The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 209 Introduction: Don’t cry, I’m here

Chapter 209 Introduction: Don’t cry, I’m here

Mother Buddha, this title is more suitable for Zhunti than anyone else.

Zhunti is smiling. Many creatures are very familiar with Zhunti's smile, because Zhunti has been smiling.

But Jie Yin knew that there were many differences in Zhunti's smile. At first, it was a smile for ideals, a smile of free and easy understanding, and now a smile of complete relief.

Suddenly, the corners of Jie Yin's mouth also raised slightly, and his originally plain expression was given a layer of agility that was different from his usual expression.

There was light in his eyes, not for the wild west, but for the figure surrounded by countless golden lights, perhaps when the swaying bodhi leaves slowly fell in front of him.

His fate has been marked secretly, marking that he belongs to this land and walks with that figure.

Zhunti turned to look at Jie Yin. Jie Yin did not dodge Zhunti's gaze, and his relieved smile became a unique agility that belongs to Jie Yin.

Countless bubbles flashing with false colors suddenly filled the western land with Jie Yin as the center point, like vines that were buried deep in the earth and grew wildly when the time was right. , south, north, and even where Buzhou Mountain is located, there is no way to escape these countless sparkling bubbles.

Bubbles are illusory, but if there are living beings who curiously touch those bubbles, they can even see phantom worlds different from the prehistoric era floating in them. Among all illusory worlds, they are the most obvious. In the very center, there is always an ancient Bodhi tree with swaying leaves and shining with dazzling golden light, becoming the most outstanding existence in all the illusory worlds.

The next moment, the ancient Bodhi tree in the foam was like fragile porcelain, peeling off layer by layer. In the void, the fragments continued to rotate, like a whirlwind.

The bright golden light still exists, like fireworks, bursting out in a short time an unforgettable beauty.

A sleeping figure lay in the golden light, with a solemn and radiant face, and no living being could glimpse its true face.

It seems that among all the illusory bubble worlds, only this sleeping figure is real.

The creatures have no way of knowing the name of that figure, but they unconsciously feel in their hearts that this figure has its own name, and that name should be called Jie Yin.

Illusory bubbles all over the sky fluttered over the entire prehistoric era. All creatures seemed to be in a sweet dream, with their eyes closed tightly and the rising arcs spontaneously outlined on the corners of their mouths.

"Karma?" Ancestor Karma looked at the scene where all this happened. He was confused at first, but then his frown suddenly relaxed.

Because he suddenly discovered that this seemed not to be cause and effect, but...

"Reality and illusion, contradictory things, this is my path, contradiction..." Zhunti could hear Jie Yin's muttering to himself clearly, but other creatures on the ancient continent could not hear it, because For Zhunti, what Jie Yin said is true, but the creatures will feel that what Jie Yin is saying now is a lie, and they will forget what Jie Yin said in an instant.

This is a contradiction, a contradiction that belongs to the practice of Jie Yin.

"I say, the evil spirits of the Nine Netherworld will be gone, and all living things will find their place!" It was like a huge hammer hitting the chain of rules belonging to the ancient way of heaven.

What he said was true, and the power of the rules spread out layer by layer. For a moment of confusion, what was the evil ghost?

Is there such a thing in Jiuyou Ji? It seems that there is not.

The power to leverage the rules of ancient Taoism is also a test of the path that Jie Yin practices.

The chain of rules slapped on the body of Jie Yin, which was the price to be paid for Jie Yin to change the cause and effect.

How could the chain of rules, which represented the punishment of the ancient Taoism, be so easy to bear?

The traces of Tao on the obvious scars are constantly eroding Jie Yin's body. The Tao practiced by Jie Yin is constantly resisting the erosion of these traces. His body, which already belongs to the saint, has cracks.

Cihang, perhaps all the gods and demons of the prehistoric times fell into silence at this moment, even Nuwa, whose spiritual thoughts had been wandering outside the prehistoric Taoism, also turned to Jingyin at this time.

