The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 182 Do you believe me?I'll take you away

Chapter 182 Do you believe me?I'll take you away

The chain of rules became as fast as a dragon in this period of time. Anyone who dared to stand in front of him would only end up being destroyed.

Among the rules left by the Chaos Gods and Demons, the most powerful Daoyun have given birth to their own "spirits" and no longer act like those who still rely on the regretful instincts left by the Chaos Gods and Demons during their lifetimes. These can form The Tao charm of "spirit" does not mean that the Tao rules it possesses are stronger than the Tao rules practiced by other chaotic gods and demons.

There is no strong or weak distinction between Tao. All Tao, even those derived from other Tao, are the same. There is no strong or weak distinction.

What suits you is the best. Hongjun practices the way of balance, and Nuwa practices the way of creation.

Do you dare to say that the power of the Way of Creation is weaker than that of the Way of Balance?

Whether the power is strong or not depends on how deep the living beings can understand the Dao they are practicing. The depth and breadth of the Dao exist even for those chaotic gods and demons who have reached the peak in the last Dao Era. I am confident that I have mastered the entire rules of the avenue.

As for those left behind by the Chaos Gods and Demons with profound Dao charm, they are naturally those whose understanding and understanding of their own practice rules and Dao are better than those of other Chaos Gods and Demons.

The clear black and white rules are intertwined with each other. The colors between black and white are pure, and the contrast between them is full of impact. The huge and complicated rules are intertwined in a huge world according to certain rules.

It can be said that the size of this world is enough to be one of the largest among the worlds affiliated with the Prehistoric Daoji.

A figure is standing in the center of the rules, looking at one side from a distance. That direction is the direction of Zixiao Palace in Tianwaitian. The surrounding void is exuding the rule chains of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and the remaining rule chains of Chaos Gods and Demons. The sounds of collisions became the accompaniment of the figure here.

The regular colliding airflow blows away the long hair on his forehead, and the black and white long hair is scattered and fluttering behind him due to the blowing of the airflow.


His voice was light, and the ubiquitous rules contained the power of life and death, surrounding him and constantly surrounding him to form new power of rules.

The power of that rule is "reincarnation".

Reincarnation is not only the regular power contained in this figure, but also the name of this figure.

He is not a creature born in the prehistoric Taoist era itself, so he will not have spiritual wisdom like the prehistoric creatures. When he incarnates into the innate Taoist body, he will be given a true name by the Tao of Heaven.

He didn't understand the meaning of the name. When he was just born with spiritual wisdom, he only had two huge innate Taoist scriptures "Reincarnation" in his mind, so he himself was also called "Reincarnation". Later, when he could When he went out briefly relying on the power of the rules, he encountered the remnants of the "life" and "death" rules.

Not as strong as the Taoist charm of reincarnation, the power of rules of life and death did not give birth to spirits belonging to their own rules.

So he swallowed up the power of the rules of life and death, and then he learned the other four innate Taoist texts: "life" and "death".

Now he once again knew a word, and this word was "prehistoric".

Compared with many other spirits born from the residual rules of chaos gods and demons, reincarnation is the simplest existence among them. He will only stay quietly in a small corner, and will not destroy and devour everywhere. It is killing other spirits and absorbing them into its body in order to strengthen itself.

The greatest hobby of reincarnation is when the audience is protected by the rules of life and death and protected by the power of the rules of reincarnation.

The chance of other born spirits killing the reincarnation and devouring it is zero. Because of the special nature of the reincarnation rules, maybe you just killed a reincarnation in the last second, and the next second under the power of the reincarnation rules, another one is in perfect condition and brand new. Reincarnation occurs.

To truly eliminate reincarnation, you need to consume the Dao Yun of the rules of reincarnation over and over again. But as reincarnation swallows up the rules of life and death, his Dao Yun is one of the most powerful existences among all spirits. Even if he manages to bite it down, other spirits hiding in the dark will not give up this opportunity when the time comes, and there may even be a "mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind".

