The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 179 The Celestial Court was established

Chapter 179 The Celestial Court was established

Under the control of Cihang, countless pavilions were arranged one by one according to the layout he imagined.

From the outside to the inside, the eight heavenly gates located in the eight directions of the new heaven are located first.

Take the Nantian Gate as an example. Its whole body is made of Jiutian red jade as the main body, and countless rules are mixed into it. At the top of the Nantian Gate, there is a statue of the Suzaku god cast with Nanguang real gold, soaring in the nine heavens. The posture is dominating, and each wing is engraved with miniature sculptures of various famous Cave Heaven Paradises belonging to the southern prehistoric region. The postures of various racial creatures living in the south are also lifelike between the wings of the Suzaku statue.

Entering from the Tianmen, you will find the Pillar of Stars, which hosts 360 five ancient star gods in the sky, and there are also [-] evil evil spirits and auxiliary star gods who echo each other from a distance.

Among the tall star pillars, the Seventh of the 28 Constellations, where the Nantian Gate is located, naturally corresponds to the "South" fruition position, and is the most dazzling existence among them.

The well wood carving is made of green wood gold; the ghost gold sheep is made of Luoyao gold; the willow deer is made of moon white gold; the star horse is made of jade ring gold; the Zhang Yue deer is made of moon watch gold; the winged fire snake is tempered by Luo Hua gold; The earthworms made of clear water gold shone brightly on the star pillars, as if they contained the aura of the star god within them. From a distance, seven regular chains connected the seven stars to each other. The location of the pillar is like a lighthouse-style existence. The seven pillars are established here, and the self-generated rules are defined as the "south" of the heaven.

The layers of star pillars are like a forest of pillars. They are empty and ethereal in the clouds and mist. Within them, a large array, the "Star Array of the Zhoutian Stars", is formed, although it is not arranged according to the stars of the Zhoutian Star God. , but the Star Pillar also contains the rules of the stars in the sky, so it also has [-]% of the strength of the original version. Even with the blessing of the Tianzun Seal of Ci Tianzun, it can instantly reach [-]% of the power of the original version.

Between the bright stars is a bridge made of white marble. Under the bridge is immeasurable true water. According to Cihang's imagination, the true water surrounds the entire edge of the heaven. The aura inside it turns into a water beast, leisurely and leisurely. The earth is playing leisurely and contentedly in the Tianhe River. Each drop of countless true water contains a small prehistoric Taoism. Just like the small prehistoric Taoism created by Cihang existed as a place of testing, countless The rules belonging to the prehistoric Dao Ji are intertwined to form a square of small prehistoric Dao Ji hidden in the immeasurable true water.

Anyone who does not walk across the white marble bridge, or flies directly over it, or directly intends to swim across the Milky Way, will lose all their Tao, magic and magic as time goes by due to the power of the world. As time goes by, the power of countless worlds acts on the intruder. Even if he can enter the ruins by then, it will be considered that the intruder has a decent way to die and will not die so suffocatingly. Surrendered.

Countless spiritual energy is immersed in the rays of the sun, smeared with colorful rainbow light. Under the influence of the rules, countless colorful red-crested phoenixes fly in the sky on the bridge, and their crows are melodious and sweet. The appearance of the phoenix represents the existence of a race. This is just a means that Cihang, as the Great Heavenly Lord of the Great Desolation, monitors the entire Taoism of the Great Desolation.The colorful phoenix where the Nantianmen is located naturally represents the number of living creatures in the south. The colorful phoenixes surrounding the other Tianmen also have the same meaning.

The gauze woven from the precious energy of the innate spiritual treasures is hung down to make the curtain of the arch; the light of the sky is used to transform the Tao charm into the pearls to be decorated with stars and candles; the "human" charm of all living beings is transformed into countless images. Rain-like flying flowers are flying freely between the arches, not to mention that the stone bricks used in the current era of the heaven are condensed and created with the charm of the Nine Heavens. It cannot be said that the existence of the heaven is the most powerful place in this prehistoric era. After all, the current Heavenly Court still relies on the existence of Cihang, the top combat power, but it must not be wrong to say that it is the most luxurious existence.