Different from the establishment of a Buddhist sect in the memory of the previous life, what was set out in the previous life was a great ambition, which was the goal that needed to be achieved to establish this sect. Now it is not a goal but an actual thing to be achieved. The world of the prehistoric era is very big. , even with Cihang leading the way, the entire prehistoric era has continued to develop upwards.

But what has accumulated over time is not only the brewing heritage, but also the accumulated dust and ashes.

All these dust and ashes need to be cleaned. This is what all creatures in the prehistoric era should do, but now, a figure is the first to stand up.

Changing the dust according to its own rules.

Will the 48 great aspirations be realized?
Cihang didn't know, but he could understand Jie Yin's mood. Now, it seemed that all eyes were focused on Jie Yin like a spotlight.

Jie Yin also seemed to know that he was being secretly observed by his so-called colleagues. He didn't care about those eyes, nor did he care about the thoughts in those eyes.

His eyes were always the same as before, looking at Zhunti.

Zhunti was also looking at him. Zhunti was a prehistoric god and demon. The so-called sadness and crying were too far away for him. There was only a kind of determination in his eyes.

There is a kind of determination that always insists on supporting the path that Jieyin wants to take!
The two of them, who have been together for countless times, seem to be able to understand the meaning in each other's eyes without even saying a word.

I believe in you, just as you believed in the dream in my heart...

"My word!" This sound was like a bell that broke all sleeping creatures, and the sound echoed in the sky of the prehistoric era.

"Creatures are not malicious!" He roared, seemingly losing his usual indifference, but with one sentence involving all living beings, how many living beings would dare to be involved in such a huge cause and effect?
Countless chains of rules appeared out of thin air and whipped towards the Taoist body.

More and more cracks appear on the Tao body, but the Tao that Jie Ying practices is like fireworks at this moment, blooming with its own brilliance.

This is a battle between prehistoric creatures and prehistoric rules.

Jieyin didn't seem to give up because of the shattering of the Taoist body, the regular whipping, and the crushing of reason.

What he said is getting faster and faster, it seems that the continuous whipping of the chain of rules is also false. which converts to false.

Jie Ying used to practice cause and effect, but there were too many things about the way of cause and effect that he couldn't understand, so after becoming a saint, his path changed.

For himself and for the countless Western sentient beings standing behind him, Jie Yin believes that this is the right choice.

Now, he still thinks that his choice is correct and not wrong.

Yes, looking at Jie Yin's determined eyes, which creature would have the courage to say that Jie Yin's idea is wrong?

Zhunti's Tao is practiced in the entire Western world of the Prehistoric Taoism, so his Tao of Jie Yin is practiced throughout the entire Prehistoric Taoism. Even the affiliated derivative worlds outside the Prehistoric Taoism also belong to Jie Yin Jian. The scope of walking one's own path.

Jie Yin said, the light is infinite and the compassion is boundless.In the distance, Cihang stood up from the throne of Tongming Hall. His eyes seemed to have crossed the barrier of space and met with the leading eyes.

There are no words, but the real fate is like this. Without any words, the two can understand what is the real chance.

Jie Yin said that the Bodhi tree was his chance, and it was because of this that he became what he is today.

The sound of pieces peeling off may not be so obvious at this time, but Zhunti can hear it clearly from the side.

Under the chain reaction, cracks spread rapidly on Jie Yin's Tao body. Jie Yin's mouth kept talking, and he did not stop, even if the blade of death was slowly pushing into him.

But he still didn't stop his behavior, as if he couldn't feel the pain coming from the broken lines on his body.

It is a kind of erosion of the great road, and it is an existence that all living beings in the ancient world cannot avoid.

Now, countless erosions are miraculously located on the same figure, but that figure is even more miraculous.