Therefore, the state of indifference to the world is the daily state of reincarnation. He has been practicing quietly until the chains of the heavenly rules belonging to Hongjun suddenly appeared here, causing noise and breaking the tranquility. In this way, Samsara still stood there so quietly, watching the continuous collapse of rules and the dissipation of other spirits.

Even the so-called "sorrowful rabbit dies and fox" emotion does not exist in his eyes.

We have seen many times of cannibalism and reincarnation between spirits. There is nothing to be sad about. Even if they are also spirits born from the residual rules of chaos gods and demons, the rules and avenues upheld by each spirit are the same. The difference is that such characteristics make the power of spirits powerful and diverse, but the more disadvantage is that there is no so-called concept of ethnic groups.

Clans like the Yaozu still have interests connected with each other in the early stage, and in the later stage, they are directly connected with each other through luck and cultivation, which constantly deepens the concept of the group. There are other acquired races and innate creatures to supplement it and become a new force for the development of the demon clan.

Although there is no one among the spirits who is similar to "Emperor Jun", characters like "Rahu" are quite common among the spirits.

When Samsara's attention collides with the rules, they burst out with a sense of impact of power. This feeling makes Samsara addicted to it.

The continuous destruction of rules is a kind of "death" of an alternative nature, and the rules emitted by Hongjun continue to restore their own "life" with the help of the power of heaven. Such laws and principles make the feeling of reincarnation To the point of obsession.

Even if the relationship between the old and the new is only hidden and not expressed, for him who was born from reincarnation, he also understands the laws of hidden expression.

It is precisely because of this understanding that we become more obsessed with the intertwining of life and death, the cycle between life and death, the old and the new.

The prehistoric era is really interesting. The cold and lonely sky outside the sky has already made Samsara feel boring.

Through the power of the rules of reincarnation, Samsara can feel the vitality that belongs to the prehistoric era. It is a rising force in which there is both the power of life and death. Samsara can also feel the power of the rules of life and death that do not exist in the spirit. .

"It belongs to the ancient rules of reincarnation, which feels very interesting."

Following the power of the rules, the reincarnation wandering in the reincarnation of life and death suddenly opened his eyes, his sight no longer focused on the prehistoric daoji, but returned to the figure standing in the square in front of Tianwaitian Zixiao Palace on the body.

The white clothes and the vast majesty of heaven made Samsara stagger.

The heavy coercion of heaven is attached to that figure. Even if the blessings of heaven's power on several other creatures are added together, I am afraid it is not as much as half as that of that figure.

Just as Samsara was shocked by this discovery, the spying gaze of Samsara was noticed by Cihang who was standing on the square.Cihang's fingers were emptied in the air in front of him, and countless regular forces revealed their own traces under the power of heaven.

"Isn't it a force of reincarnation rules that does not belong to the ancient Taoism?"

Seeing the power of reincarnation in front of him, which was shocked by countless heavenly powers, Cihang was quite curious.

The word reincarnation, if nothing else, it is said that Cihang was the first to put forward the concept of reincarnation in the entire prehistoric Taoist era. Even because he wanted to create the most perfect reincarnation, even the so-called post-tutorial reincarnation in the previous life was He personally changed everything. It can be said that the entire reincarnation of the ancient Taoist era was discovered by Cihang.

In Cihang's view, the power of the rules of reincarnation is a force that he is very familiar with, but this power of the rules of reincarnation is something Cihang has never known.

The reincarnation between life and death, each reincarnation is the reincarnation between new life and the old. Countless reincarnations are superimposed on each other and jointly organized by the power of reincarnation rules. Cihang took a slight sip, and he had already transformed this new life. I have fully understood the power and truth in the rules of reincarnation.

It's very interesting that this new power is pure and untainted by evil causes and consequences.

Cihang's feet moved, and a scroll constructed by the power of heaven appeared in front of Cihang.