Walk across the white marble bridge, pass through 18 arches with hanging gauze woven with Baoqi, and walk through the blue brick road formed by countless auras.As far as the eye can see, there is a huge square. The road to the Bafang Tianmen is the same. There is no difference in the same configuration. There is also the same square. In the middle of the square, there is a huge spiritual pool. of.

The water in the pool is derived from the pure Qi of the Zhou Dynasty mixed with the purest innate spiritual energy. The collection of each drop of raw materials will be very difficult. Even if it is truly formed, it will take nearly half of Yuan Hui's time. There are countless white lotuses growing in the pond. Each lotus as white as jade belongs to the category of spiritual roots. The largest twelve-grade white lotus planted in the center is ranked among the innate ones. The grade of Pinlinggen.

In the center of the huge white lotus is a huge pillar of light. Only by entering the pillar of light and under the power of the rules can one fly from the pillar of light to the higher level, which is where the Heavenly Palace is. There is a god in each direction. As the location of the Divine Palace, the palace has the eight regular powers of earth, fire, wind, water, light, darkness, time and space. It can not only detect whether the visitor is an enemy, but also a place where cultivators can be promoted to the imperial priesthood. It also represents the opponent of the heavenly realm. a kind of acceptance by the person.

This is the heaven created by Cihang, a place created with his will in every aspect and containing the rules and principles between heaven and earth. As for the palaces of the six great Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and the Tongming Hall where Cihang is located, Except for this, the rest are all built with the leadership of the imperial palaces of the emperors of the four directions as the center.

These little things don't matter to Cihang. Cihang is more concerned about the re-election of the protagonist of heaven and earth.

The selection of talents is just one of the smooth things. I believe that in the prehistoric era, few living beings would find it a chore to serve in heaven.

After experiencing the pain of the war, Cihang's strong appearance suppressed all the unrest that occurred after the dominance of the Lich and Lich clans disappeared. Cihang's action alone has won the respect of almost [-]% of the lower class creatures. This kind of admiration attracted them to enter the heaven re-created by Cihang after Cihang became the Great Heavenly Lord in the prehistoric times.

What's more, Cihang's master is one of the six Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals. He has Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian as his background and is an extremely powerful Hunyuan Golden Immortal. With all these conditions added together, the entire prehistoric Dao era Among them, the attitude towards the Heavenly Court founded by Cihang is much better than that of the Heavenly Court when Haotian was first established in the previous life.

Emperor Lingguang presented the final selection.

As expected, this time the protagonist of the world is still the Spirit Clan. Looking at the word "Spirit Clan", Cihang sighed in his heart, things have changed and people have changed, and things that appeared in the previous life will appear again now.The human race, the race that had left a deep imprint on the entire history of the prehistoric era countless tribulations ago, was born in the hands of Cihang at this time.

This feeling was still a very novel experience for Cihang, and a feeling of witnessing the emergence of history appeared in Cihang's heart.

Cihang moved his fingers casually, and the memorial showed the comparison between the performance of the Spirit Race and the performance of other races.

For many innate races, the Spirit Race may be the weakest and most despised opponent in their eyes. First of all, their identity as born souls has caused [-]% of the Innate Race to ignore the emergence of the Spirit Race. In addition, In many aspects, the abilities of the Yuling Tribe are not as good as those of the other acquired races originally created by Nuwa. However, as the last acquired race created by Nuwa, the Spirit Tribe is not that useless. His greatest characteristic lies in his character. superior.

Their hearts are like a flame that will never be extinguished, always burning. In the face of failure, in many cases, it is easy for bystanders to persuade while watching the development of things, but for the person involved, it is difficult to control the situation. My own mood is already a good behavior, because the sensibility among creatures will directly replace rationality at this time and occupy the absolute dominant position. In the test of dreams, the focus of Cihang's investigation is that each race insists on Conservation, and will not have a self-defeating or angry mentality when it comes to failure. Cihang needs to be positive, able to encounter problems in the future development environment, and be good at analyzing and providing solutions that are suitable for them. .Like the Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan, in any case, as beings with the heritage of the three ancient clans, they already have no shortage of resources. The smooth journey on the road of cultivation has nourished their ambitions, but in the dream, one after another After the failure, the calm outer appearance of the Dragon Clan's heart was finally torn apart. When a creature's Taoist heart is disordered, then this Taoist friend can still be saved, but if the entire Taoist heart has taken the wrong path from the moment it appeared, , then for such creatures, even the early Cihang would stipulate that if they are like this, there is no need for them to come to Luojia Mountain to listen to the lectures.