His expression seemed to have not changed at all in the endless erosion and pain, and was still so calm, but the erosion was spreading rapidly when Jie Yin kept saying his goal, and the fragile porcelain was not as fast as it is now. The lead is also fragile.

Zhunti stood aside, he could prevent this from happening.

But he didn't stop the reception, he just stood aside and watched quietly as it happened.

Because Zhunti knows that this is the path that Jingyin has to take, and he cannot stop it, because this is the path of Jingyin.

"May all living beings in the world become enlightened, and may Buddhas be born everywhere!"

The last words, Jieyin were no longer shouted, but shouted.

The pain was like a hot flame that kept lingering in his heart, constantly tormenting Jie Yin, but Jie Yin's expression did not change.

In his dream, he has realized many times that there will always be sacrifices for the development of the ancient Taoism. In this case, why can't he be the guide for this sacrifice?

It is true that he is a saint from the prehistoric era, but he is also a creature that belongs to the prehistoric era!

The way of heaven is unkind and treats all things as stupid dogs. Under the way of heaven, ordinary creatures and this saint stand on the same level. They are equal.

Where is there anything truly noble?

There will eventually be living beings who have to walk on this road. Cihang walked it back then, and today, it is up to him to guide him through this road.

Jie Yin believed that he would not be the last person to walk on this path in the entire prehistoric era. He was just the most inconspicuous person on this path.

Finally, a breeze gently blew over Jie Yin's broken body.

The fragments are like the ancient bodhi tree in the middle of the illusory bubble, and the fragments are like fallen flower petals blown up by the wind.

Zhunti stared at this scene with his eyes blankly. He said nothing but his lips trembled tightly.

Countless words were choked in his mouth, but at this moment, the softest lips became thicker than those of the city wall, and he could not even say a word.

"Quite mention."

In the dark, it seemed that the voice of "Jie Yin" appeared in Zhunti's ears, and scenes related to "Jie Yin" appeared in his mind.

There is a saying that is right, only by losing can you understand the preciousness of lost things.

Now, Zhunti understood the meaning of this sentence, because at this time, Zhunti was shocked to find that his memory seemed to have a guiding figure in every scene from his birth to the present. with.

Throughout his life, Zhunti suddenly raised his head.

A voice of guidance came to my ears, "Look, this is my way..."

The mysterious voice finally made Zhunti's body tremble. At this moment, the boundless golden light showed unspeakable irony in Zhunti's eyes.

“What is Mahayana Buddhism?”

Zhunti murmured to himself. In fact, he already had an answer in his heart, and that answer was Jie Yin.

Using oneself as a boat to guide countless others, this is Mahayana Buddhism.

A tear finally came out of Zhunti's eyes.

Before the tears belonging to the Buddha Mother fell, countless golden lights suddenly became stronger than once.

The smallpox flying all over the sky exudes the aura that makes the living beings feel comfortable. It is like the illusory bubble caused by the initial introduction. These petals flying all over the sky are also scattered on the ancient world that belongs to the Taoist era. Every corner.

The petals are very soft, and under the lingering wind, they gently scratch Zhunti's cheek, as if caressing Zhunti's cheek.

That figure, that figure that had always existed in Zhunti's life, finally appeared again among the petals flying in the sky.

As if nothing had happened, Jie Yin was still standing there, still smiling at Zhunti, and even the curvature of the corners of his mouth did not seem to change when he smiled.

The power of contradiction and the power of rules are vividly reflected in Yu Jie Yin at this moment.

The power of rules seems to want him to be enlightened, but the contradictory rules turn his own spear into a shield.

The view of unity of opposites is also a manifestation of contradiction.

Jie Yin stood among the petals flying all over the sky. In the sound of wind, thousands of golden lotuses were slowly flying in the sky of the prehistoric era. Even the golden light belonging to merit was just a small decoration to decorate Jie Yin's figure. Thousands of Buddha lights among.

Zhunti opened his mouth: "I am happy to welcome the Buddha!"

(End of this chapter)

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