The power of heaven surges in it, and the rules of life, death and reincarnation are under Cihang's control. According to Cihang's analysis just now, he slowly experiments to find the proportion of components that can organize this kind of reincarnation rules. , and the experiment is considering how to integrate this new reincarnation rule into the prehistoric Taoist era, which is now entering a period of rapid development.

For the Great Heavenly Lord of the prehistoric times, as the overall power of the Great Heavenly Lord becomes stronger and stronger, the power held by the Great Heavenly Lord's fruition position will become stronger and stronger.

What's more, Cihang, who is practicing the path of compassion, has the foundation of his practice on all living beings, so he has been helping all living beings since he appeared on the "stage" of the ancient world. Now, with such an opportunity, How could he give up?

No matter from which point of view, Cihang will not give up this power of reincarnation rules that does not belong to the ancient Taoism.

As if feeling something, Cihang could feel a line of sight inexplicably observing him secretly. There was no malice or murderous intent in it, only endless curiosity.

Cihang guessed that this should be one of those spirits that tastes the rules of reincarnation. Cihang guessed that it should be a spirit born from the rhythm of the rules of reincarnation.

"A spirit that is pure and uncontaminated by murder, but contains special rules of reincarnation, is very interesting..."

Before Cihang could finish his words, the next second, the power of the laws of heaven bloomed at Cihang's feet, and Cihang's figure disappeared from the square in an instant.

His figure appeared above the sky, and the sounds of rules constantly consuming each other in his ears were endless and continuous, but these were just background sounds. For Cihang, his goal was not these. He is now The mission is not the same as that of other Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

His eyes focused on the figure entangled in black and white rules.

For the first time, shock and curiosity appeared in his black and white eyes.

"I know you, you are the current Great Heavenly Lord of the Great Dao Era." Samsara said curiously, without any thought of attacking Cihang. Cihang couldn't kill him directly anyway.

He is like an invincible little spirit. Not many spirits would think of confronting him. He has enough capital to satisfy his curiosity first.

"Why are you here? Aren't you watching from the square?"

Samsara asked the question sincerely. He was too pure, so pure that he asked Cihang this question in such a tone that seemed a bit sinister to many living beings.

Cihang was not angry, and the way of compassion could feel the character of the figure opposite him. There was curiosity, shock, and excitement, but there was no malice or murderousness.

This is a very rare existence for the spirits who were born out of the rules of the chaotic gods and demons.

After all, the gods and demons of Chaos fell due to the creation of the Prehistoric Dao Era. The remaining rules belonging to them will naturally carry a hatred of the prehistoric creatures, and will also affect the spirits born in the rules. what does it look like.

The reincarnation in front of him did not have such negative emotions in his heart, which only meant that the reincarnation in front of Cihang had gone on his own path, his own reincarnation road.

The power that Zuo Cihang discovered was unfamiliar to the rules of reincarnation was the embodiment of his path to reincarnation.

Don’t follow the steps, but have the courage to pioneer, just like Cihang back then. Before Cihang, no living being would pay attention to the avenue of compassion. There are many idealistic avenues, and not all living beings will have such a high character from the bottom of their hearts. , choose this kind of avenue that may sacrifice oneself to fulfill others.

Cihang always had a good impression of this kind of being who resolutely chose a method of practice that suited him regardless of other monks' eyes.

The premise is that reincarnation has never had any violent thoughts, and there are no so-called evil causes and consequences.

"Do you want to enter the prehistoric Taoist era with me and see the prosperity of the prehistoric Taoist era?"

Looking at Cihang's outstretched hand, Samsara asked Cihang seriously: "Are you going to kill me in the prehistoric era?"

Cihang also looked at Samsara seriously: "No, the Great Heavenly Lord always sticks to his word and will not lie to you."

Samsara suddenly smiled, "Okay, I believe you, I will follow you."

There were no other problems, it was just that simple, everything seemed to fall into place.

"Okay, I'll take you away..."

(End of this chapter)

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