In the prehistoric era, the only one who achieved the highest score in all the answers was the Spirit Clan. Maybe his method of dealing with problems was sometimes biased or radical, but that kind of method of dealing with hair was the only one that had ever been used in Tiandao so far. Under the operation of rules, the most familiar and most acceptable answer is the one that is accepted by the rules of heaven and earth.

Perhaps when the Eldar answer questions, their answers will be inconsistent. Although the answers are different, the mood of the matter is unified.

Different from the previous path of "predating the weak and the strong", it adopts the chain of "united" interests, and all living beings are involved in such a big net. When the time comes to look up, it will naturally be the one founded by Cihang. Heaven has become the leader.Although the current spirit clan does not have a moderate and peaceful way of doing things, Cihang believes that the spirit clan will definitely have such an idea in the future. For the prehistoric Dao Ji of peace in the future, there is nothing like this "moderate peace" The concept is even better.

This is not Cihang blindly betting on the future of the Spiritual Clan. His past life experience has reached the present. Cihang feels that many of the memories of his past life are very different from the current events. Cihang even feels that if the development continues, the entire prehistoric era will be ruined. The future direction of Cihang, for Cihang, he will not know the planning and future trends.

But the reason why Cihang was able to swear so confidently was because of the characteristics of the Spiritual Tribe itself.

A kind of ideological adaptability to the times. The courage to fight and kill when it first appeared. When it developed, it changed its thinking in time and turned into an offensive and defensive thinking. It even directly started the idea of ​​​​accumulating the foundation of the temple. Compared with other For the acquired spiritual races, the path of the spiritual race is much faster than theirs.

When a certain time comes and the entire prehistoric era enters a period of peaceful development, the Spiritual Race, as the protagonists of the world at that time, will definitely change their thinking.

What's more, the future protagonist of the Spirit Clan, there is a being in his clan who is even more powerful than his master Bo Yuqing. You must know that the master Bo Yuqing has created a method suitable for countless acquired spiritual practices. Without saying anything else, just saying that the amount of merit contained in it is not comparable to other living beings, but that one really shocked all living beings in the entire prehistoric era, including the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the entire prehistoric era. .

"The name Spirit Clan is not suitable for ruling all living beings in the prehistoric era and becoming the protagonists of heaven and earth."

Cihang's voice fell slowly, "Even if this name was given by Empress Nuwa, it seems that the development of the Spirit Clan has exceeded my expectations and that of Empress Nuwa, so it will naturally need to be changed!"

Cihang said this very firmly. For a protagonist of heaven and earth, a name that is suitable for the unification of heaven and earth plays a key role.

Why did the Lich clan react so strongly to the clan name change?

On the one hand, it was the result of being slapped directly in the face, losing face in front of countless prehistoric beings, and becoming angry from shame.

Another aspect is that it affects the luck. If a bad word is attached to a race, the luck of the entire race will be suppressed. As time goes on, the future of destruction is not far away.

The word "spirit" is suitable for the developing acquired race, and it is also suitable for the temporary protagonist of the world.

But for a protagonist who has gone through countless calamities, this name cannot be suppressed, so this is the reason why Cihang said this to Emperor Lingguang after reading the memorial.

As for the name, didn’t the Spirit Race in the previous life already give the answer?

After all, the name of the human race gradually revealed its figure in the long river of history.

After hearing what Cihang meant, Emperor Lingguang bowed down and retired. Changing the name of a race that is the protagonist of Heaven and Earth is not a hasty matter. Emperor Lingguang also had to discuss holding a ceremony with other emperors.

In the vast Tongming Hall, Cihang's voice murmured endlessly:

Human race, long time no see......"

(End of this chapter)

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