hu put on the rules of magic also slowly disappeared at this time.

To do something, you must do it completely and perfectly. Leaving anything behind is a kind of disrespect for the opponent.

Other gods and demons, even characters like Di Jun and Di Jiang, who are leaders of the two Lich clans, are just allowed to sink into the ruins. When the immeasurable calamity comes, they can also have a chance to return, but Regarding the issue of Rahu, what Ci Xing did was to truly "remove the weeds and root out the roots", because Cihang now used the authority of the Great Heavenly Lord to directly integrate the demon ancestor Rahu into the rules of the devil, and became the rule of the devil to develop and grow. Without a share of nourishment, Rahu will not be able to be resurrected in a lifetime.

It is even less likely to cause trouble like when the immeasurable calamity came in the previous life.

Cihang raised his head slightly and lightly grasped the void with his fingers. All the demonic creatures derived from Luo Hu's path of demon disappeared in his palm.

Cihang needs the demon creatures, but what he doesn't need are the demon creatures created by Luo Hu. These creatures are marked with Luo Hu's mark from the very beginning. Even if Luo Hu has disappeared, the mark left by Luo Hu can't be ignored. It has not dispersed either, because many of the current demon creatures are derived from Rahu's mark.

Even if Rahu does not exist for such violent demonic creatures, how good can you expect the temperament of the creatures derived from Rahu's mark to be?
Most of them are violent to the core, and a small number of them are completely composed of violence. Such existences are garbage-like existences for the development of the ancient times.

Since it is garbage, it needs to be cleaned up. It has no value in existence.

Cihang's fingers flicked lightly in the air, and the voice of the rules came. The dark chains of the magic rules appeared, and now they were like intimate little snakes, nestling on Cihang's body. The rules of magic at that time were so clean, and there was no tyranny and destructive tendency coming from the influence of Rahu.

His fingers lightly traced the chain of rules, and the next moment the chain of magic rules rippled.

Countless demon creatures were born at this moment in the fluctuations of the chain of rules. These newly born demons are the demons needed in the upward development of the prehistoric era.

The Cihang of today is no longer the Cihang of the past.

Gone are the days when he would sacrifice himself to achieve success like before.

As the current Great Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Daoji, let me make it clear that the burden he carries is the entire prehistoric sentient beings. If something requires him, the Great Heavenly Lord, to sacrifice himself, then who else can manage this world?
When the role one assumes is different, then the way this role or this creature handles things will be different.

It’s not that you have forgotten your original intention, but when your status changes and your role changes, your previous practices and ways of doing things may be counterproductive, and sometimes you may even create a bigger mess. Solving problems is not creating them. , for Cihang, who changed his identity many times in his previous life, this truth is not difficult to understand.

Now, as the Great Heavenly Lord, he is more concerned with grasping the overall situation. He does not need to do many things personally. What he needs is to select those who do it.

Just like the development of the ancient Taoism, even if he became the Great Heavenly Lord, the first order he gave was to select a new protagonist of the world.

Because the development of prehistoric times requires an existence that can represent all living beings.

Now, the selection of the protagonist of Heaven and Earth should be over...

(End of this chapter)

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